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Drug Repurposing Workbench

School: School of Engineering

Project Incharge:Dr. Prashanth Athri
Drug Repurposing Workbench

Drug repurposing refers to finding alternate indications to approved drugs, leads in regular development cycles, or even compounds previously discontinued from development. This collaborative project between Amrita University (Bengaluru Campus) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi) aims to develop web‐based UI landscapes to provide a data‐centric deep mining technique that lets researchers formulate sophisticated drug repositioning hypotheses.

Dr. Prashanth Athri, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru, who is the Project Co-ordinator and Principal Investigator (PI), will build druggability profiles based on large proteomics, protein-protein interaction network and drug databases, using big data technologies, rule engines and web-based visualization. Dr. Abhinav Grover, Jawaharlal University (Principal Investigator (PI)), will validate hypotheses using both biophysical simulations and wet lab experiments. The project will provide a critical tool to serve scientists in pharmaceutical research, as well as pharmacogenomics.

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