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Molecular Medicine is the study of molecular and cellular phenomena in biological systems that enhances our understanding of human diseases and facilitates discovery research in medicines, vaccines, disease prevention, disease diagnosis and therapy. It offers opportunities for many new fundamental insights into the mechanisms of diseases, and avenues for diagnostics and therapy that couldn’t have been imagined even a decade earlier. This program helps the student gain expertise in the design of drugs by understanding the molecular pathways of action and identify molecular markers of diseases for diagnostics & therapy. It helps to identify fundamental and genetic errors of various diseases. It is also about developing molecular interventions to correct them. The course is structured in such a way that the diagnostic, the therapeutic and the prognostic aspects of the disease are covered so that the patients are benefitted well. The different courses offered include human physiology, molecular basis of diseases, genetic engineering, human genetics, clinical microbiology, bioinformatics, molecular biology, biochemistry & cell biology. Applications include providing genetic & molecular markers indicative of higher risk of a disease as well as to identify environmental risk factors. Many markers have been developed by this group for neurodegenerative diseases

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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach

Important Note

Commencement of Application form : March 12, 2024


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One of the unique strengths of this course is its emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach whereby medical sciences, molecular and biochemical aspects of biology are addressed. Students will be encouraged to participate in interdisciplinary learning activities, and some of the courses from different programs are jointly offered. Molecular Medicine is a fine blend of medical science and cutting-edge technology, and is a trending academic discipline with huge scope in both industries and research. With the advancements in Genomics, personalized medicine is becoming a reality, and studying Molecular Medicine enables one to apply this to individual subjects. Pharma industries are interested in the application of Molecular Medicine to design tailored drugs. This stream has the potential to change the world and offer a plethora of career opportunities. The course has been successful for the last fifteen years with 100% PhD faculty to teach, hands-on research experience in cutting-edge technologies, and state-of-the-art facilities which are one of the best in the country.

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The two-year M.Sc. program covers the use of molecular understanding in discovery research in disease prevention, drug development, diagnosis and therapy. All students will be required to conduct a one-year thesis research that provides hands-on experience in molecular biology techniques, cell culture, biochemical techniques and genetic analysis. The research school is a Thematic Unit of Excellence under the Nanomission program of the Government of India. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to pursue their Ph.D dissertation at Amrita School of Nanosciences & Molecular Medicine. ASNSMM has a full-fledged placement cell that assists students in developing competencies and employability skills in order to become part of top-tier companies.


Semester I
Course Code Type New Course LTP Credits
24MMD501 FC Advanced Cell Biology 300 3
24MMD502 FC Molecular Biology 300 3
25AVP501 AC Mastery Over Mind 1 0 2 2
24MMD581 SC Molecular Biology Lab 101 2
HU Amrita Values Program * 1 1
23HU601 HU Career Competency-I 0 0 3 P/F
Total 17


24MMD531 Stem Cells and Applications in Medicine 300 3
24MMD532 Bioinformatics and Structure based Drug Design 201 3
24MMD533 Clinical Microbiology 300 3
24MMD534 Organ Systems Physiology 300 3
Semester II
Course Code Type New Course LTP Credits
24MMD511 FC Immunology 300 3
24MMD512 FC Clinical Biochemistry and Proteomics 300 3
24MMD513 FC Genetics: Principles and Analysis 300 3
24MMD582 SC Immunology and Microbiology Lab 101 2
24MMD583 SC Biochemistry Lab 101 2
Total 19
Semester III
Course Code Type New Course LTP Credit
24MMD698 P Dissertation-I 12
24MMD601 AC Statistical Data Analysis 101 2
24MMD681 SC Cell Culture and Animal Lab 101 2
24MMD602 FC Ethics in Research and Research Methodology 101 2
 Total 18
Semester IV
Course  Code Type    New Course Credit
24MMD699 P Dissertation-II 17
23HU611 HU Career Competency-II 0 0 3 1
 Total 18

Total Credits 72




BSc Graduates in – Molecular Biology/ Medical Biotechnology/ Medical Microbiology/ Microbiology/ Biomedical Sciences/ Biotechnology/ Botany/ Zoology/ Medical Genetics/ Biochemistry/ Bio- or Health Informatics/ Clinical Research/ Food Science and Nutrition/ Environmental Science/ Environmental Health Sciences/ Applied Biology/ Applied Psychology/ Nursing/ Allied Health Sciences/ Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Sericulture/ Forestry and any other bioscience related courses with at least 60% marks (or equivalent)

Fee Structure

*Fees mentioned beside are current. The University reserves the right to alter fees at any time without notice.

Jun-25 ₹ 1,95,500 ₹ 5,000
Jun-26 ₹ 1,89,300
1 Room Rent + Establishment Charges Annual ₹33,000
2 Mess Charges Annual ₹55,000

Facilities at a glance

  • Central Library
  • Hostel Accommodation
  • Sports Facilities
  • Banking Facilities
  • Transport
  • Medical Services
  • Canteen
  • General Store
  • ICTS
  • Reprographic Facility
Amrita Center for Nanoscience and Molecular Medicine

Students can learn in an environment where they are comfortable and looked after. Here are the facilities that our campus provides..

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