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BSc Honours in Mathematics with a Minor in Data Science is a 4-year undergraduate program offered by Department of Mathematics, Amritapuri Campus. Students can choose an exit option with a BSc Mathematics degree at the end of the third year.




Qualification: 55% marks for Mathematics and an aggregate of 50% marks in Plus Two Level.

Important Note: It is mandatory to meet the required eligibility criteria to complete the admission process. The admission process and seat confirmation will be completed only after the submission of educational documents and full fee payment including the caution deposit.


Selection will be based on +2 marks or interview.

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Fee Structure

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Program Fee for the Year 2025-26 (Semester Wise)
Scholarship Fees
Non -Scholarship Fees
Caution Deposit

Important Date

Commencement of Application Form: December 31, 2024

Program Overview

Programme Outcomes (PO)
  • PO1. Knowledge in Mathematical Science: Understand the basic concepts, fundamental principles and the scientific theories related to mathematical sciences.
  • PO2. Abstract thinking: Ability to absorb and understand the abstract concepts that lead to various advanced theories in mathematical sciences.
  • PO3. Modelling and solving Ability in modelling and solving problems by identifying and employing the appropriate existing theories and methods.
  • PO4. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex problems and processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO5. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO6. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern tools including prediction and modelling to complex mathematical, analytic and computational activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO7.Environment and sustainability: Understand the significance of preserving the environment towards sustainable development.
  • PO8. Ethics: Imbibe ethical, moral and social values in personal and social life leading to highly cultured and civilized personality. Continue to enhance the knowledge and skills in mathematical sciences for constructive activities and demonstrate highest standards of professional ethics.
  • PO9. Individual and teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10. Communication: Develop various communication skills such as reading, listening, and speaking which will help in expressing ideas and views clearly and effectively.
  • PO11. Project management and Research: Demonstrate knowledge, understand the scientific and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member/ leader in a team to manage projects and multidisciplinary research environments. Also use the research-based knowledge to analyze and solve advanced problems in mathematical sciences.
  • PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Salient Features of the Programme
  • The 4-year BSc Honours in Mathematics with Minor in Data Science/Computer Science programme has Mathematics as its major subject and Data Science/Computer science as its minor subject. The student has to learn a minimum of 18 additional credits to earn a minor degree in Data Science/Computer Science apart from 160 credits to get a 4-year BSc Honours degree in Mathematics.
  • Also, the student has an option to exit with a BSc Mathematics degree at the end of the 3rd year.
  • After completing 4-years, students will have an option to complete one more year to get an MSc Mathematics degree
  • After completing a 4 year BSc Honours degree in Mathematics, students will be able to enter directly into a Ph.D. programme
  • The approach in the degree characterized by mathematical rigor, combined with applications relevant to provide the tools, which analyze and develop new techniques in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence for a minor degree in Data Science. The Computer Science Minor also covers all aspects of Computer Science courses right from the fundamentals of Computer programming to database systems, Advanced programming skills, Design and analysis of algorithms, etc. It aims to prepare graduates for employment in application areas that requiring substantial input from these two disciplines.
  • The programme specially designed for students seeking a career in Data Science/ Computer Science.
Course Highlights
  • Combining theoretical and practical principles, the honours degree will develop analytical knowledge and technical skills and enable students to apply Mathematics to solve real-life challenges.
  • Modules that teach techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence, advanced programming skills, design and analysis of algorithms, etc. apart from pure and applied Mathematics
  • Throughout the degree, there will be scope to develop programming and software skills, as well as learn new skills within a work environment through placement opportunities
  • The project-based assessment will give a practical education and prepare them to apply their mathematical skills to one of the top emerging job sectors like Computer Science/Data Science
  • Summer internship opportunities enable them to get industrial exposure
  • 15 credits project in the final semester allows the students to demonstrate the accumulation of knowledge to develop a significant piece of research work.
  • Additionally, as Mathematics graduates, a student can pursue their careers in academics as well in research labs and in leading industries including IT, finance, and also government sectors.
Admission Procedure
  • Apply Online
  • Update +2 Marks
  • Verification of Marks
  • Get Provisional Admission
  • Accept
  • Pay Fee
  • Confirmation of Admission
  • Or Exit, the seat goes to the next person on the waiting list

Curriculum (Integrated MSc in Mathematics with Minor in Data Science)

