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Courses offered at the following campus


  • Multi-disciplinary field action projects
  • International Ph.D. fellowships and internship opportunities
  • Placement and training in social work related projects and programs of the MA Math
  • International Faculties

Attention Please !

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach




Graduation in any discipline from a recognized university. Candidates appearing for the degree exam can also apply.


Selection is based on academic performance and the qualifying interview.

How To Apply

Registration for admission 2025 is fully online. Candidates are required to have their recent photograph, online payment credentials, etc. to be ready to complete the online application process.
Application fee of Rs. 550/-

The NRI applicants please email to and not be applied through the website.

Last date of application ( Coimbatore)

April 30, 2025

Last date of application ( Amritapuri)

April 30, 2025

Important Date

Commencement of Application (Coimbatore): February (2nd week) 2025
Last Date for Application (Coimbatore): April 30, 2025

Commencement of Application (Amritapuri): February (2nd week) 2025
Last Date for Application (Amritapuri): April 30, 2025

Program Overview

World-Class Education

Amrita is India’s only UNESCO Chair in Gender Equality and Women’s empowerment. The Amrita MSW (Two years) and Bachelor of Social Work (Honours Research), under the School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, is a full-time residential program that offers world-class opportunities in the field of Social Work, and the gender equality topic is only one of many strengths in our program. Our social workers are prepared for multiple career possibilities, from working in hospitals, NGOs, government positions, corporate companies, working with communities and individuals, or working at national and international levels. Our program prepares students to take a prominent role in the significant and urgent real-life current challenges facing our world community, from environmental and other disasters, to understanding mental and physical distress of children and adults from the individual to the community, national, and global levels, to being able to critically evaluate and devise innovative solutions for the challenge at hand.

Amrita Social Work Education Advantage
  • Among the 3 categories of Deemed Universities in the country, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is placed in Category-1 by the MHRD, GOI
  • Qualified and experienced full-time faculty, including international faculty
  • Nationally and internationally recognized experts as visiting faculty offering workshops and seminars
  • Wide and diversified settings for concurrent fieldwork, unmatched learning experience through closely supervised fieldwork
  • A strong emphasis on exciting research activities to prepare students to publish their own high-quality research papers in peer-reviewed international journals
  • Dedicated mentorship and close supervision by experienced research guides on student research projects
  • Block placements and internships in nationally & internationally reputed voluntary (NGOs/ INGOs) and corporate organizations, government departments, as well as at the development projects of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math
  • Credit-based curriculum and continuous evaluation under semester pattern
  • A dedicated in-house ‘Training & Placement Directorate’
  • Diverse student body including international students and students from all over India.
  • International alliances and excellent facilities and infrastructure
  • Unparalleled benefits of living and studying in a large campus

The UNESCO Chair seeks to impact the individual, community and greater society through research, implementation and education.

In its fourth year, Amrita’s UNESCO Chair strives to promote international, inter-university cooperation and networking to enhance institutional capacities and collaborative work. It was in the fall of 2016 that Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (University) and UNESCO inaugurated India’s first-ever Chair on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.

Focus areas of UNESCO Chair:

  • Designing tools and methods for effective interventional strategies towards the empowerment of women and strengthening gender equality with community’s active and inclusive participation.
  • Focusing on six holistic dimensions of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals defined as: safety and security, economic vitality, education, political, social and cultural environment,  environmental quality and health.
  • Understanding and mapping the vulnerabilities in communities to finally support India’s progress towards achieving the UN’s 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Center for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: where research meets action

The Center for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is a research-focused academic center for promoting gender equality and fostering women’s empowerment with a special focus on technology and other innovative methods. This center offers diverse courses on key focus areas, pilot radical ideas, and collaborate with leading universities and institutions to advance the initiatives. The center acts as a major resource center for the implementation of various development projects undertaken by Amrita University and its parent organization, MA Math.

The CWEGE mission is built upon the three pillars of education, implementation, and action research.

The CWEGE research agenda continues with a system’s thinking-based approach to mapping women’s vulnerabilities throughout rural India. The approach remains focused through the lens of six dimensions ((i) safety and security, (ii) economic vitality, (iii) education, (iv) political, social and cultural environment, (v) environmental quality and (vi) health), and how they intersect with the different context levels of women’s lives. Our primary focus over the last six months has been improving and refining our data collection strategies, engaging with subject matter experts in the areas outlined above in order to ensure quality of research, and planning an expansion of our original pilot field venture.

About the Program

The Amrita MSW is a Two-year full-time residential program that offers the combination of dynamic, innovative, and pioneering practical experiences with academic excellence. We address local and global real-world issues that correspond to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In 2023, for example, our students participated actively in the C20 Gender and Equality working group.

