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Bachelor of Optometry program is a four-year degree program including one-year compulsory internship that deals with the examination, diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases and disorders of the visual system. It is a vision care science.

One can also define it as the science of eye equipment (including lenses and spectacles) which is imbued with the idea of improving the vision of the human eye and remove obstacles of sight which an individual may experience. This is a dynamic and challenging career, which allows one to help people, achieve personal growth, and earn community respect, with financial success thus offering unlimited opportunities.

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The program is envisaged to develop multipurpose ophthalmic manpower at allied health level. The training will enable a student to become competent in providing service as an Optician, Optometrist, Refractionist and Ophthalmic Assistant to the community in urban, semi-urban, rural setting excluding private, semi-Governmental and Governmental sectors. In the past decade, a fundamental shift has occurred in healthcare delivery, largely due to advances in science and technology. There is a huge dearth of trained ophthalmic manpower using advance technology in vision care science.

Scope and Career Options are:

  • Assist ophthalmologists in hospital clinic
  • Practice in optical establishments
  • Run optical commercial establishments.
  • Have excellent job opportunities overseas.
  • Offer clinical services to multinationals dealing, with the manufacturing and distribution of ophthalmic lenses, contact lenses and ophthalmic instruments.
  • Start manufacturing unit for optical lenses.
  • For those interested in higher studies can join for M.Sc. and PhD programs and take up teaching Optometry as a career.

Attention Please !

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach

Important Dates

Commencement of Application Form : January 3, 2025

Entrance Examination Details

Examination Date
Examination Timing
Question Paper Pattern

Physics: 25 questions

Chemistry: 25 questions

Biology: 25 questions

English: 5 questions

Duration: 2 hours

Number of Questions: 80

Marking Scheme: 3 marks will be awarded for each correct answer and -1 for each wrong answer.

AEEL Syllabus

Admission Procedure

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Program & Eligibility

Bachelor of Optometry (B Optom)

Duration of the Program: 4Three Years + One Year Internship

Pass in Plus Two with 60% Aggregate Marks in Physics, Chemistry & Biology.

Candidates should be of minimum 17 years and maximum 23 years as on December 31st of each Admission Year

Application Fees
  • Candidates should submit applications by online mode only.
  • Online Application Fees: Rs. 550/- (Rupees Five Hundred and Fifty Only)

Prospectus for Kochi Prospectus for Faridabad

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Selection and Allotment of Seats

For all specialties, selection for candidates will be based on the rank obtained in the Amrita Entrance Examination. Allotment of seats for the shortlisted candidate will be based on the performance in the counseling/interview.

Out of total seats for all specialties, 50% seats will be allotted to the Merit category and 50% to the management category including NRI i.e. 15% of seats.

Candidates applying through agents/education counsellors using fraudulent means/ bribery/donations will be debarred to secure admission in any of the courses in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

Candidates are advised to frequently visit the admission page for latest updates.

It is important for the candidate to register their commonly used mobile number/email id. Do not provide email id/mobile number of education counsellors/agents/internet café operators etc. The candidate is solemnly responsible for any negligence.

Note: Once specialty is allotted, a request for a change of specialty will not be permitted. Request pertaining to the same will not be entertained.


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Scope and Career Options
  • Assist ophthalmologists in hospital clinic
  • Practice in optical establishments
  • Run optical shop
  • Have excellent job opportunities overseas.
  • Offer clinical services to multinationals dealing, with the manufacturing and distribution of ophthalmic lenses, contact lenses and ophthalmic instruments.
  • Start manufacturing unit for optical lenses.
  • For those interested in higher studies can join for M.Sc and PhD programs and take up teaching Optometry as a carrier.


Annual Tuition Fee 2025 – 26 (Kochi)
Scholarship (INR) Non Scholarship (INR) NRI (in USD) Other Fee Admission Processing Charge Hostel & Mess Fee
1,50,000 2,00,000 4500 41,000 INR 2500 80,000

Important Note

Last Date to Submit Application: May 13, 2024

Examination Date & Timing

Date Shift 1
(9.00 AM to 11.00 AM)
Shift 2
(12.00 PM to 2.00 PM)
Shift 3
(3.00 PM to 5.00 PM)
May 12, 2023 AEEB AEEL AEEP
May 13, 2023 AEEL AEEP AEEB
May 14, 2023 AEEP AEEB AEEL