Semester 1
Course Code  Course Title L T P  Cr 
24MAT110 Single Variable Calculus 3 1 0 4
24PHY106 Introduction to Mechanics 3 1 0 4
24CHY103 Chemistry 1 3 1 0 4
24ENG101 English I 2 0 0 2
24CHY184 Chemistry Lab 0 0 3 1
24CSA108 Hands-on Introduction to Computing I 2 0 3 3
25AVP501 Mastery over Mind(MAOM) 1 0 2 2
24MAT181 Mathematics Lab I 0 0 2 1
22ADM101 Foundations of Indian Heritage 2 0 1 2
Semester 2
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24ENG111 English II 1 0 2 2
24MAT120 Multivariable Calculus 3 1 0 4
24MAT121 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 1 0 4
24PHY113 Electricity and Magnetism 3 1 0 4
24ENV200 Environmental Science and sustainability 3 1 0 4
22ADM111 Glimpses of Glorious India 2 0 1 2
Free Elective 1 0 2 2
24MAT182 Mathematics Lab II 0 0 2 1
24PHY184 Physics Lab I 0 0 3 1
24CSA115 Hands-on Introduction to Computing II 1 0 2 2

Semester 3
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24MAT208 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3 1 0 4
24MAT209 Transforms & PDE 3 1 0 4
24PHY205 Intermediate Mechanics 1 3 1 0 4
24PHY206 Waves 3 1 0 4
24CSA210 Programming for Scientific Computing 3 0 3 4
Amrita Value Programme I 1 0 0 1
24MAT281 Mathematics Lab III 0 0 2 1
24PHY284 Physics Lab II 0 0 3 1
23LSK201 Life Skills I 1 0 2 2
Semester 4
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24CSA230 Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms 3 0 2 4
24MAT210 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3 1 0 4
24PHY214 Intermediate Mechanics II 3 1 0 4
24PHY211 Introduction to Quantum Physics 3 1 0 4
24MAT391 Open Elective / Live in Lab@. 3 0 0 3
24CSA285 Computing Using R (Lab 1) 0 0 2 1
Amrita Value Programme II 1 0 0 1
24PHY285 Physics Lab III 0 0 3 1
23LSK211 Life skills II 1 0 2 2
Semester 5
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24MAT305 Introduction to Real Analysis 3 1 0 4
24MAT306 Statistical Inference 3 1 0 4
24MAT307 Operations Research 3 0 2 4
24MAT230 Numerical Methods 3 0 2 4
24CSA307 Introduction to Data Science 3 0 2 4
24MAT381 Problem Solving Session I 0 1 0 1
24CSA480 Computing using R(Lab 2) 0 0 2 1
Semester 6*
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
Elective 1 3 0 0 3
24MAT314 Introduction to Abstract Algebra 3 1 0 4
24MAT347 Optimization Techniques 3 0 2 4
24MAT316 Introduction to Complex Analysis 3 1 0 4
24CSA343 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 0 2 4
24MAT382 Problem Solving Session II 0 1 0 1
Semester 7
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24MAT402 Abstract Algebra 3 1 0 4
24MAT403 Advanced Linear Algebra 3 1 0 4
24MAT404 Real Analysis 3 1 0 4
Elective 2 3 0 0 3
24CSA344 Advanced Machine Learning 3 0 2 4
24MAT481 Problem Solving Session III 0 1 0 1
24MAT490 Seminar 0 0 2 1
23LSK301 Life Skills III 1 0 2 2
Semester 8
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24MAT411 Measure and Integration 3 1 0 4
24MAT412 Complex Analysis 3 0 2 4
Elective 3 3 0 0 3
24MAT413 ODE & Calculus of Variations 3 1 0 4
Data Science Elective 3 0 0 3
24MAT482 Problem Solving Session IV 0 1 0 1
Semester 9
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24MAT504 Functional Analysis 3 1 0 4
Elective 4 3 0 0 3
24MAT598 Mini Project 4
24MAT505 PDE & Integral Equations 3 1 0 4
24MAT506 Topology 3 1 0 4
Semester 10
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24MAT599 Project 15
Mathematics Stream
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24MAT431 Commutative Algebra 3 0 0 3
24MAT432 Algebraic Geometry 3 0 0 3
24MAT433 Algebraic Topology 3 0 0 3
24MAT434 Introduction To Coding Theory 3 0 0 3
24MAT435 Lie Algebras 3 0 0 3
24MAT436 Theory Of Manifolds 3 0 0 3
24MAT437 Harmonic Analysis 3 0 0 3
24MAT438 Wavelets Analysis 3 0 0 3
24MAT439 Fixed Point Theory 3 0 0 3
24MAT440 Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 3 0 0 3
24MAT441 Fractals 3 0 0 3
24MAT442 Differential geometry 3 0 0 3
Statistics Stream
Course Code  Course Name  L T P
24MAT451 Stochastic Processes 3 0 0 3
24MAT452 Sampling Theory 3 0 0 3
24MAT453 Principles Of Experimental Design 3 0 0 3
24MAT454 Statistical Quality Control And Six Sigma Quality Analysis 3 0 0 3
24MAT455 Statistical Pattern Classifications 3 0 0 3
24MAT456 Time Series Analysis 3 0 0 3
24MAT457 Queuing Theory And Inventory Control 3 0 0 3
24MAT458 Regression Analysis 3 0 0 3
24MAT459 Bayesian Statistics 3 0 0 3
24MAT460 Actuarial Statistics 3 0 0 3
Computer Science Stream
Course Code  Course Name  L T P
24MAT471 Advanced Data Structures And Algorithms 3 0 0 3
24MAT472 Fuzzy Sets And Its Applications 3 0 0 3
24MAT473 Graph Theory 3 0 0 3
24MAT474 Advanced Graph Theory 3 0 0 3
24MAT475 Introduction To Soft Computing 3 0 0 3
24MAT476 Computer Aided Design Of VlSI Circuits 3 0 0 3
24MAT477 Cryptography 3 0 0 3
24MAT478 Formal Languages And Automata Theory 3 0 0 3
24MAT479 Algorithms For Advanced Computing 3 0 0 3
Data Science Elective
Course Code  Course Name  L T P  Credit 
24CSC331 Advanced Topics in Deep Learning 3 0 0 3
24CSC332 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning 3 0 0 3
24CSC333 Data Base Management for Big Data 3 0 0 3
24CSC334 Data Visualization 3 0 0 3

