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Purification of Fibronectin Using Gelatin-Polymer Conjugates

Start Date: Saturday, Jan 01,2011

End Date: Monday, May 30,2011

School: School of Biotechnology

Thematic Area: Biotech

Project Incharge:Dr. Sanjay Pal
Co-Project Incharge:Veena, Uma Maheswari, Suvitha, Archana Kini, Swathy Marrar, Arjun KV, Uma VK, Jyostna T, Lekshmi Sankar, Vignesh Narayan H
Purification of Fibronectin Using Gelatin-Polymer Conjugates

Fibronectin is one of the extraceullar proteins in vertebrates generated by alternative splicing, with twenty more possible isoforms. This project involves a survey of current fibronectin literature, followed by an account of our experiments to purify fibronectin from plasma using gelatin affinity chromatography. Gelatin was conjugated/copolymerized with agarose or polyacrcylamide and their efficacies of the purification were compared by SDS-PAGE followed by densitometric scanning and analysis by ImageJ software.

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