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MedSIM 2.0 Online Skills Labs & Virtual Patient Cases

Start Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Project Incharge: Prof. Dr. Prema Nedungadi, Dr. Priyadarshini Mishra P (AIIMS-BBSR), Mr. Balan C (C-DAC)

Co-Project Incharge: Dr. Raghu Raman, Dr. Sanjeev Singh, Dr. Col Vishal Marwaha, Dr. George Mathews John, Dr. M. Gopalan, Dr. Gopakumar G, Dr. Saurav Sarkar (AIIMS-BBSR), Hiron Bose (C-DAC), Sunitha C S (C-DAC)

Center: AmritaCREATE

School: School of Medicine

School: School of Computing

Funded by : MeitY, Government of India

MedSIM 2.0 Online Skills Labs & Virtual Patient Cases

Simulation-based medical education is fast becoming popular, especially during the current pandemic. There are a lot of excellent quality interactive simulation learning tools available in the market, which are proving to be useful for students for their flexibility and end-to-end learning opportunities. The National Medical Commission, the Indian Medical Regulatory body, has embraced and recognized the value of using e-learning skills labs for learning and assessment, evident in the latest regulations released in 2020.

MedSIM is an interactive e-learning platform that supports case-based medical simulations that replicate clinical case scenarios by integrating 2D and 3D animations. It allows features such as deliberate practice and feedback for skills development, exposure to challenging visualize procedures, protocols, and case studies using virtual patient cases. This immersive case-based learning software allows the students to review the results and responses before making diagnostic clinical and management choices. The platform is a new frontier in delivering SDG 4, Quality Education, using innovative technology to train future medical practitioners.

MedSIM 2.0 Preclinical Online Skills Lab

MedSIM 2.0, the next phase, will be jointly developed by C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram, All Institute of Medical Science Bhubaneswar (AIIMS-BBSR), and Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. The MedSIM 2.0 will broaden the scope of learning in medicine to cover the significant areas of UG courses in medical colleges and train those medical colleges recognized by NMC 2020 in all states. The platform will include three primary modules, namely “Preclinical,” “Paraclinical” online skills lab, and “Clinical” Virtual Patient Cases. Appropriate pedagogy and UI aspects best suited for medical students and the courses will be considered while designing the Online Skills Lab and Virtual Patient Cases. After an in-depth discussion with specialists in their subjects/fields, the collaborating institutes will develop these modules and effectively integrate pedagogy and suitable technologies.

The platform makes medical education more accessible while promoting SDG 3, Good Health and Well-being by imparting quality education. Dynamic simulations and interactive experiments are an integral part of MedSIM, which accentuates its ability to function as a computer-based medical teaching and online learning tool. The MedSIM digital learning platform is optimized for the mobile user interface consistent with its web-based counterpart. This feature renders the simulation seamlessly on computers, mobile, and tablet devices with internet connectivity.To know more about Phase 1 of the MedSIM Project visit our project page.

MedSIM 2.0 Home Page
MedSIM 2.0 Preclinical Online Skills Lab
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