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Multi-Layer Intelligence for Disaster Information Dissemination for Maritime Network

Dept/Center/Lab: Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AWNA)

Project Incharge:Dr. Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh
Co-Project Incharge:Prof. Alberto Montroser (University of Trento)
Multi-Layer Intelligence for Disaster Information Dissemination for Maritime Network

Currently the fishermen who travel the ocean for their fishing occupation world where fishing vessels aren’t isolated dots on vast oceans, but seamlessly connected nodes in a vibrant information network. This vision, powered by intelligent networking, holds the key to unlocking a safer, more sustainable, and prosperous future for fisheries and coastal communities.

Project Description

The project is intended to enhance the oceannet network reliability to enhance safety, data-driven decisions, collaborative coastal community integration to engage in the network usage. Real-time weather updates, emergency alerts, and vessel tracking ensure faster response times during emergencies, saving lives and protecting precious livelihoods.

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