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Landslide Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment, Preparedness and Early Warning in South Asia: Integrating Meteorology, Landscape and Society (LANDSLIP)

Thematic Area: IoT System for Extreme Environments - Enabling Disaster Resilience

Funded by:Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) Department for International Development (DFID), UK
Landslide Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment, Preparedness and Early Warning in South Asia: Integrating Meteorology, Landscape and Society (LANDSLIP)

​Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham recently joined an International Consortium and won a grant for the project titled,‘Landslide Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment, Preparedness and Early Warning in South Asia: Integrating Meteorology, Landscape and Society (LANDSLIP).’

The project is funded by the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) and the Department for International Development (DFID), UK, under the Science for Humanitarian Emergencies and Resilience (SHEAR) programme. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham partnered with the British Geological Survey, King’s College London, MetOffice, National Research Council CNR – Italy, the Geological Survey of India, Newcastle University, Practical Action Consulting Ltd. and Practical Action Consulting, Nepal, for this project. 

The project aims to contribute to better landslide multi-hazard risk assessment, early-warning, and working with communities for better preparedness, for hydrologically controlled landslide and landslide related hazards on a regional spatial scale and on a seasonal to daily temporal scale in India. The funding for the project will be until October 2020.

The main objectives of LANDSLIP are:

  1. To enhance landslide related multi-hazard risk assessment and monitoring in India in two main study regions ( Nilgiris and Darjeeling/East Sikkim), with a focus on weather regimes, landslide domains and thresholds, societal factors and the interaction of ’cascading’ hazards. To explore replicability of methodologies developed for other landslide prone regions such as Uttarakhand.
  2. To strengthen understanding of the underlying drivers of risk toward more integrated, multi-hazard landslide risk monitoring and warning systems.
  3. To get the right landslide information to the right people in the right ways, e.g., early warning systems, mobile networks, web-based gathering and dissemination of information to national/regional/local stakeholders. 
  4. To conduct research to enhance the uptake and use of risk information in practice. 
  5. To disseminate LANDSLIP project knowledge to the wider region of Southeast Asia (in particular, Afghanistan).​

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