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Ph. D. in Philosophy / Spirituality is a doctoral program offered by the School of Spiritual and Cultural studies, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amaravati, Amritapuri,  Bengaluru, and Coimbatore campuses.

About the Program

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Begin a significant voyage of spiritual discovery with our Ph.D. program in Philosophy and Spiritual Studies, enriched by the wisdom of ancient India. Dive into the vast wisdom of the Vedas, understanding their origins, importance, and how they were passed down through generations. Explore the profound teachings of the four Vedas – R̥ig, Yajur, Sāma, and Atharva – and uncover their deep meanings.

Expand your knowledge with the Vedangas, which are additional texts aimed at preserving Vedic teachings. These cover various subjects like pronunciation, grammar, and rituals.


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Further, your understanding with the Upangas delves into topics like philosophy, law, and storytelling. Lastly, explore the Darshanas, which present different perspectives on spirituality. Through reflective learning methods, our program helps you grasp diverse subjects, fostering a deep appreciation of spiritual traditions. Graduates emerge as knowledgeable scholars ready to interpret and safeguard spiritual heritage, contributing to global spiritual understanding.

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Amrita School of Spiritual and Cultural Studies, founded on the principles of promoting holistic education, has emerged as a distinguished platform for research in various domains that encapsulate the essence of Indian cultural and spiritual heritage. The school’s mission is rooted in preserving and proliferating the rich tapestry of Indian Knowledge Systems, Yoga, Sanskrit Vyakarana, Sanskrit Education, Ethics (East and West), and Vedanta.

The school places a strong emphasis on the study of Yoga and Sanskrit, recognizing their pivotal roles in the cultural and spiritual fabric of India. Through rigorous research, ASSCS aims to advance understanding in these fields, paving the way for the preservation and propagation of these invaluable traditions.


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The ultimate vision of Amrita School of Spiritual and Cultural Studies is to emerge as a quintessential resource centre dedicated to the preservation and proliferation of Indian knowledge systems. By fostering a vibrant research environment, the school aspires to be a catalyst for academic growth, contributing significantly to the global discourse on culture, spirituality, and philosophy.

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The program deals with a wide range of areas related to the domains of the Indian Knowledge System- Sanskrit Studies, Archaeology, Cultural Studies, Manuscriptology, etc. Students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in the domains of IKS can benefit from the expertise available on-campus and numerous collaborations across the globe.

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Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) is increasingly attracting academicians due to compelling reasons like soft power, integrity, and universal well-being. To make IKS an academically feasible and practical to the fast-growing generations it requires emics’ perspective and understanding to bring about the correct narratives to stand the etics’ compulsions. Combining science, technology, and philosophy, Amrita Darshanam-ICSS proposes a generational shift in scholarly discourse to meet global expectations. Integrating modern science with Sanatana approaches is crucial to addressing the challenges of our evolving social landscape. This synergy demands the collaboration of visionary minds and committed hearts.


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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach

Important Note

Ph. D. Admissions for 2025 is open.



M.A. in Sanskrit and allied subjects, Philosophy, and Yoga


Post Graduation in Philosophy/Spiritual Studies/MBA/Sanskrit/Psychology


Masters in any domain of Indian Knowledge System- Sanskrit, Prakrit, Pali, Indology, Linguistics, Ancient Indian History Culture and Archaeology


Any PG + a certificate course from IKS as an option or dual degree

Faculty for Guideship

Dr. S. V. B. K. V. Gupta
Dr. S. V. B. K. V. Gupta
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.)

Dr. Siva Panuganti
Dr. Siva Panuganti
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.)

Dr.Surendra Komatineni
Dr.Surendra Komatineni
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.)

Brahmachari Achyutāmṛta Chaitanya
Brahmachari Achyutāmṛta Chaitanya
Associate Professor

Dr. Anand S.
Dr. Anand S.
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.)

Dr. P. R. Padmakumar
Dr. P. R. Padmakumar
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.)

Dr. Preetha Menon
Dr. Preetha Menon
Assistant Professor (Sl. Gd.)

Dr. Prasanth B.
Dr. Prasanth B.
Assistant Professor

Dr. Harikrishnan V. P.
Dr. Harikrishnan V. P.
Assistant Professor

Dr. Midhun P
Dr. Midhun P
Assistant Professor

Dr. Manish Rajan Walvekar
Dr. Manish Rajan Walvekar
Head of Department
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.)

Dr. Tanashree Redij
Dr. Tanashree Redij
Assistant Professor

Dr. Sripad H. Ghaligi
Dr. Sripad H. Ghaligi
Assistant Professor

Dr. Upadyayula K. V. Sarma
Dr. Upadyayula K. V. Sarma
Assistant Professor

Naveen Bhat
Naveen Bhat
Assistant Professor

Research Areas


Sanskrit Studies

Yoga, Sanskrit NLP




Philosophy (East and West) 

Ethics (East and West) 


Vyakarana (Sanskrit Grammar and Linguistics) 


Indian Knowledge Systems

Sanskrit Pedagogy, Sanskrit Language and Literature, Sanskrit Education 

Tantra Philosophy 


Indian Culture

Sanskrit Education

Sanskrit Vyakarana


Sanskrit Studies


Religious Studies

Archaeology and Religion

Sacred Landscape

Text and Archaeology  


Indian Knowledge Systems

Veda – Vedanta

Yoga – Psychology

Vedanga- Vyakarana

Jyotisha/Indian Mathematics

Sanskrit literature

Rituals and Temple architecture

Empirical research on sound, rituals, meditation etc

Empirical and Theoretical Basis of Yoga

Traditional and Ritual Lineage of Bharat

Vedanta and Allied Shastras


Fundings / Projects


Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri

Title of the Project Funding Agency
The Indian Knowledge System Centre Ministry of Education, Government of India
Contribution of Kerala Towards Promulgation of Vedanta Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Government of India
Philosophical Counseling in Vedanta Darshana: Contributions of Contemporary Spiritual Guides Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Government of India
Manuscript Preservation and Conservation National Manuscript Mission, Government of India

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru

Title of the Project 

Funding Agency 

Study of Ophiolatry Manuscripts of India 

Central Sanskrit University, Under the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India for Ashtaadashi Project – 2021-22 

Amrita IKS Centre for Ayurveda, Vyākaraṇa, and Darśana 

AICTE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India 

Translation of ‘Outlines of Indian Philosophy’ 

CIIL, Mysuru 

Facilities / Research Infrastructure


Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amaravati

Name of the Research Lab Major Facilities / Equipment Details
Computer lab Springer Subscription available for the Journal of Indian Philosophy

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru

  • Well-equipped library
  • Updated e-resources

Contact Us

Ph.D. Coordinator (Amaravati)

Dr. S V B K V Gupta
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.)

Ph.D. Coordinator (Amritapuri)

Padmakumar P R, PhD
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr) 



Ph.D. Coordinator (Bengaluru)

Dr. Manish Rajan Walvekar
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) and Centre Coordinator  

Ph.D. Coordinator (Coimbatore)

Dr. Sushrutha Shivanna
CLPGP Member and Asst. Professor, Amrita Darshanam-ICSS, Coimbatore 

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