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Indigenous Development of Functionally-graded Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites using Centrifugal Casting Method and to Investigate the Mechanical and Tribological Properties

Start Date: Tuesday, Feb 12,2013

School: School of Engineering, Coimbatore

Project Incharge:Dr. Radhika N.
Co-Project Incharge:Dr. Ilangovan S.
Funded by:DST
Indigenous Development of Functionally-graded Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites using Centrifugal Casting Method and to Investigate the Mechanical and Tribological Properties

The project titled Indigenous development of functionally-graded aluminium metal matrix composites using centrifugal casting method and to investigate the mechanical and tribological properties, is funded by DST. The investigators of the project are Dr. Radhika S. and Dr. Ilangovan S.

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