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About the Program

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The Department of Aerospace Engineering at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, is a leading academic institution that is at the forefront of education and research in aerospace domain. The department in its philosophy is aligned towards knowledge creation (research) to symbiotically merge with knowledge dissemination (teaching). With a thrust of rapid innovations unfolding, the department of Aerospace Engineering is oriented to a multi-disciplinary approach towards research. Bestowed with top-quality research faculty who hail from IITs/IISc with stints in globally renowned institutions such as University of Toronto, Canada, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (Germany) and TU Delft, The Netherlands, to name a few, the department additionally boasts off of having state-of-the-art research facilities ranging from flight simulator, to hangars, to low and subsonic wind tunnels amidst other things.

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In its essence, our aerospace engineering department is focally aligned to train the next generation of researchers and innovators who will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to tackle complex problems in aerospace domain and other domains such as environment, energy, etc. Through demanding academic inquiry and practical research experiences, our distinguished faculty members-leaders in their fields-will mentor potential research students and provide them with the knowledge and abilities required to push the frontiers of aerospace technology. To augment itself to the level playing pavilion set by the present and futuristic research standards, our Aerospace Engineering department is always keen on recruiting motivated and meritorious individuals with a flair for committed research – towards its Ph.D. program.

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A potential Ph.D. student, therefore, will have the chance to engage with professionals from a variety of backgrounds in this collaborative and interdisciplinary setting as we tackle the challenging problems that the aerospace industry faces. The vision and mission of the department of aerospace engineering, Amrita School of Engineering align with the overall theme of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, which is to provide education that is rooted in values and aimed at holistic development. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham believes that education should go beyond academics and focus on the individual’s overall development.

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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach



B. Tech / M. Tech in Aerospace, Aeronautical, Mechanical, Automobile, Civil, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and Equivalent Degrees

Important Note

Ph. D. Admissions for 2025 is open.


Dr. Balajee Ramakrishnananda
Dr. Balajee Ramakrishnananda
Vice Chairperson
Associate Professor

Dr. Sivakumar V.
Dr. Sivakumar V.

Dr. Chandrasekhar J.
Dr. Chandrasekhar J.
Distinguished Professor

Dr. Rajesh Senthil Kumar T.
Dr. Rajesh Senthil Kumar T.
Assistant Professor (Sl. Gd.)

Dr. Sakthivel Thangavel
Dr. Sakthivel Thangavel
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.)

Dr. Srikrishnan A. R.
Dr. Srikrishnan A. R.

Dr. R. Kannan
Dr. R. Kannan
Associate Professor

Dr. Anand Raj Hariharan
Dr. Anand Raj Hariharan
Assistant Professor

Dr. Nikhil Kumar Singh
Dr. Nikhil Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor

Jinraj V. Pushpangathan
Jinraj V. Pushpangathan
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.)

Research Areas


Aero Structures


Fluid Structure interaction

Aero Propulsion


Thin Film Solar Cells and Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Applications


Electrochromic materials


Guidance and Control


Fundings / Projects: (Ongoing)

Title of the Project Funding Agency
Analysis of   Thrust Chamber Cooling of Semi-Cryogenic Engines ISRO
Development of Ultra-Hydrophobic Eco-friendly coating to counter biofouling of Hull Structure / minimize the transfer aquatic species Indian Navy
Use of artificial intelligence to predict dynamic transitions in stall-induced aeroelastic problems DST – SERB

List of Facilities / Research Infrastructure

Propulsion Lab
  • Supersonic Free Jet Facility capable of producing free jets in the Mach number range of 1.5 to 2.3
  • Sterio Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) for non-intrusive flow diagnostics
  •  Background Oriented Schlieren for qualitative study of supersonic flow
  • Combustion Diagnostic Facility (Self-Exited Mode with CH & OH filters)
  • Experimental facility to simulate (i). Liquid Drop interaction with Solid and Liquid Surfaces and (ii). Solid Objects Interaction with Liquid Pools and Granular Media
  • Liquid Sprays & Liquid Jet – Experimental Simulation & Imaging with High-speed Camera
  • High Speed Camera with Synchronized High power LED Strobe light
  • Experimental Combustion Simulation facility for Studying the Flame stabilization using Bluff body

Supersonic Nozzle Facility


Aerodynamics Lab

Low Speed Wind Tunnel Facility

To Study flow past streamlined and bluff bodies Advance knowledge of fluid-structure interactions

Low Speed Wind Tunnel 

Structures and Composites lab
  • Universal Testing Machine
  • Plasma and Composite Processing Machine- Plasma and composite processing machine capable of compressing composite surfaces up to 800 cm2 at 0.8 KV
  • Compression Molding Facility
Aero Design lab
  • Flight Simulator facility
  • Dedicated UAV fabrication and Testing facility
  • 2 m wingspan fixed wing model for real time flight test
  • 3 Kg class Quadcopter for controller development and testing


Program Overview

Research Areas under the program

Composite Material Development, Supersonic Nozzle Cooling, Hypersonic Propulsion Systems, UAVs, Aircarft Structures, Guidance systems etc.


Funding from various organizations including DRDO, ISRO, BARC, IGCAR etc. are constantly contributing to the advancement of research in the department. Many of the PhD programs are tied up with funded research. 

Facilities & Infrastructure

  • Composite Processing Lab
  • Wind Tunnel
  • High  Performance Computing Systems
  • CFD tools 
Amrita First in India & Top 100 in THE Impact Rankings 2024

Students can learn in an environment where they are comfortable and looked after. Here are the facilities that our campus provides

Why Amrita

The top reasons to choose Amrita for your career


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS Rankings 2020


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS University Rankings 2020


India University Rankings 2024


Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
Amrita Ranked No.1 in India Top 100 in The World
‘A++’ Grade

Contact Us

Ph.D. Coordinator (Coimbatore)

Dr. Sakthivel Thangavel
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.) ,
Department of Aerospace Engineering,
School of Engineering, Coimbatore




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