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Courses offered at the following campus


Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (Amrita Hospital), based in Faridabad, Delhi, India is recognised as one of the premier hospitals in South Asia. Our commitment to affordable quality care has attracted a dedicated team of highly qualified medical professionals and other healthcare professionals from across the world to provide the highest standards of medical treatment. The institution currently offers Fellowship programs in various specialities.


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– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach



  • candidate will be guided on topics. Weekly Seminars and journal clubs to be conducted.
    Head and neck, sarcoma, breast, penile limb and other complex wound reconstruction
  • Replantation
  • Practical : Should have enough workload of cases where microsurgery is required. It will be expected that the trainee should get access to assisting in 10 cases and performing with and without assistance at least another 25 cases by the end of the tenure.The Department has all these above facilities available The clinical workload of micro vascular cases in the department is very high and on an average 3-4 similar major cases are carried out every week.
  • Eligibility for admission: Mch./DrNB/DNB plastic surgery
  • Pattern: Annual



Micro vascular surgery has been one of the most significant advances that has occurred in the evolution of plastic surgery during the past two decades. The applications of these surgical principles are quite varied and there is no area of plastic surgery that has not had its beneficiary impact. Cancer reconstructive surgery and management of traumatic defects of the limbs has become more refined and easier with and replantation of severed extremities has become a reality with the application of these techniques. There are only few centers that practice these procedures as apart of their routine clinical activity and that offer training facilities.

The department of plastic and reconstructive surgery at Amrita Hospital, Faridabad has a high micro vascular surgery workload . The department has a very high turnover of patients requiring reconstruction of cancer defects as well as traumatic defects of the limbs.

The objective of this programme is to provide nuanced training in microsurgery in the setting of onco reconstruction, reonstruction of complex defects, limb salvage and replantation with adequate hands on training under expert supervision. The candidate will be trained in post operative care, monitoring, techniques of salvage and management of complications.

Programme Content

The trainee should undergo a structured micro vascular training programme at Amrita Surgical Skills Lab or equivalent. Also the trainee should continue to perfect these skills in the animal laboratory further to the satisfaction of the faculty

Candidate will assist in OPD, ward work and get hands on training in surgery. The spectrum of procedures will include onco reconstruction , limb salvage, replantation, lymphology and reconstructions for congenital anomalies. Candidate will receive hands on training to perform work horse free flap surgeries like radial forearm flap, antero lateral thigh flap and free fibula flap.Training in vascular access for dialysis, revascularisation, replantation and nerve repairs.

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