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Program Overview

Prepare for a Career in M. Tech.

This M.Tech programme aims to train the students in the cybersecurity discipline through a well-designed combination of courseware and its application on real-world scenarios. The programme has a strong emphasis on foundational course such mathematics for security application, advanced algorithms, networks etc., in addition to diverse subject core areas such as cryptography, operating systems and security, cloud security, security of cyber physical systems etc.


This M. Tech program aims to train the students in the cyber security discipline through a well-designed combination of courseware and its application on real-world scenarios. The program has a strong emphasis on foundational courses in addition to diverse subject core areas such as cryptography, operating systems and security, cloud security, security of cyber physical systems etc.

Students will be exposed to real-world problems, open-ended problems and simulated real-life scenarios with active guidance from domain experts in this field. The program will help the students to:

  • Comprehend the various security threats and vulnerabilities of the cyber world keeping in line with industrial trends.
  • Scale up the demand from multiple industrial sectors in the cyber world to promote effective methods, practices, and tools to counter cyber-crimes.
  • To be able to architect, design and implement a fool-proof product line in cyber security.

Ultimately this program will yield next generation cyber security leaders who can be successfully employed in various sectors of industries, business firms, Government departments, financial bodies, educational institutions, etc., and these sectors generate huge demand for well- trained, professional people to be employed on cyber security front and they are always on the look-out for professionally trained people in cyber security.

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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach


Semester I
Course Code Type Course L-T-P Credits
24SN601 SC Modern Web Application Development and Exploitation 3-0-2 4
24SN602 FC Secure Coding and Programming 3-0-2 4
24SN603 FC Computer Networks and Security 3-0-2 4
24SN604 SC Cryptography and Applications 3 1 0 4
24SN605 SC System Security 3-0-2 4
24SN606 SC Cyber Forensics and Incident Response 3-0-2 4
23HU601 HU Career Competency I 0 0 3 P/F
22ADM501 HU Glimpses of Indian Culture 2 0 1 P/F
25AVP501 HU Mastery Over Mind 1-0-2 2
Total Credits 26
Semester Il
Course Code Type Course L-T-P Credits
24SN611 SC Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis 3-0-2 4
24RM606 SC Research Methodology 2-0-0 2
24SN612 SC Machine Learning for Cybersecurity  2-0-2 3
E Elective I 3
E Elective II 3
E Elective III 3
23HU611 HU Career Competency – II 0-0-3 1
24LIV690 HU Live-in-Labs P/F
Total Credits 19
Semester Ill
Course Code Type Course L-T-P Credits
24SN798 Dissertation I P 10
Total Credits 10
Semester IV
Course Code Type Course L-T-P Credits
24SN799 Dissertation II P 16
Total 16
Total Credits 71
List of Electives
Course Code Course L-T-P Credits
24SN631 Security Operations 3-0-0 3
24SN632 Cloud and Infrastructure Security 3-0-0 3
24SN633 Cybersecurity Governance 3-0-0 3
24SN634 Mobile Security and Vulnerability Analysis 2-0-2 3
24SN635 Ethical Hacking 2-0-2 3
24SN636 Vulnerability Analysis and Penetration Testing  0-0-6 3
24SN637 Hardware Security 3-0-0 3
24SN638 Blockchains and Decentralized Applications 2-0-2 3
24SN639 Security of Internet of Things 3-0-0 3
24SN640 Advanced Network Security 3-0-0 3
24SN641 Advanced Cryptography 2-1-0 3
24SN642 Game Theory & Its Applications to Security 3-0-0 3
24SN643 Advanced Android Security & Penetration Testing 1-0-4 3
24SN644 Data Analytics for Security 2-0-2 3
24SN645 SCADA Network Security 3-0-0 3
24SN646 Formal Methods 3-0-0 3
24MA647 Mathematical Foundations of Cybersecurity 3-0-0 3
24SN648 Wireless Security 3-0-0 3
24SN649 Cyber Law and Privacy 3-0-0 3
24SN650 Cyber Analytics 3-0-0 3
24SN651 Building Security Systems for Machine Learning Models 3-0-0 3
24SN652 Security in Emerging Technologies 3-0-0 3
24SN653 Zero Trust Architecture 3-0-0 3



B. E. / B. Tech. (Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics and Communication, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics and Instrumentation) MCA, MSc Computer Science, MSc Software Engineering

Ultimately this programme will yield next generation cyber security leaders who can be successfully employed in various sectors of industries, business firms, Government departments, financial bodies, educational institutions, etc, and these sectors generate huge demand for well-trained, professional people to be employed on cyber security front and they are always on the look-out for professionally trained people in the area of cyber security.