In line with Social Work principles and ideology, our aim is to influence positive change where it is most needed with an attitude of compassion and selflessness. While strengthening the intellect, our school thus aims also at developing the heart qualities which will help our students to become complete and efficient decision makers throughout their career.

In this light, our students have responded with immediacy to disasters and crises, such as the Kerala floods and COVID-19. They have volunteered on Helplines, with collection and distribution of supplies for relief camps, and with conducting surveys after the Kerala floods, comparing the psychological wellbeing of those in more damaged versus less damaged areas and making referral for treatment when needed. We also have a strong commitment to working with the most impoverished, marginalized communities who experience immense ongoing life challenges, and our MSW students actively participate in this work. For example, our diverse and exciting fieldwork and research activities have afforded students unique opportunities to work with marginalized groups on such topics as:

  • Working with rural villagers to address serious water issues such as contamination and its impact on health
  • The impact of legal literacy on coping methods of rural women who are subjected to domestic violence
  • How lifetime illiteracy has shaped the attitudes and quality of life or impoverished women
  • Understanding alcohol use among youth and young adults and its impact on mental wellbeing
  • Helping to conduct and participate in medical camps in both hospitals and rural areas
  • How natural disasters have influenced stress and agitation among children in child care institutions versus those living in families
  • Helping impoverished village communities establish Self-Help Groups
  • Community organizing and PRA activities (Participatory Rural Appraisal) in rural village communities to learn about their life challenges and strengths
  • Engaging with communities in performing arts activities to explore unique capacities and challenging needs
  • Playing sports (football) with rural youth who excel in many skills but avoid academic education because of discrimination
  • The influence of pro-social and spiritual values on rates of depression and anxiety among older adults living in care homes vs living in isolation
  • The impact of early trauma on the psychological status of vulnerable children in childcare homes, and whether the practice and belief in higher values mitigate depression and anxiety
  • Helping forest-dwelling tribal adolescents of school-going age become aware of and using government educational supports available to them

The Amrita social work Program is a credit-based system that allows for flexibility in matters of course design, curricula, time frame, teaching and learning methodologies, and evaluation procedures. The program focuses on improving the higher-order thinking skills of students, such as abstract thinking and problem-solving abilities. These abilities then guide and help students to excel in field work and academic activities. In the Amrita social work Program students will become equipped with enhanced confidence, knowledge, and the skills to address real-world social problems and to think critically about what is going on around them. The aim of this program is to transform dependent learners into independent, life-long learners and compassion-oriented givers. Our students are prepared to embrace the important and dynamic role of social work in the field of global development. Students are required to be skilled and proficient in spoken and written English.


Specializations offered at Amritapuri Campus and Arasampalayam Campus (Coimbatore)

  1. Community Development
  2. Child Rights and Child Protection
  3. Medical and Psychiatric Social Work
  4. Human Resource Management (New!)
  5. Disaster Management
  6. Human Rights *
  7. Gender and Social Work
  8. Communication for Social and Behavioural Change (UNICEF curriculum)

* This specialisation offers a dual degree option in MSW/ MA Human Rights OR a Certificate in Human Rights from the University of Arizona (USA)


