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Isolation and identification of endophytes from marine algae

Start Date: Monday, Jan 05,2015

End Date: Thursday, May 07,2015

School: School of Biotechnology

Project Incharge:Dr. Jayashree G
Co-Project Incharge:Privitha, Reethika, Sanjana, Savitha, Vidhya
Isolation and identification of endophytes from marine algae

Endophytes/ endosymbionts from marine micro algae have recently gained attention as potential sources of bioactive secondary metabolites. In the present study we could isolate and then identify the endophytes by molecular biology methods. The isolation procedure included sterilization (ethanol and sodium hypochlorite) followed by plating on to a medium made in artificial sea water. Different media were used to isolate bacteria and fungus. After repeatedly performing the above isolation procedure, we could find different bacteria as well as fungi. The bacterial isolates were identified by Gram’s staining followed by 16s rRNA sequencing.  Future aspects of the project include identification and characterization of the bioactive secondary metabolites from these endophytes. 

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