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The aim of of BSc Blood Bank technology course is to provide a high level educational process through formal didactic and state of art clinical and laboratory experiences that will render qualified , patient focused, compassionate blood transfusion services for the community who are engaged in acquiring a knowledge and expertise.

What is Blood Bank Technology?

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The program course of Blood Bank Technology is strategically designed to transmit expertise and nuances related to blood transfusion practises and organization. The comprehensive competency based curriculum would help the students to be proficient in both theoretical and practical skills. The teaching methodology employed would provide a good understanding of the aims and risks of transfusions. The students would be trained to assist physicians through best exposure in many areas of blood bank technology. Topics include a range of key subjects within transfusion medicine, such as blood banking, product management and use and adverse transfusion reactions. The fundamental principles of blood types and discussion on how and when to use compatibility testing to maximise transfusion efficacy.

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“Hostel facility is not available at Faridabad campus for the Allied Health Students.”

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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach

Job Opportunities after Completion of Course

Career Prospects 

On completion of BSc Blood Bank technology, given the focus on the healthcare and the demand for allied health professionals, career opportunities for clinical lab professionals is expected to grow fast. 

Higher Studies and Specialization 

The course opens doors to entry-level positions, many graduates opt to pursue advanced degrees or specialized certifications to broaden their career prospects and enhance their expertise. 

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The Department of Transfusion at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad is equipped with state of art facilities which not only caters to the need of patient in the quaternary care setup but also houses one of the largest blood centres in the country and provides round the clock facility with complete solutions to patients in need of blood component therapy, therapeutic apheresis, and immunohematology laboratory diagnostics through industry leading equipment and infrastructure.

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Uniqueness of Course (How are you Different from Other Universities?) 

The Department of Transfusion at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad is equipped with state of art facilities which not only caters to the need of patient in the quaternary care setup but also houses one of the largest blood centres in the country and provides round the clock facility with complete solutions to patients in need of blood component therapy, therapeutic apheresis, and immunohematology laboratory diagnostics through industry leading equipment and infrastructure.


The minimum duration of the course will be 4 years (3+1), 6 semester followed by one year of compulsory internship.

Fee Structure

Annual Tuition Fee 2025 – 26 (Faridabad)
Scholarship (INR) Non Scholarship (INR) First Year Other Fee (INR) Total First Year Fee (in INR)
1,00,000 37,500 137,500


First Year

Thirteen subjects (common subjects)will be taught to all the students in 1st year irrespective of their course as given below. However ane day in a week subject speciality courses will be taught by the department.

1 Anatomy
2 Physiology
3 Biochemistry
4 Microbiology
5 Pathology
6 Introduction of computer application
7 BMW management & environmental safety
8 English & communication soft skills
9 Quality Assurance & Accrediation
10 Health care delivery system
11 Medical Law and Ethics
12 Research and Biostatistics
13 Seminar/Symposium
Second Year & Third Year
Lab Hematology related to transfusion medicine
Objective  The students will be able to understand the basics of laboratory hematology related to transfusion medicine including practical skills
1 Blood collection
2 Anticoagulants used in Haematology
3 Normal values in Haematology
4 Basic Haematological Techniques: RBC count, Haemoglobin estimation, Packed cell volume.
5 Calculation of absolute indices: WBC counts-Total and differential, Absolute eosinophil count, Platelet count, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, Reticulocyte count
6 Preparation of blood films
7 Stains used in Haematology
8 Morphology of blood cells
9 Classification of Anaemia (Morphological & etiological), Definition, causes, classification & lab findings of Iron Deficiency Anaemia, Megaloblastic Anaemia, Haemolytic Anaemia
10 Bone Marrow: Cell composition of normal adult Bone marrow
11 Leukaemia: Classification
12 Examination of body fluids, cell counts
Practical sessions:
Demonstration on various laboratory equipment, preparation of smear, cell counts
Blood centre Organization
Objective Students should understand the organization of the blood transfusion services, storage blood centers, rules and regulation in blood banking.
1 History of transfusion medicine
2 Identify and relate the important features of the history of transfusion Medicine
3 Outline the scientific benchmarks in the evolution of transfusion medicine
4 Explain how specific innovations affected transfusion medicine practices
5 Describe recent trends in the practice of transfusion medicine
6 History of development of Transfusion Medicine in India. Whole Blood, components & Apheresis, Recent developments.
7 Organization of blood bank services regional blood transfusion Centre, blood centre, blood storage center. Infrastructure requirements, technical staff and role and function each technical staff.
8 Technical requirements: Accommodation and environmental conditions, Blood bank management system, Regulations for blood bank operation, drugs and cosmetics Law, National blood policy, Standards in blood banking, license procedures, ethical aspects of blood transfusion.
9 Statutory regulations for blood banking in India.
10 Indian Drug and cosmetic act
11 Indian pharmacopeia
12 Licensing norms, inspections and compliance
13 Terminologies used in blood banking including blood donation
14 Introduction to blood products
15 Introduction to blood bank Equipment
16 Weights, Volume, Specific gravity, Conversions of Weight to volume, Volume dilutions, Weight dilutions etc
17 Etiquette and discipline to be maintain is blood bank
18 Reporting formats and statistics.
Practical Sessions