First Semester
Sl. No. Course Titles Credits/Week Hours/semester IA* UE** Practical/ Viva Voce Total(IA+UE)
L P C L T/P Total
BOP101 General Anatomy 2 0.5 2.5 30 15 45 50 50 100
BOP102 General Physiology 2 0.5 2.5 30 15 45 30 50 20 100
BOP103 General Biochemistry 2 0.5 2.5 30 15 45 50 50 0 100
BOP104 Geometrical Optics-I 3 0.5 3.5 45 15 60 30 50 20 100
BOP105 Nutrition 1 0 1 15 0 15 50 50 100
BOP106 English and Communication 1 0 1 15 0 15 50 50 100
TOTAL 11 2 13 165 60 225 260 300 40 600

*IA – Internal Assessment (Theory + Practical) ** UE- University Examinations (Theory) Teaching resources (tutors) should be made available at every institute for basic subjects such as –Remedial Biology, Remedial Mathematics and Remedial English for students who wish to undertake the extra classes for the same.

Second Semester
Sl. No. Course Titles Credits/weeks Hours per semester IA* UE** Practical/ Viva Voce Total(IA+UE)
L P C L T/P Total
BOP201 Ocular Anatomy 3 0.5 3.5 45 15 60 50 50 0 100
BOP202 Ocular Physiology 3 0.5 4 45 15 60 30 50 20 100
BOP203 Ocular Biochemistry 1 0.5 1.5 15 15 30 30 50 20 100
BOP204 Physical Optics 3 0.5 3.5 45 15 60 30 50 20 100
BOP205 Geometrical OpticsII 3 0.5 3.5 45 15 60 30 50 20 100
BOP206 Basics of Computers 0.5 0.5 15 15 0 0 100 100
BOP207 Clinical Optometry-I 0.5 0.5 15 15 0 0 100 100
TOTAL 13 3.5 17 195 105 300 170 250 280 700

Note: Clinical postings can be encouraged on Saturdays too.

Third Semester
Sl. No. Course Titles Credits/weeks Hours per semester IA* UE** Practical/ Viva Voce Total(IA+UE)
L P C L T/P Total
BOP301 Ocular Microbiology 1 1 15 15 50 50 100
BOP302 Visual optics –I 1 1 15 15 50 50 100
BOP303 Optometric optics-I 3 3 45 45 50 50 100
BOP304 Optometric 2 2 30 30 50 50 100
BOP305 Ocular Disease –I 3 3 45 45 50 50 100
BOP306 Clinical examination of visual system 2 2 30 30 50 50 100
BOP307 Indian Medicine and Telemedicine 1 1 15 15 100 100
BOP308 Clinical Optometry II 3 3 0 45 45 50 50 100
TOTAL 13 3 16 195 45 240 450 300 50 800

Note: Clinical postings can be encouraged on Saturdays too.

Fourth Semester
Sl. No.


Course Titles Credits/weeks Hours per


IA* UE** Practical/ Viva Voce Total(IA+UE)
L P C L T/P Total
BOP401 Optometric optics – II & Dispensing Optics 3 3 45 45 50 50 100
BOP402 Visual Optics- II 2 2 30 30 100 100
BOP403 Ocular Disease –II and glaucoma 3 3 45 45 50 50 100
BOP404 Pathology 1 1 15 15 50 50 100
BOP405 Basic and Ocular Pharmacology 3 3 45 45 50 50 100
BOP406 Introduction to Quality & Patient safety 2 2 30 30 100 0 100
BOP407 Medical Psychology 1 1 15 15 50 50 100
BOP408 Clinical optometry-III 3 3 45 45 50 50 100
TOTAL 15 3 18 225 45 270 500 250 50 800

Note: Clinical postings can be encouraged on Saturdays

Fifth Semester
Sl. No. Course Titles Credits/weeks Hours per semester IA* UE** Practical/ Viva Voce Total(IA+UE)
L P C L T/P Total
BOP501 Contact lens –I 2 1 3 30 30 60 30 50 20 100
BOP502 Low Vision care 1 0.5 1.5 15 15 30 30 50 20 100
BOP503 Geriatric Optometry &Pediatric Optometry 3 3 45 45 50 50 100
BOP504 Binocular Vision- I 2 2 30 30 50 50 100
BOP505 Systemic Disease 3 3 45 45 50 50 100
BOP506 Research Methodology & Biostatistics 2 2 30 30 50 50 100
BOP507 Clinical Optometry IV 3 3 45 45 50 50 100
TOTAL 13 4.5 17.5 195 90 285 310 300 90 700

Note: Clinical postings can be encouraged on Saturdays too.

