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Enabling energy efficient community through Context Aware IoT framework and Sustainable Software (E-CAISS)

Dept/Center/Lab: Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AWNA)

Project Incharge:Dr. Aryadevi R. D.
Co-Project Incharge:Dr. Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh
Co-Project Incharge:Anjana M.S., Research Associate, Reshma (Full time PhD)
Enabling energy efficient community through Context Aware IoT framework and Sustainable Software (E-CAISS)

Energy efficiency and sustainability are important factors to address in the perspective of connected communities. Recent advances in ubiquitous technologies facilitate context-aware systems which can offer situation based services. Internet of Things (IoT) been one among them, E-CAISS introduces an innovative context aware IoT framework that gains benefits from the energy behavioral changes and sustainable software architecture. This enhances the traditional communities with various technologies, such as smart energy meters, energy generation and usage analyzers, consumer aware decision support engine, mobile applications, interactive ambient interfaces. The decision making process in this environment is supported by a socio-economic behavioral model, which provides the necessary understanding of the indoor behavior of consumers towards renovating energy consuming devices into active sustainability agents that dynamically as well as adaptively inform users about different strategies of  energy-wise operations. The proposed framework provides the notifications to users to improve the energy efficiency and even adaptively and autonomously changes the functioning of devices to reduce energy waste. Traditional software engineering approaches are not suitable for this dynamic and complex self-adaptive system. Therefore, E-CAISS proposes the design and development of a self-adaptive and sustainable software architecture for smart community applications.

International Collaborators

  • Patricia Lago Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Emitzá Guzmán Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Software and Sustainability (S2), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

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