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About the Program

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Department of Civil Engineering (CIE) offers UG, PG Programs (M.Tech in Structural and Construction Engineering) and PhD in Civil Engineering. The program is designed for students and industry professionals seeking to advance their careers and for academics preparing to address challenges in research and teaching. Additionally, the courses are designed to establish a delicate balance between academic fundamentals and industry requirements, in this program.

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In addition, our PhD Program is designed to develop outstanding scholars for careers in research and teaching at leading academic institutions throughout the world. You can explore yourself meaningfully with conviction and passion. Fundamental and applied research is carried out to cater to the various needs of society without limiting it to Engineering and Technology.  Department comprises a wide spectrum of active researchers working in several areas of research in the Civil Engineering, such as Structural Engineering, Construction Management, Geotechnical Engineering, Pavement Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, and Disaster Management.
Research Areas under the program


Department of Civil Engineering (CIE) offers UG, PG Programs (M.Tech in Structural and Construction Engineering) and PhD in Civil Engineering. The program is designed for students and industry professionals seeking to advance their careers and for academics preparing to address challenges in research and teaching. Additionally, the courses are designed to establish a delicate balance between academic fundamentals and industry requirements, in this program. In addition, our PhD Program is designed to develop outstanding scholars for careers in research and teaching at leading academic institutions throughout the world. You can explore yourself meaningfully with conviction and passion. Fundamental and applied research is carried out to cater to the various needs of society without limiting it to Engineering and Technology.  Department comprises a wide spectrum of active researchers working in several areas of research in the Civil Engineering, such as Structural Engineering, Construction Management, Geotechnical Engineering, Pavement Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, and Disaster Management.
Research Areas under the program

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– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach


Doctoral programs at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham are designed to develop outstanding educational researchers with a wide range of research skills as well as in-depth knowledge and practical understanding and expertise in their chosen field of educational research.



B. Tech / M. Tech in any Engineering discipline.


Fees Structure

Program Fees
Coimbatore 30,000 * 78,000 (Includes One Time 5000 CD*+Transcript/ Registration Fees 1000)

Important Note

Commencement of Application Form: January 14 th, 2025.


Dr. Mini K. M.
Dr. Mini K. M.

Dr. Anand K. B.
Dr. Anand K. B.

Dr. Dhanya Sathyan
Dr. Dhanya Sathyan
Associate Professor

Dr. B. Soundharajan
Dr. B. Soundharajan
Associate Professor
Visiting Faculty

Dr. Prakash Chinnaiyan
Dr. Prakash Chinnaiyan
Assistant Professor (SG)

Dr. A. R. Vijayanarayanan
Dr. A. R. Vijayanarayanan
Vice Chairperson
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.)

Dr. Anjaly J Pillai
Dr. Anjaly J Pillai
Assistant Professor

Dr. Arjun Siva Rathan R.T
Dr. Arjun Siva Rathan R.T
Assistant Professor

Dr. Viswanath P.
Dr. Viswanath P.
Assistant Professor

Dr. Paresh Mirgal
Dr. Paresh Mirgal
Assistant Professor

Research Areas

Environmental Engineering stream

Advanced oxidation process for water treatment

Emerging contaminant treatment

Sustainable water and waste management

Nano material for water treatment

Environmental Engineering

Sustainable technologies for carbon capture

Structural Engineering

Earthquake engineering 

Reinforced Concrete design

Resilience-based design

Performance-based design

Experimental Investigation of seismic Behavior

Buildings/Bridges using shaketable


Geotechnical Engineering

Blast analysis of geotechnical structures

Experimental study on pavement shakedown

Landslide prediction using IoT


Water resource Engineering

Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Large scale floating solar system on reservoirs

Water resources systems


Fundings / Projects: (Ongoing)

Title of the Project Funding Agency
Development of Boron Carbide Cement Concrete for Neutron Shielding BRNS
3M -Scotch Brite Waste management research Government of Karnataka
Restructuring and Enhancing Strategies with a Transformative Approach for Integrated Water Disaster Management in India and the Netherlands (RESTARTIN). DST & NWO under Indo-Dutch research on water disaster management
comprehensive approach to disentangle climate and land cover change impact on water resources (DECLARE) DST & DAAD
Impacts of recent El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the Water-Food-Energy Nexus in South Asia Swedish Research Council
Structured Dialogues for Sustainable Urban Water Management DST: WTI-Urban Water Systems
Design and development of cost-effective floating solar energy generation technologies and infrastructure for achieving (nearly) zero-energy villages DST

List of Facilities / Research Infrastructure

Structural Engineering laboratory
Loading frame, Load cell and Indicator 25 and 50 Ton single acting cylinder assembly,

Manual Hand Pump Assembly

Data Acquisition System Q. Brixx gate IP

Q. Brixx A107

Q. Brixx A116

With test logger software

LVDT (25,50mm)

LCM Foam Generator with compressor 35 litter capacity
shake table Static analysis, dynamic analysis, nonlinear and linear analysis and time history analysis under dynamic analysis.

2-ton capacity, uniaxial.

Electro chemical workstation 2- channel potentiostat

Powered by EC lab software

High resolution EIS measurements

Thermal conductivity To investigate thermal conduction in common materials used in building construction

With inner and outer hot plates

Humidity incubator To test products at different set points 50C TO 600 C, RH 90%,
Concrete permeability apparatus with compressor With three specimen holder assembly as per standards, with maximum pressure of 20 bar,

Specimen size is 15CM

Impedance tube To measure the sound absorption coefficient of materials.

