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Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment through Hydrological Modeling in North Sikkim District, Sikkim

Dept/Center/Lab: Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AWNA)

Project Incharge:Dr. Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh
Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment through Hydrological Modeling in North Sikkim District, Sikkim

Project 5: Development of an Impact-based Integrated Dynamic Multi-hazard Risk Assessment Framework that is inclusive of:

  • Heterogeneous Datasets: To collate and store multi-temporal scale heterogeneous data from multiple sources.
  • Risk Identification: To understand the various types of hazard scenarios present at a regional scale and the spatio-temporal scales of occurrence for these scenarios. To understand the relationship between primary, secondary, and tertiary hazards (simultaneous, cascading, increased probability, triggering, etc).
  • Risk Assessment: To identify methods to quantify cumulative impacts of hazard sequences based on the magnitude of the hazard, duration of occurrence, and other Spatio-temporal parameters discussed in this publication.
  • Risk Mitigation and Adaptation: To enhance community resilience by enhancing risk mitigation and adaptation strategies tailored to each spatiotemporal scale and location.
  • Risk Information Dissemination: To identify localized models to disseminate impact-based early warnings for multi-hazard sequences through multi-stakeholder engagement

Amrita Team Members: Hari Chandana Ekkirala

Name of the International Collaborators : Dr. Giuseppe Formetta, University of Trento, Via Mesiano, 77 – 38123 Trento, tel. 0461 282640

Product Details: Dynamic risk maps

Proposed Future Work Details

  1. One journal publication
  2.  North Sikkim dynamic risk maps
  3. Case study analysis of 3-10 Oct 2023, Lachen Valley floods in North Sikkim

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