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About the Program

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The Ph.D. program in Computer Science and IT imparts the knowledge, skills and attitude to do world class research in the area of computer science. The researchers must conform to the publication standards and thesis submission guidelines, as well as the most recent university policy released in connection with the Ph.D. program. According to university norms, any scholar who joins the program must complete a course within the first year. For each Ph.D. scholar to be qualified to continue with his/her dissertation study, these courses must be successfully completed with a minimum grade of B+ within the allotted time.

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The scholar is needed to take a comprehensive oral examination following the conclusion of the course work in order to demonstrate that they have done the background reading for the research project. The next step is the qualifying exam, which advances the candidate to the level of advanced candidacy. The scholar appears for the final open defence, which results in the program’s completion, after meeting all requirements and receiving approval from the Examiners and Committee members. At the university, interdisciplinary research methods are also promoted.

Ph. D. in Computer Science and IT

The department offers a full-time Ph.D. programme which is created in accordance with UGC guidelines. The researchers must conform to the publication standards and thesis submission guidelines, as well as the most recent university policy released in connection with the Ph.D. programme. According to university norms, any scholar who joins the programme must complete a course within the first year. For each Ph.D. scholar to be qualified to continue with his or her dissertation study, these courses must be successfully completed with a minimum grade of B+ within the allotted time. The scholar is needed to take a comprehensive oral examination following the conclusion of the course work in order to demonstrate that they have done the background reading for the research project. The next step is the qualifying exam, which advances the candidate to the level of advanced candidacy. The scholar appears for the final open defence, which results in the program’s completion, after meeting all requirements and receiving approval from the Examiners and Committee members. At the university, interdisciplinary research methods are also promoted. Some of the major research areas offered at the University are:

  • Computational Biology
  • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
  • Medical Image Processing
  • Agriculture Information Processing
  • Rainfall Information Processing
  • Security in Cyber Physical Systems
  • Health Informatics

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– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach


Doctoral programs at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham are designed to develop outstanding educational researchers with a wide range of research skills as well as in-depth knowledge and practical understanding and expertise in their chosen field of educational research.




Candidates must hold a master’s degree in the related discipline from a recognised university or institution.

Important Note

Ph. D. Admissions for 2025 is open.

Faculty for Guideship

Dr. Vimina E. R.
Dr. Vimina E. R.
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.)
Research Supervisor

Dr. Maya L. Pai
Dr. Maya L. Pai
Assistant Professor (SG)
Research Supervisor

Dr. Sangeetha J
Dr. Sangeetha J
Head of Department
Assistant Professor

Research Areas


Computational Biology 

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 

Machine Learning, Applied Mathematics 

Data Mining

Data Science 

Medical Image Processing 

Security in Cyber Physical Systems

Health Informatics 

Learning Steps for Ph.D.

Course Work (Ph.D.)

The number of course-work credits that a doctoral student undertakes is decided by the Doctoral Committee and depends upon the student’s background and intended Ph.D. research area.
Research Methodology and Foundation Course are compulsory courses for all streams.

In addition:

Students entering with an M.A., M.Com., M.F.A., and M.S.W. degree must complete a minimum of 12 credits.
All students have to complete a 3-credit Minor course, i.e., one that falls outside the student’s research area. This course could be from the same school as that of the student (but different department) or it could be from a different school. The credits for the Minor course are included in the above-mentioned course-work credits. When necessary, the Doctoral Committee may prescribe more course-work credits than the minimum number of credits stated above.

In addition to course-work, the doctoral student is expected to carry out creative and scholarly research leading up to the completion of a written Ph.D. Thesis. Doctoral research must result in original and substantial contributions to the chosen specialized field of study. This requires mastery of the literature in the specialized field, and critical thinking and judgment. The student should also relate the field of study to the broader discipline within which the research falls.
In recognition of the substantial nature of Ph.D. thesis work, it will carry 60 credits. Full-time doctoral students shall register for 10-15 credits per semester. Satisfactory progress in thesis work will result in an ‘O’ grade (for ongoing) and unsatisfactory progress will result in an ‘I’ grade (for incomplete), which is to be made up within one semester.

Satisfactory progress will be judged by the Doctoral Committee on the basis of semester wise progress reports submitted by the doctoral student and/or the completion of publishable papers.

Comprehensive Examination

All doctoral students must take a Comprehensive Examination after completion of all course-work. The Comprehensive Examination is an oral (in some Schools, a written-cum-oral) examination administered by the Doctoral Committee and examines the course work undergone by the candidate.


After completion of the Comprehensive Examination, every doctoral student is expected to publish one refereed paper a year. These papers should be in a Scopus indexed journal or conference proceedings.

Qualifying Examination and Thesis Proposal

All doctoral students must take a Qualifying Examination. The Qualifying Examination is an oral examination administered by a Qualifying Examination Committee consisting of the Doctoral Committee together with an external expert from a reputed academic or R&D institution in India. The Convener of the Doctoral Committee will be the Convener of the Qualifying Examination Committee.

Open Seminars

After advancement to candidacy, all doctoral candidates are required to present two research seminars. The two seminars should be at least six months apart, with the second seminar being held immediately before the submission of the Synopsis

Thesis Synopsis

Once the Thesis Advisor and Doctoral Committee are satisfied that the doctoral candidate has completed the required research for the award of the Ph.D. degree and the candidate has published (or has an acceptance of) a refereed Scopus indexed journal paper and has also given the second Open Seminar the candidate is required to submit a written Synopsis to the Doctoral Committee for approval. The Synopsis should include the motivation, significance and main objectives of the research, along with a brief literature survey and a detailed report on the thesis research.

Thesis Submission and Evaluation

The doctoral candidate should submit the Ph.D. Thesis to the Doctoral Committee normally within six weeks from the date of submission of the Synopsis.

Thesis Defense and Final Recommendation

On getting reports from examiners regarding the acceptance of thesis.

Progress Reports

Recommendation reports of the doctoral committee and open defense panel.

Award of the Ph.D. Degree
Programme Outcome

The Ph.D programme gives students the opportunity to study independently and collaboratively to gain a thorough understanding of their chosen research subjects and to become experts in those fields. The curriculum prepares participants to become innovative scholars and responsible educators while exemplifying the duties of a professional and ethical citizen. By promoting publications at international conferences, journals with high impact factors, patents, and other forms of intellectual property, they are encouraged to create high quality intellectual property.

The Ph.D programme gives students the opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of the study domain through independent and group work, allowing them to become experts in particular research subjects. The programme prepares participants to work as responsible educators and creative researchers while upholding their professional and ethical obligations. By encouraging publishing at international conferences, journals with high impact factors, patents, etc., they are encouraged to create high quality intellectual property. The scholars exhibit a thorough understanding of the state of the art in their respective fields of study, the capacity to exploit novel ideas and the findings of earlier studies to produce new knowledge and theories, and the ability to design and disseminate solutions that satisfy the needs of public health and safety as well as cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

List of Facilities / Research Infrastructure

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Name of the Research Lab Major Facilities / Equipment Details
High Performance Computer Lab High Performance Computer Lab with NVIDIA A 100 GPU

Why Amrita

The top reasons to choose Amrita for your career


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS Rankings 2020


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS University Rankings 2020


India University Rankings 2024


Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
Amrita Ranked No.1 in India Top 100 in The World
‘A++’ Grade

Contact Us

Ph.D. Coordinator (Kochi)

Dr. Sangeetha J
Assistant Professor and Vice Chairperson
Department of Computer Science and IT
School of Computing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi
E-Mail ID: 



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