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Morophological Evaluation of Plasmid DNA using Microfluidic Device

Start Date: Wednesday, Jan 01,2014

End Date: Friday, May 30,2014

School: School of Biotechnology

Thematic Area: Biotech

Project Incharge:Dr. Sreekala C. O.
Co-Project Incharge:Aravind K.V, Krishnadev.S.R, Radhika.K.P and Neha.G.S
Morophological Evaluation of Plasmid DNA using Microfluidic Device

Microfluidics is a multidisciplinary field which integrates physics, chemistry, biology, biotechnology, nanotechnology etc. We are focusing its mechanics as well as biological application in our project. Present work focuses on the behavior of biological macromolecules in a microfluidic device. Analyzing its flow rate and structure of particular interest having varying concentration and viscosities through straight channels where sudden contraction, sudden extractions are formed .It demonstrates an elongational flow through microfluidic device which helps in the stretching of DNA molecule. Understanding
the fluid relaxation time and kinematics is crucial for designing microfluidic device. We are designing a microscopic channel with one broad channel (50μm wide) splits into 8 narrow channels (20μm wide).Then we are checking confirmation of DNA at 6 different points.

For analyzing the flow and conformational changes of DNA we have to isolateplasmid DNA.After isolation, DNA has to be spectrophotometrically quantified. Quantification is to know the concentration of DNA. Visualization of DNA can be carried out by an intercalating agent EtBr. Gel electrophoresis has to be done in two ways:one having EtBr in gel and second one having EtBr-less gel.EtBr at different concentration are mixed with samples to the secondEtBr-less gel. The presence of DNA canbe confirmed by bands in the gel having EtBr in it. Viral infection will release viral DNA through blood. When compared to normal DNA viral DNA will have different flow rate and morphological changes. Thus viral infection can be easily identified.Changes in chromosomal size, shape, etc leads to many genetic disorders or mutations. Such types of disorders can be identified.

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