  • Demonstration of licensing procedure for blood centers, calculation of various formulas uses in blood banking
Blood Donation and Donor Management
Objectives: Student should be able to understand donor selection, phlebotomy, blood donor retention and assist in management of donor reactions
1 Donor Motivation, Motivational techniques, social awareness, Preparation of IEC Materials. Blood donation motivating factors for donation
2 Types of blood donors, Donor selection
3 Donor questionnaire and interview: Eligibility and deferral criteria ,medical interview and medical examination
4 Pre Donation Investigations-haemoglobin estimation & Blood grouping
5 Equipment & Reagent used in screening, investigations
6 Managing rejected blood donors, technique for conversion of first time donor into regular voluntary donor, donor felicitation
7 Donor recruitment & retention
8 Pre donation & Post donation donor counselling.
9 Medico-legal aspects, NACO & DGHS guidelines
10 Right to information ,Donor Consent, reports, Leave letters, certificates
11 Blood collection room equipment, their principles and use ,emergency medicines
12 Pre-donation counselling ,solutions 7 method for preparing phlebotomy site, test tube samples-method of accurately relating product to donor bleeding of the donor, post donation care
13 Mandatory emergency medicines to be made available and their uses. Donor reactions and their management.
14 Screening of blood units for mandatory tests, discarding infected units, post donation counselling
15 Blood donation drive: Awareness programs prior to blood donation drive, camp site, staff requirement ,management of camp, transportation of blood units from camp site to blood bank
16 Different types of Blood Collection-Autologous blood donation ,Therapeutic phlebotomy preservation of donated blood, blood preservation solutions, additive solutions
17 Blood salvaging
Practical Sessions

  • Preparation of phlebotomy site
  • Operation of blood collection monitor, tube sealer and sharp container
  • Donor Room Protocol, Donor Screening Qualifying Test For Blood Donation-Laboratory investigations
  • Donor Suitability /Selection
  • Selection of Bags for collection of blood
  • Blood Collection-Solutions & method for preparing phlebotomy site
Basic Immunohematology
Objectives: The student should be able to understand principles of various Immunohematology tests including instrumentation .also ,student should be able to document and report the test results
1 Introduction to immunology, History ,Immunity, Cells of immune system: Phagocytic cells, Antigen presenting cells ,T cells ,T cell subsets ,B cells, CD Markers
2 Antigens : Immunogen ,allo-antigen, soluble antigen, red cell antigen, Epitopes immunoglobulins, characteristics of immunoglobulins, Complement systems, HLA systems
3 Antibodies: Polyclonal antibodies, development of antibodies, structure of Monoclonal antibodies; Hybridoma technology, Human monoclonal antibodies.
4 Antigen antibody reaction: Antigen concentration, antibody concentration, enhancing media, other factors influencing antigen antibody reaction.
5 Basic Principles of Immunohematology, application of blood groups
6 Application of blood groups:- Population Genettics, forensic medicine, Transfusion Medicine .ABO Blood of Group Systems: History ,genetics,ABH antigens, Biochemical synthesis of blood group antigens, Antigenic sites, weaker variants, Bombay Phenotype ,ABO antibodies
7 Red cell serology techniques, their advantages and disadvantages, Cell and serum grouping, detection of weak A and B antigens, trouble shooting in red cell serology.
8 Rh Blood Group Sytem: History,Genetcs ,Molecular Genetics, Nature of Rh Antigens, Partial D, Weak D, other variants of Rh ,Rh Null ,Rh antibodies factors influencing ,Rh immunization, Functional role of Rh antigens
9 Other Blood Group Sytems:Lewis,P,Li,MNSs,Kell,Duffy,Celano ,In, Private antigens, public antigens
10 Principle of Direct and indirect antiglobulin test technique, Weak Rh D Typing
11 Antenatal Serology, Haemolytic disease of the new born due to ABO incompatibility, Rh Incompatibility and other alloantibodies.
12 Pre transfusion testing-Patient specimen labelling requirements, Patient/Component identification requirement.
13 Different methods of cross matching ,saline Cross match, Saline replacement for rouleaux ,enzyme technique, albumins and techniques ,anti-globulin cross-matching
Practical Sessions