 Two years

Program Overview

Program Objectives (PO)
  • PO1: An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems.
  • PO2: An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.
  • PO3: Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
  • PSO1: Develop good grasp of the anatomy of attacks and emerging threats within computer networks, cyber physical systems, internet of things etc.
  • PSO2: Design and develop fundamental building blocks and tools and/or techniques to detect and protect both digital and physical assets that are vulnerable and susceptible to cyber-attack.
  • PSO3: Plan and prepare methods for protection of information while in process, handling, storage & transit to safeguard privacy of data.
  • PSO4: Learn and apply data centered methods in Cybersecurity towards characterization and analysis.
Eligibility Criteria
  • B.Tech. (Computer and Information Science)
  • B.Tech.  or B.E.  (Computer Engineering)
  • B.Tech.  or B.E. (Computer Science and Engineering)
  • B.Tech.  or B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
  • B.Tech. (Information and Communication Technology)
  • B.Tech. or B.E.  (Information Technology)
  • B.Tech. or B.E.  (Software Engineering)
  • M.Sc. in Computer Applications
  • M.Sc. in Computer Science
  • M.Sc. in Information and Communication Technology
  • M.Sc. in Information Security and Cyber Forensics
  • M.Sc. in Information Technology , MCA
Focus Areas
  • Formal Models for Trust in Cloud Computing
  • Internet of Things and Security
  • Security Data Visualization
  • Cyber-physical/Networked Embedded Systems
  • Cryptography
  • Healthcare Security
  • BigData Analytics Platform
  • Automotive Security
  • Security Education
International Programs

Centre for International Programs facilitates foreign internship with scholarship and higher education. Students can even opt for dual degree programs.

MTech Program Fee 2022 (Per Semester)

Facilities & Infrastructure


Sustainable Computing Systems Laboratory , IoT Enabling and Security Research Lab

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Networking Lab , Next Generation Internet Architecture and Security Lab


Semantic Intelligence Lab, Operating Systems Lab

Why Amrita

The top reasons to choose Amrita for your career


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS Rankings 2020


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS University Rankings 2020


India University Rankings 2024


Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
Amrita Ranked No.1 in India Top 100 in The World
‘A++’ Grade


Aravind Aji
M.Tech Cybersecurity Systems & Networks (2019-2021 Batch)

Amrita is hands down the best option in India for Cyber Security. Nothing can beat their updated curriculum and the knowledgeable and passionate faculty who will motivate you to explore more profoundly and comprehensively, ultimately helping you succeed tremendously. At Amrita, you will gain life skills as you learn to look at problems with new perspectives and solve them efficiently. You will learn the value of time and how to work faster and with precision. At Amrita, nothing is impossible if you are passionate enough and ready to put your mind and time into it.

Aishwariya Mohan
M.Tech Cybersecurity Systems & Networks (2018-2020 Batch)

My life at Amrita was very transformative. Not only academically but also as a human being. I have grown. The education is world-class and at par with the International standards, giving us space to experiment and think independently. It is very apt for people who are dedicated to improving themselves.

Anjali J. Suresh
M.Tech Cybersecurity Systems & Networks ( 2018-20 Batch)

Through the training received in Amrita, I gained confidence and proper understanding and grounding in theoretical and practical knowledge that equipped me to cope with work-related challenges. Owing to the industry-ready skills that Amrita affords students, I also received an opportunity to work in a reputable MNC- Dell RSA.

Archana Sreekumar
Gold Medalist
M.Tech Cybersecurity Systems & Networks (2018-20 Batch)

The M.Tech course in Cybersecurity Systems & Networks was a fantastic experience. I was able to explore my abilities to the fullest with the help of the right mentors and delivered my full potential. The M.Tech course at the Amritapuri campus has helped me improve my technical and cultural skills; I highly recommend it to others if they want to come out of their comfort zone and achieve something valuable.

Arjun T. U.
Silver Medalist
M.Tech Cybersecurity Systems & Networks (2017-2019 Batch)

The Cybersecurity MTech program offered by Amrita University is the best option for someone looking to get an intense hands-on whirlwind tour of the whole cybersecurity field. Aside from educational growth and opportunities, I had the immense privilege of being a part of the Amrita family and was able to absorb many life lessons during my short time there. I recommend this course to those who wish to experience one of the best holistic learning journeys offered by an eminent Indian educational institution.

Cheruku Sai Dhanush
M.Tech Cybersecurity Systems & Networks 2021-2023 Batch

My experience with Amrita Cybersecurity has been genuinely exceptional. One aspect that sets Amrita apart is its emphasis on industry collaboration. The program regularly organizes guest lectures, workshops, and internships with leading cybersecurity companies. These opportunities have provided invaluable exposure to real-world scenarios and helped me build a solid professional network before graduating. I am immensely grateful to the faculty, staff, and fellow students at Amrita Cybersecurity for creating an environment that fosters learning and growth. I am proud to be a part of the Amrita family.

