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Motion Planning of an Industrial Robot to Perform Welding in a CAD Environment

School: School of Engineering

Motion Planning of an Industrial Robot to Perform Welding in a CAD Environment

Robot simulation in a virtual environment is one of the first step to perform offline programming of an industrial robot. The kinematic model of the manipulator should be known to perform the mapping of the joint motion to those of the end-effector or the TCP (Tool Center Point). The kinematic model is usually represented using the Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) parameters and then forward and inverse kinematics formulations are derived. In a motion planning module, the desired motion of the end-effector frame is obtained using the inverse kinematics formulations at every intermediate point between the taught points. For a welding operation, the geometry of the curves or locations where weld has to be made is important and thereafter it is fed to the motion planning module. Hence, it is beneficial to develop a welding robotic simulator inside a full-fledged CAD software such as SpaceClaim where the geometry of the workpiece to be welded can be retrieved and used in the motion planning stage. Upon successful simulation, the joint trajectories can be exported or linked with the robot controller to perform the same action on an actual or physical robotic manipulator.

The Project Investigator (PI) has experience in developing addins (plugins/modules) in commercial CAD software such as Autodesk Inventor and SpaceClaim. The funding agency (alfaTKG) desires to develop a module in SpaceClaim which allows a robotic arm to be imported in a workcell with workpiece(s). The kinematic model (DH parameters) of the robot has to be determined using the methods proposed by the PI. The user would have an option to select curves/locations at which the robot has to perform welding and the CAD data shall then be fed to a motion planning library developed by the PI. Upon successful simulation, the joint trajectory can be exported or sent to a robot controller.

Through this project, alfaTKG and Amrita can come together to develop expertise in robot simulation, particularly related to welding applications.

Sponsored by alfaTKG Technology India Services Pvt Ltd, Chennai

Funding: Rs. 9.4 Lakhs

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