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Amrita Big Data Framework

Amrita Big Data Framework

Amrita Big Data Framework(ABDF) is essentially an all integrated framework for effortless BigData analytics. ABDF is feature rich, providing user community with an easy to use GUI for analyzing large data heaps. Some key features :

  • Data adapters for diverse domains and data feeds
  • Connectors to prominent distributed frameworks
  • Drag and drop builder for complex analytic/ETL workflows
  • Distributed machine learning algorithms with sample applications
  • Pool of customizable data mining algorithms
  • Pool of preprocessors and process elements for data transaction
  • Built in visualization framework
  • Protocols and Application support for IoT
  • ABDF Machine learning Libraries for rapid data mining
  • ABDF REST APIs for custom application integration
  • Intelligent framework controller for automated selection from
  • among the five execution modes (Linear, Spark, Hadoop, Storm
  • and GPGPU Algorithms).

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