M.Tech Cybersecurity Systems & Networks 2019-2021 Batch

Amrita taught me to use my skills to practically face and learn from problems. At Amrita, my skills improved, and the experience created an opportunity to transform from within and align myself with newfound values for a bright future. I am grateful for the eye-opening journey that the university took me on. In particular, I am thankful for the people I met at Amrita, including Amma, the chancellor. I believe future students will benefit from the all-rounded education should they choose to join the Amrita family

Melvin Varkey
M.Tech Cybersecurity Systems & Networks 2014-2016 Batch

The M.Tech Cybersecurity programme helped me immensely in identifying various trends in the cybersecurity field. The M.Tech programme follows the latest syllabus with excellent lab facilities. The courses are handled by highly skilled faculty and industry experts, and the students get the Opportunity to learn from professors from prestigious institutions outside India. I highly recommend the M.Tech cybersecurity programme at the Amritapuri Campus

Niranjan Manjunath Hegde
M.Tech Cybersecurity Systems & Networks 2019-2021 Batch

The M.Tech Cybersecurity programme helped me immensely in identifying Amrita is a place of opportunities and growth. Under the guidance of Amma, the faculty is imparting value-based education. If one is interested in growing their skills beyond the curriculum, Amrita is the place to be. At Amrita, students join a large family that also looks after them with the best care in sickness and calamities. The Amrita family supports, nurtures and cheers each student on.

Pallavi Kuamri Jha
M.Tech Cybersecurity Systems & Networks 2016-2018 Batch

I pursued my B—Tech and M.Tech degrees from Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri. I am currently working for VMware, Inc. My job posting can be attributed to the stellar education I received at Amrita, where one is educated to make a living and live. This unique amalgamation helps an individual develop into a person who can balance work and life. Amrita’s consistently high placement percentages result from a refined syllabus and experienced faculty. At Amrita, students’ innovative minds are nurtured to make progress in science and technology and use innovations for societal betterment. Amrita broadened my horizons by allowing me to experience humanitarian work via visits to orphanages and see value in environmental projects like manure-making from biodegradable waste. This entire journey from being a student to a responsible citizen and a professional is meticulously honed by Amrita. I highly encourage prospective students to cherish the all-rounded education Amrita has to offer.

Shankar Raman
M.Tech Cybersecurity Systems & Networks (2015-2018 Part Time Batch)

I joined Amrita for my bachelor’s and master’s programs. The university provided all the opportunities and guidance to excel in my career interest. The most enriching experience I received was in the university’s security team, Team Bios. Winning the Nullcon Jailbreak 2014 competition was only the icing on the cake. The team was an immersive experience that enhanced my technical skills and gave me the confidence to work independently. The courses taught at Amrita complemented each other in providing comprehensive knowledge about my field. As a student, one receives openings to travel abroad. I was selected for the I2COST scholarship with a 12-month student exchange program at the University of L’Aquila. Further, I travelled to attend a Network Security course from VU, Amsterdam. These excursions are integral to holistic student development. Such dreams come true at Amrita, and the international faculty supports and actualises student ambitions.

Vismaya Vijayan
M.Tech Cyber Security and Networks 2022-2024 Batch

Pursuing an M.Tech in cybersecurity at Amrita University proved to be an enriching experience for me. As I come from an EEE background, I was surprised at how quickly my reservations about being in cybersecurity resolved upon joining the program. The faculty members were crucial in guiding me in the right direction. The university provided numerous opportunities for those eager to expand their knowledge in the field. The curriculum balanced theoretical concepts and practical applications. The hands-on assignments and term projects greatly enhanced my understanding of the subjects. In short, Joining the M.Tech cybersecurity program at Amrita University was one of my best decisions.

Radhesh Krishnan
Batch 2014

I graduated from Amrita in 2011 with a bachelors in Computer Science and placement in a well paying software company. At Amrita, I was a beneficiary of a lot of attention and guidance from their faculty. I have seen how Amrita molds their students to achieve what they think is otherwise impossible. After an exciting tenure of two years in the industry, I realized the need for a higher degree to climb the success ladder. Amrita was the only option that came to my mind at that time. What was also particularly attractive, was their dual degree offerings. I enrolled for dual degree Masters at the Amrita Center for Cybersecurity Systems and Networks , Amritapuri, in the year 2013 and did my second year of Masters at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. As I am writing this, I am at VU pursuing my PhD in system security. My heartfelt gratitude to Amrita and the Chancellor of the Institution Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, for instilling in us good values, and for giving us the confidence to take on life. Very sincere thanks also to the faculty at Amrita; they strive to bring out the best in us. Amrita is the best choice I ever made in my life! Thank you Amrita!

Archana B. S.
Batch 2014

I am a PhD student at KU Leuven. The masters programme at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham ‘Cybersecurity Systems & Networks’ helped in broadening my horizon and also gave an opportunity to complete the masters at VU Amsterdam. Being from an Electronics background did not hold me back from plunging into the depth of the cyber world. The excellent faculty, flexible lab and work timing and the facilities at Amrita makes it stand apart from others. The study environment and support from faculties who have very good insight about the industry as well as academia, gave me the perfect environment to mould myself. With the increasing use of internet applications and cloud services, data and privacy breach is also rising and this calls for more research in this interesting field and this programme can help you to take the dive into the field. We are very much grateful to the alumni community for make us proud !!!

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