Curriculum (BSc Honours in Mathematics with Minor in Data Science)

Semester 1
Course Code  Course Title L T P  Cr 
24MAT110 Single Variable Calculus 3 1 0 4
24PHY106 Introduction to Mechanics 3 1 0 4
24CHY103 Chemistry 1 3 1 0 4
24ENG101 English I 2 0 0 2
24CHY184 Chemistry Lab 0 0 3 1
24CSA108 Hands-on Introduction to Computing I 2 0 3 3
22AVP103 Mastery over Mind(MAOM) 1 0 2 2
24MAT181 Mathematics Lab I 0 0 2 1
22ADM101 Foundations of Indian Heritage 2 0 1 2
Semester 2
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24ENG111 English II 1 0 2 2
24MAT120 Multivariable Calculus 3 1 0 4
24MAT121 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 1 0 4
24PHY113 Electricity and Magnetism 3 1 0 4
24ENV200 Environmental Science and sustainability 3 1 0 4
22ADM111 Glimpses of Glorious India 2 0 1 2
Free Elective 1 0 2 2
24MAT182 Mathematics Lab II 0 0 2 1
24PHY184 Physics Lab I 0 0 3 1
24CSA115 Hands-on Introduction to Computing II 1 0 2 2
Semester 3
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24MAT208 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3 1 0 4
24MAT209 Transforms & PDE 3 1 0 4
24PHY205 Intermediate Mechanics 1 3 1 0 4
24PHY206 Waves 3 1 0 4
24CSA210 Programming for Scientific Computing 3 0 3 4
Amrita Value Programme I 1 0 0 1
24MAT281 Mathematics Lab III 0 0 2 1
24PHY284 Physics Lab II 0 0 3 1
23LSK201 Life Skills I 1 0 2 2
Semester 4
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24CSA230 Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms 3 0 2 4
24MAT210 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3 1 0 4
24PHY214 Intermediate Mechanics II 3 1 0 4
24PHY211 Introduction to Quantum Physics 3 1 0 4
24MAT391@ Open Elective / Live in Lab@. 3 0 0 3
24CSA285 Computing Using R (Lab 1) 0 0 2 1
Amrita Value Programme II 1 0 0 1
24PHY285 Physics Lab III 0 0 3 1
23LSK211 Life skills II 1 0 2 2
Semester 5
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24MAT305 Introduction to Real Analysis 3 1 0 4
24MAT306 Statistical Inference 3 1 0 4
24MAT307 Operations Research 3 0 2 4
24MAT230 Numerical Methods 3 0 2 4
24CSA307 Introduction to Data Science 3 0 2 4
24MAT381 Problem Solving Session I 0 1 0 1
24CSA480 Computing using R(Lab 2) 0 0 2 1
Semester 6*
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
Elective 1 3 0 0 3
24MAT314 Introduction to Abstract Algebra 3 1 0 4
24MAT347 Optimization Techniques 3 0 2 4
24MAT316 Introduction to Complex Analysis 3 1 0 4
24CSA343 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 0 2 4
24MAT382 Problem Solving Session II 0 1 0 1
Total 20
TOTAL (for Exit option students) 140
Semester 7
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24MAT496 Mini Project 4
24MAT403 Advanced Linear Algebra 3 1 0 4
24MAT404 Real Analysis 3 1 0 4
Elective 2 3 0 0 3
24CSA344 Advanced Machine Learning 3 0 2 4
24MAT481 Problem Solving Session III 0 1 0 1
24MAT490 Seminar 0 0 2 1
23LSK301 Life Skills III 1 0 2 2
Semester 8
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
Data Science Elective 3 0 0 3
Elective 3 3 0 0 3
24MAT497 Project 15
Amrita Value Programmes for UG
Course Code Title L-T-P Credits
22ADM201 Strategic Lessons from Mahabharata 1-0-0 1
22ADM211 Leadership from Ramayana 1-0-0 1
22AVP210 Kerala Mural Art and Painting 1-0-0 1
