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Mitigation of dam induced flood disaster due to hydrological extremes (CoPI)

Start Date: Tuesday, Jan 01,2019

End Date: Friday, Dec 31,2021

School: School of Engineering, Coimbatore

Project Incharge:Dr. B. Soundharajan

Funding Agency : MHRD (SPARC) & UKIERI

Mitigation of dam induced flood disaster due to hydrological extremes (CoPI)

The project titled “Mitigation of dam induced flood disaster due to hydrological extremes (CoPI),” is funded by MHRD – SPARC.

Project Partners : Prof A. J. Adeloye, Heriot-Watt University, UK Dr Jianxun Jennifer He, University of Calgary, Canada Dr K.S. Kasiviswanathan, IIT Roorkee Prof C.S.P. Ojha, IIT Roorkee

Duration : 2 years (2019-2021)

Research Grant: Rs. 22.40 Lakhs

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