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Behavioural Abnormality Detection for population with Mild cognitive impairment in a multi-occupant Ambient Assisted Living

Project Incharge:Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta
Behavioural Abnormality Detection for population with Mild cognitive impairment in a multi-occupant Ambient Assisted Living

Consider a multi-home multi-occupant AAL system that monitors elderly population for their daily activities (HAR) using both environmental and wearable sensors. The objectives of this research can be listed as follows: 

  • Provide a personalized assistance based on the occupants’ medical history. The assistance may depend on the specific activity (for example, taking certain medicines at a particular time)
  • Raise a timely alarm if some abnormality is detected for people who are having cognitive decline, this involves correlating with an occupant’s daily routine activities. 
  • Use a trained model to recognize the activities of a new user with very different physiological parameters, age and perhaps belonging to a different demographic background. 

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