  • Determination of ABO & Rh Blood Group(Reverse& Forward)-Tube method & CAT method
  • Preparation of 3-5% red Cell Suspensions
  • Ant globulin test-Direct and Indirect
  • Antibody screening & identification
  • Pre-transfusion testing(Cross matching)
Transfusion Transmitted Infections
Objectives Student should be able to understand the principle of mandatory infections screening, its instrumentation, quality control and documentation of test results.
1. Study of major transfusion transmitted infection caused by viruses, Pathology, epidemiology Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Human immunodeficiency viruses 1 and 2, HTLV viruses I and II, and West Nile virus (WNV). Implications: Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus (CMV), parvovirus B19 and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
2. Transfusion associated parasites- Malaria & others. Syphilis and other pathogens. Malaria and syphilis by various methods and understand principals of testing. Understand and be able to interpret non treponemal and treponemal antibody test used to diagnose syphilis. Transfusion associated infections with other bacterial/ fungal / protozoal infections.
3. Basic principles of ELISA test, various types of ELISA, Laboratory screening tests for TTI, spot tests, Limitation of various tests.
4. Quarantine and recipient tracing, procedures fir look-back and recipient follow-up.
5. Compare & contrast various methodologies such as ELISA, rapid & chemiluminescence used in screening of transfusion-transmitted infections. National policy on TTI testing of blood donors.
6. Chemiluminescence, NAT, Western Blot, Automation in blood donor TTI screening. Confirmatory tests for TTI testing.
7. Demonstrate proficiency in the preparation and use if internal control in transfusion transmitted infection screening.
8. Quality control and documentation. Proficiency testing- IQUAS & EQUAS Pathogen reduction, Cellular components and plasma components.
9. Discard of Blood Parts and Documentation of records, Universal precautions- Bio waste management.
10. Disposal of reactive Bags, Its components. Demonstrate proficiency in the proper disposal of bio hazardous material as per recommended standards.

  • ELISA for HBsAg, HIV, HCV & Syphilis detection.
  • Rapid test for HIV, HCV, HBsAg, Malaria and Syphilis detection.
  • RPR test for Syphilis.
  • Biomedical waste management exercises.
Blood Component Preparation, Storage and Quality Control
Objectives Student should be able to understand the principle of blood component separation, its instrumentation, storage and quality control testing as per Drugs and Cosmetics Act India
1. Basis step in component preparation & labelling.
2. Composition & storage Composition: volume, cellular, plasma and clotting factor content.
3. Equipment used for component preparation.
4. Selection of blood bags for component preparation.
5. Care and precautions to be taken during whole blood collection and before component preparation.
6. Programming for component preparation, PRP & Buffy coat methods & other methods of component preparation.
7. Preparation of red cell concentrate, Fresh Frozen plasma, other plasma products platelet concentrate, cryoprecipitate, washed red cells.
8. Plasma Fractionation: Principles, manufacturing of different plasma derivatives.
9. Storage conditions for components ‘’Storage lesions’’- Metabolic changes in blood component during storage, release of cytokine during storage.
10. Component Testing, Labelling, Transportation and storage of blood components.
11. Inventory management and maintenance of blood stock.
12. Modified blood components: Preparation of leukoreduced blood products, Leukocyte filters, Irradiated blood components, Blood substitutes, Washed/ plasma reduced blood components, frozen red cells.
13. Specializes blood components- CMV free and HLA matched & Blood substitutes, Recombinant clotting & hematopoietic growth factors.
14. Quality control of components: Measurement of factor VIII level in FFP, Measurement of fibrinogen level in FFP, Management of pH and other platelet parameters, Sterility test on platelet concentrates, Sterility test on whole blood and packed red blood cell concentrate.
15. Plasma fractionation products & Pathogen inactivation methods.
16. Management of Blood Bank Issue Counter, Criteria for acceptance of requisition form.
Practical Sessions