Sixth Semester
Sl. No. Course Titles Credits/weeks Hours per semester IA* UE** Practical/ Viva Voce Total(IA+UE)
L P C L T/P Total
BOP601 Contact Lens –II 2 1 3 30 30 60 30 50 20 100
BOP602 Binocular Vision –II 2 0.5 2.5 30 15 45 30 50 20 100
BOP603 Public Health & Community Optometry 2 2 30 30 50 50 100
BOP604 Practice Management 1 1 15 15 50 50 100
BOP605 Occupational optometry 1 1 15 15 50 50 100
BOP606 Medical Law and Ethics 1 1 15 15 50 50 100
BOP607 Research Project – I 2 30 30 100 100
BOP608 Clinical Optometry  V 3 3 45 45 50 50 100
TOTAL 9 4.5 15.5 135 120 255 410 300 90 800

Note: Clinical postings can be encouraged on Saturdays

Seventh and Eighth Semester
Sl. No. Course Titles Credits/week Hours per semester IA* UE** Practical/ Viva Voce Total(IA+UE)
L/T P/C/RP L/T C/P/RP Total
BOP701 B Optom Internship 2 20 30 720 750 50 50 100
BOP801 B Optom Internship 2 20 30 720 750 50 50 100
BOP802 Research Project – II 4 150 100 100
BOP803 Research Project -III 4 150 100 100
1800 400 100 400

Internship is for 12 months (July – December; January – June) or 1 year. Total number of days (after deducting for national holidays & Sundays + Examination): 250 days (6 days / week; 6 hours / day)

= 1500 hours or minimum of 18 weeks /semester (216 days).

 Students are encouraged to involve in community outreach activities as part of their clinical postings without absenting himself /herself for the other regular classes.

Project report (thesis) needs to be submitted at the end of internship

Admission Procedure

Program & Eligibility

Bachelor of Optometry (B Optom)

Duration of the Program:

Three Years + One Year Internship


Pass in Plus Two with 60% Aggregate Marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English.

Application Fees

Candidates should submit applications by online mode only.

Online Application Fees:  Rs. 550/- (Rupees Five Hundred and Fifty Only)

Selection and Allotment of Seats

For all specialties, selection for candidates will be based on the rank obtained in the Amrita Entrance Examination. Allotment of seats for the shortlisted candidate will be based on the performance in the counseling/interview.

Out of total seats for all specialties, 50% seats will be allotted to the Merit category and 50% to the management category including NRI i.e. 15% of seats.

Candidates applying through agents/education counsellors using fraudulent means/ bribery/donations will be debarred to secure admission in any of the courses in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

Candidates are advised to frequently visit the admission page for latest updates.

It is important for the candidate to register their commonly used mobile number/email id. Do not provide email id/mobile number of education counsellors/agents/internet café operators etc. The candidate is solemnly responsible for any negligence.

Note: Once specialty is allotted, a request for a change of specialty will not be permitted. Request pertaining to the same will not be entertained.

Scope and Career Options
  • Assist ophthalmologists in hospital clinic
  • Practice in optical establishments
  • Run optical shop
  • Have excellent job opportunities overseas.
  • Offer clinical services to multinationals dealing, with the manufacturing and distribution of ophthalmic lenses, contact lenses and ophthalmic instruments.
  • Start manufacturing unit for optical lenses.
  • For those interested in higher studies can join for M.Sc and PhD programs and take up teaching Optometry as a carrier.
Academic Information Booklet

Facilities at a glance

  • Central Library
  • Sports Facilities
  • Banking Facilities
  • Transport
  • Medical Services
  • Canteen
  • General Store
  • ICTS
  • Reprographic Facility
Amrita Health Sciences Campus

Students can learn in an environment where they are comfortable and looked after. Here are the facilities that our campus provides…

Why Amrita

The top reasons to choose Amrita for your career


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS Rankings 2020


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS University Rankings 2020


India University Rankings 2024


Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
Amrita Ranked No.1 in India Top 100 in The World
‘A++’ Grade

Contact Us

For Enquiries Contact, 
Manager – Admission Office,
Medical College Building – 3rd Floor,
Amrita School of Medicine,
AIMS Ponekkara P.O.,
Kochi- 682041
Contact Number: 0484-285 8166 | 0484-285 8383 | 0484-285 8349 | 0484-285 8167 | 0484-285 8153  | 7994999585 | 7994999788

For all Entrance (AEEL) & Application (AOAP) related queries, please contact:

Contact Us

For Enquiries Contact,

Admission Office,
Medical College Building – 3rd Floor,
Amrita School of Medicine,
AIMS Ponekkara P.O.,
Kochi- 682041
Contact Number: 0484-285 8166 | 0484-285 8383 | 0484-285 8349 | 0484-285 8167 | 0484-285 8153 | 7994999585

For all queries related to Entrance (AEEL) and Application (AOAP),
Contact: 01140846644
email :

Admissions Apply Now