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About the Program

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The task of balancing economic expansion, social progress, and environmental conservation is commonly acknowledged as the paramount challenge confronting the global community. The research conducted by this research group endeavours to enhance our comprehension of environmental processes and phenomena by integrating insights from various disciplines.

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Our research team delves into the effects of chemicals on the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere, and their implications for the environment and human health. Environmental research often assumes a prominent role, as their investigations significantly influence decisions affecting the broader populace. The research in the Department of Chemistry is interdisciplinary as well as multidisciplinary and aims to equip students with specific research skills. The research is carried out in such a manner that it has societal benefits and can be scaled up for industrial applications. Several publications from the department have practical applications in connection with the day-to-day life of humanity. The research in the department is not entirely of academic interest but links both industry and society with academia.

In accordance with our Chancellor’s vision, we have extended our research so that it benefits humanity. The department’s research produces high-impact papers and has proved beneficial to society through their outcomes.

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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach

Important Note

Ph. D. Admissions for 2025 is open.


  • MSc in Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Geology, Geography, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany (Any branch of earth sciences, biological sciences).

Faculty for Guideship

Dr. Smitha Chandran S.
Dr. Smitha Chandran S.
Associate Professor

Dr. M. S. Shylesh Chandran
Dr. M. S. Shylesh Chandran
Assistant Professor

Dr. Sumith Satheendran S
Dr. Sumith Satheendran S
Assistant Professor

Research Areas



Green Synthesis of Nanomaterials

Phytoremediation, Sustainable Nanotechnology, Wastewater Treatment  

Environmental Monitoring 

Climate change and carbon sequestration 

Ecotoxicology and risk assessment 

Environmental Geology/ Coastal Processes/ Coastal Zone Management 

Ecology & Biodiversity Conservation

Remote Sensing and GIS for natural Resource Monitoring/ Management 


Natural Resources Management 

Sustainable Development

Biodiversity Conservation 

Climate Change

Waste Management

Community Development

Program Overview

Fundings / Projects: (Ongoing)
Title of the Project Funding Agency
A preliminary study on the distribution and fate of priority pollutants and carbon flux in the Ashtamudi-Sasthamkotta Wetlands and near-shore areas, south-west coast of India AMRITA SEED GRANT
List of Facilities / Research Infrastructure
Name of the Research Lab Major Facilities / Equipment Details
Research lab (Chemistry)
  • IR spectrometer
  • UV Visible spectrophotometer
  • Electrochemical workstation
RS and GIS Lab
  • Arc GIS Software’s

Contact Us

Ph.D. Coordinator (Amritapuri)

Dr. Saritha A 
Associate Professor 

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