  • Refrigerated centrifuge operation, various programs for preparing blood components.
  • Preparation of packed red cells, FFP, Cryoprecipitate, RDP.
  • Operation of Laminar Flow.
  • Leukodepletion of red cell/ platelets.
  • Learning blood component separation- Buffy Coat Method.
  • Quality control of components.
Objectives: The aim of this course is to make the student aware of rational use of blood and blood components, various indicators and contraindications, their outcome after transfusion and monitoring adverse effects
1 Inspection and selection of blood component
2 Plan for transfusion .criteria for issue of blood and blood components
3 Use red cell components in of different types of anaemia ,Use of blood components in bleeding patient, Neonatal transfusion, and Transfusion practices in surgery, Selection of units for cross matching
4 Transfusion therapy for oncology and trans planation patients
5 Transfusion indications: Red blood cells, Platelets, Plasma/cryoprecipitate Granulocytes
6 Pre Transfusion strategies in special cases regarding samples, techniques and protocols in special patients circumstances-Paediatric/neonatal, Obstetric including intra uterine, cardiac surgery, burn patients & trauma patients.
7 Blood administration, transfusion filters, post transfusion care, maximal surgical blood order schedule.
8 Immune haemolytic anaemia, warm & cold type, drug induced haemolytic anaemia
9 Thrombocytopenia Immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic pupura. Post transfusion purpura
10 Foetal and neonatal thrombocytopenia
11 Granulocyte transfusion
12 Platelet refractoriness Recognition and evaluation
13 Calculation of CCI an platelet count
14 Transfusion reactions Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, Investigations.
15 Haemolytic transfusion reaction-Immediate and delayed; immune and non-immune reaction path physiology; clinical signs and symptoms and laboratory investigation for HTR, Transfusion reaction work up.
16 Non-haemolytic transfusion reactions immediate and delayed, bacterial contamination, febrile reaction, allergic reaction, Transfusion related ling injury, PTP, Alloimmunization, Iron overload, Graft versus host disease.
17 Current risk & preventive strategies of transfusion reactions and rational use of blood components
Practical Sessions

  • Work up transfusion reactions
  • Demonstration of HIS for blood requisitions etc.
Blood Bank Equipment, Documentation and Quality Control
Objectives: The aim of this course is to make the student aware of various national guidelines blood transfusion services in India such as Drugs and Cosmetic Act, National Blood Policy, documentation and record keeping, student should be able to understand principles of quality management in blood transfusion services
1 General lab equipment
2 Colorimeters & ELISA reader washers
3 Thermometers
4 Weighing devices
5 Refrigerators
6 Platelet agitators & incubators
7 Deep freezers
8 Thawing bath & devices
9 Plasma expressers
10 Sterile connecting devices
11 Apheresis’ equipment’s
12 Computers
13 Software & Hardware
14 Temperature regulating devices(Incubators & Hot air oven)
15 Autoclaves
16 Cell Washers
17 HIS
18 Automation platforms
19 Blood serology: Various reagents & kits ordering, specification & documentation
20 TTI Kits-Ordering specification and documentation
21 Quality control ,assurance and management systems
22 Quality control of empty blood bags, quality control of different blood bank components, sterility test on component
23 Quality control of blood bags ,quality assurance Hb & PCV ,quality control of blood grouping reagents ,QC of anti-human globulin reagent bovine albumin, Normal saline, Antisera etc,QC of TTI test kits-ELISA,CLIA & Rapid
24 Quality control of all equipment’s, calibration, validation and maintenance of blood equipment.
25 QC of blood bank techniques Quality Assurance-Temperature Records, sterility Testing. Internal QC and external QC
26 Quality parameters of various blood components, Quality assurance blood components-red cells, FFP, cryoprecipitate, platelets, Red Cell and WBC contamination
27 Calibration, validation and maintenance of blood bank equipment, QC of blood bank technique.
28 Documents, registers, Records & Formats to be kept, Licensing, drug authorities inspection And compliance.
29 Registers forms, documentation and Standard operating procedure (SOP or GMP), Blood bank management system, regulations for blood bank operation, Drugs and cosmetics law, National Blood policy, and standards in Blood Banking, Licensing procedures, and ethical aspects of blood transfusion.
30 Hospital Transfusion Committee, Blood Bank Accreditation-ISBT, NABL, NABH standards and accreditation.
31 Legal and ethical aspects Regulatory Acts, Bio hazard Waste disposal Act, National Blood Policy
Practical Sessions