Semester I
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24SWK501 Foundations of Social Work Practice 3 00 3 A
24SWK502 Psychosocial Perspectives and Counseling 3 00 3 B
24SWK503 Society, Change and Development 2 00 2 C
24SWK504 Working with Individuals 3 00 3 D
24SWK505 Working with Groups 3 00 3 E
24SWK591/24SWK598* Concurrent Fieldwork–I/Internship I* 4 P1
24SWK592 Rural, Urbanor Tribal Camp 0 02 2 P2
22ADM501 Glimpses of Indian Culture 2 0 1 P/F F
25AVP501 Mastery Over Mind(MAOM) 1 02 2
Total 22
Semester II
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24SWK511 Working with Communities 3 00 3 A
24SWK512 Introduction to Child Rights and Child Protection 1 00 1 B
24SWK513 Introduction to Disaster Management 1 00 1 C
24SWK514 Introduction to Physical and Mental Health 1 00 1 D
24SWK515 Introduction to Gender and Social Work 1 00 1 E
24SWK516 Introduction to Communication for social and behavioral Change 1 00 1 F
23SWK517 Introduction to Human Rights (offered in Online mode by Arizona University) 1 0 0 1 G
24SWK518 Social Work Research 4 00 4 H
**Amrita Value Program 1 00 1
24SWK593/ 24SWK599* Concurrent Fieldwork II/Internship II & Winter Internship* 4 P1
Total 18
Semester III
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24SWK601 Social Legislation for Vulnerable Groups 3 00 3 A
24SWK602 Project Formulation and Management 3 00 3 B
24SWK603 Social Welfare Policy and Administration 3 00 3 C
Elective Paper I 3 00 3 D
Elective Paper II 3 00 3 E
24SWK691/ 24SWK694* Concurrent Fieldwork III/ Internship III & Summer Internship* 4 P1
24SWK690/ 21OELxxx/ 24OEL667 Live-in-Lab.@/Open Elective/Research methods for Social Sciences – II 2 00 2 J
24SWK695 ResearchProject1 0 02 2
Total 23
Semester IV
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24SWK611 Corporate Social Responsibility 2 00 2 A
234WK692 Organizing Conferences /workshops 0 04 4 P1
Elective Paper III 3 00 3 D
Elective PaperIV 3 00 3 E
24SWK696/ 24SWK698* Concurrent Fieldwork IV/Internship IV* 4 P2
24SWK697 Block Field Placement 2 P3
24SWK699 Research Project II 0 02 2 P
Total 20
Total Credits 83
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24SWK631 Rural and Tribal Community Development 3 00 3 D
24SWK632 Urban Community Development and Good Governance 3 00 3 E
24SWK633 Climate Change and Sustainable Development 3 00 3 D
24SWK634 Technological Interventions for Community Development 3 00 3 E
24SWK651 Understanding Children as Vulnerable Groups 3 00 3 D
24SWK652 Care and Support Services for Children 3 00 3 E
24SWK653 Interventions for Child Rights and Child Protection 3 00 3 D
24SWK654 Interventions for Children in Humanitarian Crisis 3 00 3 E
24SWK671 Introduction to Gender Theory 3 00 3 D
24SWK672 Gender and Social Norms in India 3 00 3 E
24SWK673 Gender Sustainable Development 3 00 3 D
24SWK674 Gender Sensitization : Master Trainer 3 00 3 E
Human Rights (The Arizona University courses– Dual Degree– in online mode)
HRTS500 Advancing Human Rights 3 00 3
HRTS501 Advancing Human Rights Organizations 3 00 3
HRTS510 Advancing Human Rights Law 3 00 3
HRTS909 Capstone Project in HR 3 00 3
HRTS502 Advancing Human Rights Organizations II 3 00 3
HRTS505 Human Rights Voices 3 00 3
HRTS511 Advancing Human Rights through Strategic Litigation 3 00 3
HRTS520 Community-Based Participatory Action Research for Human Rights 3 00 3
HRTS521 Community-Based Participatory Action Research for Gender Based Violence 3 00 3
HRTS530 Understanding Gender Violence 3 00 3
HRTS531 Femicide/Feminicide 3 00 3
HRTS541 Advancing Human Rights through Documentary Media 3 00 3
HRTS542 Advancing Human Rights through the Arts 3 00 3
HRTS543 Advancing Human Rights with Technology 3 00 3
HRTS595A Human Rights Across Contexts – Cultural Heritage protection 3 00 3
HRTS596A Human Rights Crises and Trauma 3 00 3
HRTS596B Cutting-Edge Advances in Human Rights Practice 3 00 3
HRTS597A Exploring Human Rights through Virtual Field Trips 3 00 3
HRTS599 Independent study 3 00
FTV544 Documentary Production 3 00 3
HRTS598A Certificate Project in HRTS and Technology 3 00 3
HRTS598B Certificate Project in Gender Based Violence 3 00 3
HRTS598C Certificate Project in Human Rights and Doc Media 3 00 3
24SWK641 Social Work Practice in Mental Health I 3 00 3 D
24SWK642 Social Work Practice in Mental Health II 3 00 3 E
24SWK643 Social Work Practice in Health and medical Settings 3 00 3 D
24SWK644 Community Care in Physical Health 3 00 3 E
24SWK661 Hazards, Risk and Disasters 3 00 3 D
24SWK662 Standards and Approaches in Disaster Relief and Recovery 3 00 3 E
24SWK663 Mental Health Services in Disaster Management 3 00 3 D
24SWK664 Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change 3 00 3 E
24SWK676 Development, History and Concepts 3 00 3 D
24SWK677 Communication for Development- The Indian Context and global experiences 3 00 3 E
24SWK678 Medial and Communication for Development in India 3 00 3 D
24SWK679 Strategy Design : Planning Models, Processes and Levels of Interventions 3 00 3 E
24SWK681 Labour Welfare Polices, Legislations and Codes 3 00 3 D
24SWK682 Organisational Behaviour, Change and Development 3 00 3 E
24SWK683 Human Resource Management – I 3 00 3 D
24SWK684 Human Resource Management – II 3 00 3 E
**Amrita Value Programme
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
22ADM502 Vedanta in day-to-day life 1-0-0 1
22AVP506 Message of Swami Vivekananda 1-0-0 1
22AVP508 Indian Arts and Literature 1-0-0 1
22AVP510 Appreciation of Kerala Mural Arts Forms 1-0-0 1
22AVP501 Message of Śrī Mātā Amritanandamayi Devi 1-0-0 1
22AVP502 Insights from the Ramayana 1-0-0 1
22AVP503 Insights from the Mahabharata 1-0-0 1
22AVP504 Insights from the Upanishads 1-0-0 1
22AVP505 Insights from Bhagavad Gita 1-0-0 1
22AVP512 Ancient Indian Science and Technology 1-0-0 1
22AVP507 Great Spiritual Teachers of India 1-0-0 1
22AVP509 Yoga and Meditation 1 1-0-0 1

