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To obtain the organizational and managerial problems based on knowledge acquired, applying the principles of management and economics for arriving at decision making.

Career Opportunities

Sales executive, Digital marketer, Business Administrator, Marketing manager, Business consultant, business analyst, etc.

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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach

Important Date

Commencement of Application Form: January 17, 2025.



4 Years- 8 Semester


  • 10+2 or equivalent any stream with an aggregate minimum of 50% marks from CBSE /State Board/ICSE.


Selection will be based on merit and interview process.

Fee Structure

Program Fee for the year 2025-26 (Semester Wise)

Tuition Fee: Rs. 45,900

Caution Deposit: Rs. 3,000

# Scholarship available for meritorious students. Please contact Admission Office (+91 830 400 4400) for details.


Semester I
Course Code Course Title DSC/ DSE/ OE/ AEC/ SEC/ VAC Theory/ Practical LTP Cr ES
Language I AEC T 200 2
24ENG101 English I AEC T 200 2
24COM101 Principles of Management DSC T 300 3
24BUS101 Financial Accounting DSC T 310 4
24ECO101 Economics for Decision Making DSC T 300 3
24MAT108 Mathematics for Business DSC T 210 3
24CSA189 Business Skills using PC Lab SEC P 003 2
22ADM101 Foundations of Indian Heritage – IKS VAC T 201 2
22AVP103 Mastery Over Mind VAC T + P 102 2
Total Credits (A) 23
Semester II
Course Code Course Title DSC/ DSE/ OE/ AEC/ SEC/ VAC Theory/ Practical LTP Cr ES
Language II AEC T 200 2
24ENG111 English II AEC P 102 2
24BUS111 Marketing Management DSC T 310 4
24BUS112 Business Environment DSC T 310 4
24COM114 Management Information System DSC T 210 3
24MAT117 Business Statistics and Operations Research DSC P 310 4
24CSA180 Data Analysis using Excel Lab SEC P 003 2
22ADM111 Glimpses of Glorious India – IKS VAC T 201 2
Open Elective I GE(OE) T/P 300/ 012 3
Total credits (B) 26
Total Credits 49
Semester III
Course Code Course Title DSC/ DSE/ OE/ AEC/ S EC/ VAC Theory/ Practical LTP Cr ES
24COM211 Fundamentals of Costing DSC T 310 4
24LAW201 Mercantile Laws DSC T 210 3
24BUS202 Production and Operations Management DSC T 310 4
24BUS203 Human Resource Management DSC T 310 4
Elective 1 DSE T 210 3
23LSK201 Life Skills I SEC T 102 2
Amrita Value Programme I VAC T 100 1
Open Elective II/ MOOC GE (OE) T/P 300/ 012 3
Total Credits (C) 24
Semester IV
Course Code Course Title DSC/ DSE/ OE/ AEC/ SEC/ VAC Theory/ Practical L T P Cr ES
24BUS211 Organizational Behaviour DSC T 2 1 0 3
24ENV200 Environmental Science and Sustainability VAC T 3 1 0 4
24LAW211 Income Tax Law and Practice DSE T 3 1 0 4
24CSA280 Accounting Packages – Tally Lab AEC P 1 0 2 2
Elective 2 DSE T 3
23LSK211 Life Skills II SEC T 1 0 2 2
Amrita Value Programme II VAC T 1 0 0 1
Open Elective III GE(OE) T/P 3 0 0/ 0 1 2 3
Total Credits (D) 22
Total Credits 95
Semester V
Course Code Course Title DSC/ DSE/ OE/ AECC/ SEC/ VAC Theory/ Practical LTP Cr ES
24COM204 Management Accounting DSC T 310 4
24BUS301 International Business DSE T 310 4
24COM306 Introduction to Research Projects DSC T 300 3
Elective – 3 DSE T 3
24BUS396 Summer Internship DSC P 4
23LSK301 Life Skills III SEC T 102 2
24bus390# Open Elective – IV / Live-in Lab# GE(OE) T/P 300/ 012 3
Total Credits (E) 23
Semester VI
Course Code Course Title DSC/DSE/OE/AECC/ SEC/VAC Theory/ Practical LTP Cr ES
24BUS313 Financial Management DSC T 310 4
24BUS311 Entrepreneurship Development DSC T 310 4
24BUS312 Strategic Management DSC T 310 4
Elective 4 DSE T 3
Elective 5 DSE T 3
Elective 6 DSE T 3
Total credits (F) 21
Bachelor of Business Administration (after 3 years: 139 Credits)
Award of BBA (after 3 years: 139 Credits) Grand Total of A+B+C+D+E+F = 139 Credits
Semester VII (Honours)
Course Code Course Title DSC/ DSE/ OE/ AECC/ SEC/ VAC Theory/ Practical LTP Cr ES
24BUS402 Leadership Management DSC T 310 4
24BUS302 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance DSC T 310 4
24BUS401 International Marketing DSE T 300 3
24BUS405 Total Quality Management DSC T 310 4
24BUS406 ERP and E-Commerce DSC T 300 3
24BUS403 Service Marketing DSC T 310 4
Total Credits (G) 22
Semester VII (Honours with Research)
Course Code Course Title DSC/ DSE/ OE/ AECC/ SEC/ VAC Theory/ Practical LTP Cr ES
24COM481 Quantitative Research Tools Lab DSC P 204 4
24COM495 Research Methodology – I DSC T 310 4
24BUS401 International Marketing DSC T 300 3
