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Affordable paper based microfluidics point of care testing device for liver function

School: School of Biotechnology

Project Incharge:Dr. Satheesh Babu T. G.
Funded by:DBT
Affordable paper based microfluidics point of care testing device for liver function

It is seen that therapies for diabetes and heart disease affects liver and these diseases are increasing in prevalence especially in developing countries. The liver metabolises and detoxifies drugs and substances that are harmful to the body as well as produces blood clotting factors, proteins, and enzymes and helps maintain hormone balances, and stores vitamins and minerals. Liver Function Tests (LFTs) is a group of tests that are performed together to detect, evaluate, and monitor liver disease or damage. A variety of diseases and infections can cause acute or chronic damage to the liver, causing inflammation, scarring, bile duct obstructions, clotting abnormalities, and liver dysfunction. Early detection is essential in order to minimize damage and preserve liver function. The current project involves the development of a colorimetric paper based microfluidic chip that can quantitively and qualitatively measure the liver enzymes alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and Aspartate aminotransfarace (AST).

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