  • Work up transfusion reactions
Objective The student should be able to understand the principles of cell separation using automated apheresis equipment. Should be able to load the consumables on the cell separator and monitor the procedure.
1 Principles of Apheresis procedures, Apheresis products,
2 Apheresis donor selection – investigations, physical
3 Loading of consumables
4 Principles of separation of components by apheresis
5 Quality control of apheresis products
6 Maintenance of cell separator equipment.
7 Preparation of multiple products on cell separators-

  • Plateletpheresis,
  • Plasmapheresis (Single donor & TPE)
8 Leukapheresis (Granulocyte & Peripheral hematopoitic stem cells
9 Rationale of therapeutic plasma exchange
10 Indications of plasma exchange
Practical Sessions

  • Demonstration of various apheresis procedure and post donation care.
Recent Advances
Objective The aim of this section is to make the student understand various advances taking in the field of Transfusion Medicine all over the world.
1 Latest trends in in blood banking

  • Donor screening, retention
  • Blood collections, components etc.
  • Recent advances in Automation of Blood Banking.
2 Nucleic Acid Testing.
3 Stem Cells & Cord stem cell banking.
4 Stem cell-

  • Cord blood
  • Peripheral blood Haematopoietic stem cell and
  • Stem cell banking and application
5 Procedures of collection of stem cell and calculation of stem cell collected.
6 Quality control of stem cells products.
7 Cryopreservation, maintenance, QC and thawing procedures in stem cell banking.
8 Immunotherapy
9 Mesenchymal stem cells
10 Universal red cells
11 Regenerative medicine.
12 HLA crossmatch: CDC crossmatch
Practical Sessions

  • Demonstration of nucleic acid testing, collection and cryopreservation of stem cells.
Distribution of Topics Semester Wise(Specific for Transfusion medicine)
Course Name 
 1st Semester  Introduction to quality and patient safety
 Lab related to Transfusion Medicine
2nd Semester Medical terminology and record keeping
 Blood centre Organization
3rd Semester Research Methodology and Biostatistics
Blood Donation and donor management
Basic Immunohematology
4th Semester Research Methodology and Biostatistics
Transfusion transmitted infections
Blood component preparation, storage and quality control
5th Semester Haemotherapy
Blood Bank Equipment, Documentation and Quality Control
6th Semester Apheresis
Recent advances
7th and 8th Semester (INTERNSHIP)
A student can only start internship after clearing all papers of 1st to 6th semester as per the schedule prescribed (pass / promotion rules), and his/her conduct has to be good throughout this duration. Students have to undertake the rotational postings during which students have to work under supervision of an experienced staff in the following areas.
S. No Posting Duration
1 Blood donation Complex 2 months
2 Component Lab 2 months
3 Crossmatch Lab 2 months
4 Quality Lab 1 months
5 NAT lab 1 months
6 TTI Screening 2 months
7 Immunohematology 2 months
Total 12 months
  • At the end of each posting the student has to get certified in the log book from the supervising staff regarding their satisfactory performance, punctuality and conduct.
  • If the student has not attended the internship posting or his performance has not been satisfactory, that posting will be repeated.
  • The candidate has to submit a small project report at the end of internship.

Why Amrita

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Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
Amrita Ranked No.1 in India Top 100 in The World
‘A++’ Grade

Contact Us


Amrita School of Medicine,
Mata Amritanandamayi Marg, Sector 88,
Faridabad Haryana, 121002, India.

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