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M. D. in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation is a Clinical Speciality course offered by the Amrita School of Medicine.

Doctor of Medicine in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation is a three year postgraduate degree program. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation is a branch of medical science, which involves the study of physical impairments or disabilities. It emphasizes on optimizing the functionality and performance of the affected organ of the patient. Any candidate who has passed the MBBS degree from a recognized University thereto by Medical Council of India or any other State Medical Council is eligible for the M. D. course. During this course, one learns various sub specialty techniques, namely sports medicine, electrodiagnostics, trauma procedure etc.

After the successful completion of M. D. in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, one can get into a private or public hospital or join old age home as an in-house physician or can work with NGOs working for a similar causes.

Curriculum: As per Medical Council of India (MCI) and Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Seats: 2

Duration: Three years **

(** Two years in case of those who have recognized Postgraduate Diploma in the same subject)

Attention Please !

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach




Qualification : Candidates must have MBBS degree recognized by the Medical Council of India, New Delhi.

Eligibility Criteria : NEET PG – 2024 qualified candidates who have been allotted to Amrita School of Medicine by the MCC, New Delhi are eligible to report for admissions for the academic year 2024-2025.

For more details regarding DGHS guidelines, please visit MCC Website

Fee Structure

Note :

  1. Caution Deposit of Rs.10,000/- is included in other fees which is refundable.

NB: **All fees are subject to change/ revision as per the University/ UGC Guidelines (if applicable).

Program Fees for the year 2024
CAMPUS Annual Fees
First Year Other Fees
First Year Hostel Fees
Admission Processing Charges
Kochi 21,00,000 1,10,600 62,000 2,500

*The Admission Processing charges is non-refundable in the event of resignation or upgradation

Course Details

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Admission Cancellation and Fee Refund Policy 2025-2026

Scenario Purpose

Medical Seats

In scenarios of upgradation/resignation of medical seats during the Rounds of MCC Counselling as per DGHS norms. Admission Processing Charges of Rs.2500 will be deducted.
If candidate cancels admission (in any circumstance) leaving the seat vacant for the entire course duration First year Course Fees paid will not be refunded. In addition to this, residents should pay the Tuition Fees for the remaining course duration (as applicable to each course) as liquidated damages to the institution.


Hostel Fee Refund Policy
Category Percentage of Refund of fees Point of time when notice of withdrawal of admission is received in the HEI
(1) 100% 15 days or more before the formally notified last date of admission
(2) 90% Less than 15 days before the formally notified last date of admission
(3) 80% 15 days or less after the formally notified last date of admission
(4) 50% 30 days or less, but more than 15 days after formally notified last date of admission
(5) 0% More than 30 days after formally notified last date of admission

This policy dated 25th January 2025 will be followed in Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi for all the courses and will remain in force for subsequent Academic Sessions until the issuance of a revised policy by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

Facilities at a glance

  • Central Library
  • Hostel Accomodation
  • Sports Facilites
  • Banking Facilities
  • Transport
  • Medical Services
  • Canteen
  • General Store
  • ICTS
  • Reprographic Facility
Amrita Health Sciences Campus

Students can learn in an environment where they are comfortable and looked after. Here are the facilities that our campus provides..

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World University Rankings 2020


BRICS Rankings 2020


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS University Rankings 2020


India University Rankings 2024


Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
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