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Contrary to the conventional teaching and research in the field of agriculture sciences, In Amrita, students get advanced training in the field of agriculture science through integrating technological advancements. The curriculum is designed through a multidisciplinary approach aligned with international standards and as envisaged by Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Expertise available at the national and international level will be involved in all spheres of the programme.

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– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach


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Required Qualification: M.Sc. (Ag.) in Agronomy

Minimum CGPA: 7.00 out of 10.00 for both programs

Selection Process: Based on Interview

Last Date to Apply : January 05, 2025

Program Highlights

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    • Accreditation: School has secured institute-level accreditation by ICAR;
    • Publication Opportunities: Strong focus on publishing in Q1/Q2 high-impact journals
    • Well trained faculties both nationally and internationally
    • Research Areas: major agronomy problems will be integrated with:
    • Sensor and IoT applications
    • Nano-based research
    • Molecular-level studies addressing major agronomy challenges

Program Fees

Tuition Fee : ₹50,000 per year
Food : ₹40, 000
Accommodation (year) : ₹40,000 + 10,000 Caution Deposit
Ph.D. Stipend : ₹18,000 – ₹25,000 per month.
Commencement Date : January 25, 2025

Program Overview

  • Deepen Knowledge and Conduct Advanced Research: The program focuses on advanced studies in agronomy, such as soil health, crop growth, and sustainable farming. Scholars will research innovative methods like precision and conservation agriculture to solve real-world problems in agriculture.
  • Support Sustainable Food Production: PhD scholars will research ways to grow more food sustainably. This includes studying modern farming methods and combining them with traditional practices to create climate-friendly and resource-efficient systems.
  • Focus on Weed Management: The program will explore innovative ways to manage weeds using a mix of cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical methods. Scholars will study how to reduce over-reliance on herbicides while maintaining ecological balance.
  • Enhance Water Management Research: Scholars will research smarter ways to use water in farming, including studying irrigation systems, satellite data, and models to improve water use and crop yields.
  • Develop Future Agricultural Innovators: The program trains scholars to be experts in solving complex agricultural challenges, creating new farming techniques, and sharing knowledge with others through publications and collaborations.
  • Encourage Collaborative Research: The program promotes working with experts in related fields like plant science, climate research, and technology to address broader agricultural challenges and make meaningful contributions globally.
Career Opportunities
  • To become academicians
  • To become scientists at national and international institutes
  • To do Post-doc at prestigious international institutes
  • To become researchers /scientists in private sector
Program Outcomes
  • Advanced Knowledge in Agronomy: Graduates will possess an in-depth understanding of agronomic principles, with expertise in specialized areas such as crop science, nutrient management, soil and water management, weed ecology, and sustainable agricultural systems, enabling them to address complex agricultural challenges.
  • Research Excellence: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to independently design, execute, and manage original, high-quality research in agronomy, contributing novel insights and solutions to global agricultural challenges through scholarly publications and other research outputs.
  • Integration of Innovative Technologies: Graduates will lead advancements in agricultural practices by integrating emerging technologies, such as precision agriculture, data analytics, simulation modeling, and advanced biotechnological tools, to improve the productivity, resilience, and sustainability of farming systems.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Graduates will exhibit proficiency in working across disciplines, engaging in collaborative research that combines agronomy with allied fields like soil science, plant genetics, environmental science, and agricultural engineering to develop holistic solutions for sustainable agriculture.
  • Leadership and Knowledge Dissemination: Graduates will demonstrate leadership in the agricultural sector, effectively communicating research findings, influencing policy, and guiding industry practices through knowledge dissemination, capacity building, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Ethical and Sustainable Practices: Graduates will uphold the highest ethical standards, promoting socially responsible and environmentally sustainable practices in their research and professional endeavors, contributing to global food security and ecological balance.

Why Amrita

The top reasons to choose Amrita for your career


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS Rankings 2020


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS University Rankings 2020


India University Rankings 2024


Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
Amrita Ranked No.1 in India Top 100 in The World
‘A++’ Grade

Contact Us

Reach Us

School of Agricultural Sciences
J. P. Nagar, Arasampalayam,
Myleripalayam (via.),
Coimbatore, – 642 109
Tamil Nadu, India.

0422 2619300


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