22AVP201 Amma’s Life and Message to the modern world 1-0-0 1
22AVP204 Lessons from the Upanishads 1-0-0 1
22AVP205 Message of the Bhagavad Gita 1-0-0 1
22AVP206 Life and Message of Swami Vivekananda 1-0-0 1
22AVP207 Life and Teachings of Spiritual Masters of India 1-0-0 1
22AVP208 Insights into Indian Arts and Literature 1-0-0 1
22AVP213 Traditional Fine Arts of India 1-0-0 1
22AVP214 Principles of Worship in India 1-0-0 1
22AVP215 Temple Mural Arts in Kerala 1-0-0 1
22AVP218 Insights into Indian Classical Music 1-0-0 1
22AVP219 Insights into Traditional Indian Painting 1-0-0 1
22AVP220 Insights into Indian Classical Dance 1-0-0 1
22AVP221 Indian Martial Arts and Self Defence 1-0-0 1
22AVP209 Yoga and Meditation 1-0-0 1
Mathematics Stream
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
24MAT431 Commutative Algebra 3 0 0 3
24MAT432 Algebraic Geometry 3 0 0 3
24MAT433 Algebraic Topology 3 0 0 3
24MAT434 Introduction To Coding Theory 3 0 0 3
24MAT435 Lie Algebras 3 0 0 3
24MAT436 Theory Of Manifolds 3 0 0 3
24MAT437 Harmonic Analysis 3 0 0 3
24MAT438 Wavelets Analysis 3 0 0 3
24MAT439 Fixed Point Theory 3 0 0 3
24MAT440 Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 3 0 0 3
24MAT441 Fractals 3 0 0 3
24MAT442 Differential geometry 3 0 0 3
Statistics Elective
Course Code  Course Name  L T P
24MAT451 Stochastic Processes 3 0 0 3
24MAT452 Sampling Theory 3 0 0 3
24MAT453 Principles Of Experimental Design 3 0 0 3
24MAT454 Statistical Quality Control And Six Sigma Quality Analysis 3 0 0 3
24MAT455 Statistical Pattern Classifications 3 0 0 3
24MAT456 Time Series Analysis 3 0 0 3
24MAT457 Queuing Theory And Inventory Control 3 0 0 3
24MAT458 Regression Analysis 3 0 0 3
24MAT459 Bayesian Statistics 3 0 0 3
24MAT460 Actuarial Statistics 3 0 0 3
Computer Science Stream
Course Code  Course Name  L T P
24MAT471 Advanced Data Structures And Algorithms 3 0 0 3
24MAT472 Fuzzy Sets And Its Applications 3 0 0 3
24MAT473 Graph Theory 3 0 0 3
24MAT474 Advanced Graph Theory 3 0 0 3
24MAT475 Introduction To Soft Computing 3 0 0 3
24MAT476 Computer Aided Design Of VlSI Circuits 3 0 0 3
24MAT477 Cryptography 3 0 0 3
24MAT478 Formal Languages And Automata Theory 3 0 0 3
24MAT479 Algorithms For Advanced Computing 3 0 0 3
Data Science Elective
Course Code  Course Name  L T P  Credit 
24CSC331 Advanced Topics in Deep Learning 3 0 0 3
24CSC332 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning 3 0 0 3
24CSC333 Data Base Management for Big Data 3 0 0 3
24CSC334 Data Visualization 3 0 0 3

Fee Structure

Scholarship Fees Non -Scholarship Fees Caution Deposit
55000 78500 5000
Hostel Fee / Mess Fee: 2024
Hostel Fees Annual INR 25,600/-
Mess Fees Annual INR 45,000/-
Caution Deposit One Time INR 5,000/-

Facilities at a glance

  • Central Library
  • Hostel Accomodation
  • Sports Facilites
  • Banking Facilities
  • Transport
  • Medical Services
  • Canteen
  • General Store
  • ICTS
  • Reprographic Facility
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Contact Us

Amritapuri Campus
Admission Coordinator
Toll-free Number:

Placement Enqueries :
Ph: 0476 -280 5108

Department Contact for Admission

Ms. Sathidevi C.
Department of Mathematics
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr)

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