4 microphone and 2 sound card system.

Hot press To fabricate hard and brittle materials.
Rapid chloride penetration test apparatus. 8 cells with data acquisition system

With vacuum desiccator and vacuum pump.

Strength of Material Laboratory
Universal Testing Machine (Electronic type) 400 KN capacity,


Digital compression Testing Machine 3000 KN capacity,


Torsion Testing Machine 100 Nm capacity digital.
Construction Materials Testing Laboratory
Flexure Testing Machine 4-point loading with 100KN capacity.
Marshall Apparatus 5KN capacity with rammer, sample extruder and 4 moulds
Viscometer Brookfield Viscometer with Rheocalc software and water bath
Silver Schmidt Hammer It is an advanced version of the traditional rebound hammer, equipped with digital features for enhanced accuracy and efficiency.
Ultra sonic pulse velocity meter Transmit time rang 0.1 to 9999µs

Resolution 0.1 µs

Energising pulse 125 V, 250 V, 350 V, 500 V, AUTO, frequency range 24-500 kHz.

  1. Cover Display Screen
  2. Half-Cell Mode
  3. Graphics Plot Mod
  4. Threshold View
  5. Auto sizing and Orthogonal Function
  6. Data Logging Feature
  7. Powerful Statistics Feature
SCC testing apparatus (L-box, U-box, V- funnel, J-ring) To find the properties and characterises of self-compacting concrete.
Steel cone apparatus 2 litter capacity.
Compression testing machine 2000KN capacity.
Hot chamber Maximum temperature 1000 degree of chamber size 75*75*75 cm
Environmental Engineering Laboratory
B.O.D Incubator temp range 5 to 50 Degree
Bench top Incubator cum orbital shaker Can accommodate 8x250ml, or 8x500ml (Max.) conical flasks, shaking speed 20 to 200 orbital strokes per minute & the orbit diameter of 25 mm. Temp. range ambient +5°C to 60°C, platform size: 325 x325 mm
Immersion type Photo reactor Capacity 1 litter and UV light with different wavelength
Revolutionary centrifuge Max. rpm – 5250

Digital speed indicator

Step less speed regulator

0-99 minutes’ digital countdown timer

Max. capacity 400ml

Muffle furnace Maximum temperature 1000 degree of chamber size 10*10*10 cm
Direct Shear Apparatus  Proving ring with 2 kN capacity

Strain rate :0.0002mm -1.25mm/minute

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
Unconfined Compression Test Apparatus  Proving ring with 2 kN capacity

Strain rate: 1.25mm -2.5mm/minute

CBR Apparatus  Proving ring with 50 kN capacity

Strain rate :1.25mm -2.5mm/minute

Standard penetration Test apparatus Drive weight cast iron 63.5 Kg

Guide pipe assembly bore 73 mm

Tripod with pulley and built-in ladder

‘A’ type drill rod .5 meters

Manila rope 19 mm dia 10 meter.

Tri axial shear test apparatus Proving ring with 2 kN capacity

Strain rate 0.00048 mm- 6mm/minute

Surveying Laboratory

Total station 

1.Trimble m3 (5″) Total station with standard accessories  


Juno SA handheld with terrasync standard software (GPS) 

Program Overview

Research Areas under the program
  • Composite Materials,
  • Disaster Management,
  • Earthquake Engineering,
  • Geoenvironmental Engineering,
  • Geomechanics,
  • Pavement Engineering,
  • Resilient Infrastructure,
  • Structural Engineering,
  • Sustainable Construction Techniques,
  • Traffic Management,
  • Water and Waste Management,
  • Climate study.
  • 193 SCI/Scopus indexed Journal articles
  • 100 Scopus indexed Conference Publications
  • 19 Books
  • 13 Patents.

The department has received a Research Grant of about 582 lakhs to date. Several consultancy works are also carried out to promote applied research and community development as well.

Facilities & Infrastructure

The department has state-of-the-art laboratories in the areas of Survey & Geoinformatics, Construction Engineering & Material Evaluation, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical & Transportation Engineering, Environmental & Water Resources Engineering. Some of the major facilities available for research are Uniaxial Shake Table (FIST-Fund approved), SEM, XRD, High Performance Computing (CEN) etc.  Software: MATLAB, STAAD Pro, ETABS, Perform 3D, COMSOL, ABAQUS, ANSYS

Facilities at a glance

  • Central Library
  • Hostel Accomodation
  • Sports Facilites
  • Banking Facilities
  • Transport
  • Medical Services
  • Canteen
  • General Store
  • ICTS
  • Reprographic Facility
Amrita First in India & Top 100 in THE Impact Rankings 2021

Students can learn in an environment where they are comfortable and looked after. Here are the facilities that our campus provides

Why Amrita

The top reasons to choose Amrita for your career


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS Rankings 2020


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS University Rankings 2020


India University Rankings 2024


Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
Amrita Ranked No.1 in India Top 100 in The World
‘A++’ Grade

Contact us

Ph. D Coordinator

Dr. C. Prakash

Assistant Professor (SG),
Department of Civil Engineering,
School of Engineering, Coimbatore

E Mail 


Contact No.

0422- 2685581 (During office hours 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM)
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