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Development of Spinodal bronze, Bronze Matrix Composite and Functionally Gradient Bronze and Comparison of their Mechanical and Wear Properties

Start Date: Saturday, Jun 16,2012

School: School of Engineering, Coimbatore

Project Incharge:Dr. Sellamuthu R.
Project Incharge:Dr. R. Sellamuthu
Co-Project Incharge:Dr. Sanjivi Arul
Co-Project Incharge:Dr. S. Ilangovan, R. Saravanan
Funded by:DRDO
Development of Spinodal bronze, Bronze Matrix Composite and Functionally Gradient Bronze and Comparison of their Mechanical and Wear Properties

The project titled Development of Spinodal bronze, Bronze Matrix Composite and Functionally Gradient Bronze and Comparison of their Mechanical and Wear Properties, is funded by DRDO. The investigators of the project are Dr. R. Sellamuthu., Dr. Sanjivi Arul, Dr. S. Ilangovan and R. Saravanan. 

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