*One Open Elective course is to be taken by each student, in the third semester, from the list of open electives offered by the school.

@Students under taking and registering for a Live-in-Lab project can be exempted from registering for the Open Elective course in the third semester.

$Winter Internship will be completed at the end of semester I and evaluated along with Concurrent Field Work II in Semester 2

#Summer Internship will be completed at the end of the semester II and evaluated along with Concurrent Field Work II Iin Semester3

**Students will be offered training by the CIR in all the four semesters

***Students ar eexpected to present and publish papers in International Conferences and Scopus Indexed Journals. 23SWK612 will be offered as a Practical and Project Mode

Open Elective PG
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
21OEL631 Advanced Statistical Analysis for Research 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL632 Basics of PC Software 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL633 Computer Hardware and Networking 1 0 1 2 D/E
21OEL634 Consumer Protection Act 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL635 Corporate Communication 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL636 Design Studies 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL637 Disaster Management 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL638 Essentials of Cultural Studies 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL639 Foundations of Mathematics 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL640 Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL641 Glimpses of Life through Literature 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL642 Information Technology in Banking 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL643 Knowledge Management 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL644 Marketing Research 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL645 Media for Social Change 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL646 Media Management 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL647 Object-Oriented Programming 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL648 Painting and Sculpture 1 0 1 2 D/E
21OEL649 Personal Finance 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL650 Principles of Advertising 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL651 Principles of Packaging 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL652 Scripting for Rural Broadcasting 1 0 1 2 D/E
21OEL653 Social Media Website Awareness 1 0 1 2 D/E
21OEL654 Theatre Studies 1 0 1 2 D/E
21OEL655 Writing for Technical Purposes 2 0 0 2 D/E
21OEL656 Yoga and Personal Development 1 0 1 2 D/E
21OEL657 Fundamentals of Legal Awareness 2 0 0 2 D/E

Fee Structure (Semester Wise)


Program Fee for the Year 2025 Admissions (Semester Wise)

Category Amount
Scholarship fees 45,000
Non-Scholarship fees 75,000
Caution Deposit (One Time) 5,000
2025 Admission Tuition Fee Structure in Rs.
Category Period Amount
Tuition Fee Per Semester 40,000
Caution Deposit One Time 5,000

Facilities at a glance

  • Central Library
  • Hostel Accommodation
  • Sports Facilities
  • Banking Facilities
  • Transport
  • Medical Services
  • Canteen
  • General Store
  • ICTS
  • Reprographic Facility
Amrita First in India & Top 100 in THE Impact Rankings 2023

Students can learn in an environment where they are comfortable and looked after. Here are the facilities that our campus provides…

Why Amrita

The top reasons to choose Amrita for your career


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS Rankings 2020


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS University Rankings 2020


India University Rankings 2024


Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
Amrita Ranked No.1 in India Top 100 in The World
‘A++’ Grade

Contact Us


The Admission Coordinator,
Amrita School of Arts & Sciences,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Amritapuri Campus,
Clappana (P.O.),
Kollam– 690525

For expedited inquiries regarding admissions please contact:
Admission Coordinator
Phone : +91 9995144543
Toll-free Number: 044-481-34483


The Admission Coordinator,
Department of Social Work,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Ettimadai (P.O.), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
PIN – 641 112

0422 268 5850
0422 268 5851
(9am-5pm) sends e-mail)
Please contact:
Admission Coordinator, Coimbatore Campus
+91 9566643196

Admissions Apply Now