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Development & Prototyping of ICT enabled Smart Charging Network Components

School: School of Engineering, Coimbatore

Funded by:Department of Science & Technology Department of Heavy Industries
Development & Prototyping of ICT enabled Smart Charging Network Components

Department of Science and Technology and Department of Heavy Industries, Government of India, Selected for Funding

Collaborators: IIT Delhi, Thapar University, Lithium EV Cabs, Linkwell Telesystems Pvt. Ltd., Yexcube Technologies, Elecsys Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Design of a bidirectional charger with adaptive CC/CV mode having net metering and bi-directional communication capabilities with EV-EVSE-user-utility with capabilities to limit the harmonics, d.c and non sinusoidal currents. The advanced bi-directional charger and development of communication infrastructure for EV-EVSE network are two novel ideas put forth through this work.

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