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A Case Study on Medical Camps During 2018 Kerala Floods

School: School of Engineering

Thematic Area: Water & Sanitation

A Case Study on Medical Camps During 2018 Kerala Floods

Thematic Area: Water & Sanitation

Project Guide(s): Ms. Geena Prasad, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Manoj P., Department of Management, Bangalore, and Mr. T. Satish Kumar, Department of Social Work

International Partners: Fabiana Spehar and Nicole Baker, Ryerson University, Canada

Amrita Partners: Krishna Gayathri M., Sheetal Babu, and Sreelekshmi P., Department of Social Work

Village: Kainakary, Kerala

Project Duration: 3 weeks

Identified Challenge & Aim:

Access to clean drinking water is greatly hindered during any natural disaster, with the quality of the water being an additional concern. This project seeks to understand challenges faced by rural residents during a natural disaster and the structure and execution of medical camps for disaster relief.

The Study/Innovation:

The team interacted with community members during medical camps and implemented a study on drinking water habits. They also engaged in various activities with community members to increase their awareness of waterborne illnesses. The activity helped the team learn that access to clean drinking water is greatly hindered during any natural disaster, with the quality of the water being an additional concern. Students were able to understand challenges faced by rural residents prior to and during a disaster scenario in terms of access to clean water resources, filtration practices, and possible sources of contamination. Finally, the team worked along with villagers to install and deploy a modular water filtration unit in a centralized location in the village.

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