The program is an introduction to Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma. Starting with the very basic philosophies, the program explores the various schools of thoughts in Hinduism, the itihasas, puranas and their traditions and festivals that are inseparable from the fabric of this culture. A comprehensive introduction to the Sanskrit language, its sophistications and profundity will be revealed. The program will also offer workshops on the built heritage of India, exploring her great empires, emperors, leaders, and heroes alongside the various marvels and wonders of this land.
Furthermore, the program is also an opportunity to learn Yoga, Meditation, Chanting (Mantras) and Sadhana (Personal Spiritual Practices), such that students can take it forward as a part of their life. And that’s not all! There is a final flourish that completes the learning this holistic program intends to offer.
In a tradition in Hinduism the creator of the universe is worshipped as Goddess Lalita Parameswari Devi. ‘also as the one who embodies the sixty four fine arts’. These sixty four forms include the art of dancing, singing, playing musical instruments, cooking, painting, juggling, weaving and so on. This program also presents an opportunity to appreciate these sixty four art forms of India, with live performances and interaction with the artists.
Amrita Darshanam – International Centre for Spiritual Studies, heartily welcomes everyone to this diploma program, to partake in the wisdom of this grand ancient culture.