24BUS405 Total Quality Management DSC T 310 4
Total Credits (G) 15
Semester VIII (Honours)
Course Code Course Title DSC/DSE/OE/AECC /SEC/VAC Theory/ Practical LTP Cr ES
24BUS499 Project DSC P 8
24COM498 International Conference Presentation and Research Publication DSC P 10
Total Credits (H) 18
Semester VIII (Honours with Research)
Course Code Course Title DSC/ DSE/ OE/ AECC/ SEC/ VAC Theory/ Practical LTP Cr ES
24COM496 Research Methodology – II DSC T 300 3
24COM498 International Conference Presentation and Research Publication DSC P 10
24COM497 Research Dissertation DSC P 12
Total Credits (H) 25
Award of BBA (Honours) (after 4 years: 179 Credits)
Grand Total of A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H = 179 Credits
Course Code Course Title DSC/DSE/O E/AEC/SEC/ VAC Theory/ Practical LTP Cr ES
Semester III
24BUS330 Social Media and Digital Marketing DSE T 300 3
24BUS332 Fundamentals of Logistics DSE T 300 3
24BUS340 Product and Brand Management DSE T 300 3
24BUS339 Consumer Behaviour DSE T 300 3
Semester IV
24BUS241 Industrial Relations and Labour Legislations DSE T 300 3
24BUS113 Banking Theory and Practices DSE 300 3
24BUS338 Warehousing and Inventory Management DSE T 300 3
24BUS242 Tourism Management DSE T 300 3
Semester V
24BUS351 Advertising and Sales Promotion DSE T 300 3
24BUS350 Export Management DSE T 300 3
24COM365 Corporate Sustainability: CSR and ESG DSE T 300 3
24BUS359 Insurance and Risk Management DSE T 300 3
Semester VI
24BUS379 Legal Aspects of Business DSE T 300 3
24BUS365 Applied Organizational Behavior DSE T 300 3
24BUS361 Communication for Managers DSE T 300 3
24BUS360 Supply Chain and Logistics Management DSE T 300 3
24COM375 Knowledge Management DSE T 300 3
24BUS370 Sales and Distribution Management DSE T 300 3
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
Paper I
24MAL101 Malayalam I 2 0 0 2
24HIN101 Hindi I 2 0 0 2
24KAN101 Kannada I 2 0 0 2
24SAN101 Sankrit I 2 0 0 2
24TAM101 Tamil I 2 0 0 2
24ENG100 Additional English – I 2 0 0 2
Paper II
24MAL111 Malayalam II 2 0 0 2
24HIN111 Hindi II 2 0 0 2
24KAN111 Kannada II 2 0 0 2
24SAN111 Sanskrit II 2 0 0 2
24TAM111 Tamil II 2 0 0 2
24ENG110 Additional English – II 2 0 0 2
Open Electives
Course Code Title LTP Credits
24OEL231 Introduction to Accounting 210 3
24OEL232 Business Studies 210 3
24OEL233 Personal Financial Management 210 3
24OEL234 Working Capital Management 210 3
24OEL235 Non-Profit Organization 300 3
24OEL236 Digital Banking 300 3
24OEL237 Basics of Company accounts 300 3
24OEL238 Money market and Capital market 300 3
24OEL239 Macroeconomics 300 3
24OEL240 Microeconomics 300 3
24OEL241 Retail Banking 300 3
24OEL242 Business management 300 3
24OEL243 Introduction to travel and tourism 300 3
24OEL244 Basics of Insurance Management 300 3
24OEL245 Introduction to costing 210 3
24OEL246 Advertising 300 3
24OEL247 Green Marketing 300 3
24OEL248 Modern Banking 300 3
24OEL249 Project Management 300 3
24OEL250 Indian Financial System 300 3
24OEL251 B2B Marketing 300 3
24OEL252 Business Ethics 300 3
24OEL253 Sales and Distribution Management 300 3
24OEL254 Basics of Human ResourceManagement 300 3
24OEL255 Basics of Management 300 3
24OEL256 Introduction to EntrepreneurshipDevelopment 300 3
24OEL257 Understanding Travel and Tourism 300 3
24OEL258 Supply Chain Management 300 3
24OEL259 Introduction to Marketing 300 3
24OEL260 Film Appreciation 012 3
24OEL261 Introduction to Media Studies 300 3
24OEL262 Introduction to Psychology 300 3
24OEL263 Introduction to Gender Studies 300 3
24OEL264 Constitution and Media Ethics 300 3
24OEL265 Introduction to Calligraphy 300 3
24OEL266 Introduction to Branding 300 3
24OEL267 Introduction to Indian Sculptures 300 3
24OEL268 Introduction to figure drawing 012 3
24OEL269 Introduction to product sketching 012 3
24OEL270 Basics of Water Colour painting. 012 3
24OEL271 Basics of Landscape painting in water Colour 012 3
24OEL272 Basics of Oil painting 012 3
24OEL273 Anchoring and Programme Casting 012 3
24OEL274 Basics of Photography 012 3
24OEL275 Basics of Videography 012 3
24OEL276 Introduction to Fashion Photography 012 3
24OEL277 Introduction to Advertising 300 3
24OEL278 Film Theory 300 3
24OEL279 Event Management 300 3
24OEL280 Documenting Social Issues 012 3
24OEL281 Communication Strategies for Event Management 210 3
24OEL282 Effective Leadership through Non-Violence in Communication 300 3
24OEL283 Basics of Psychology and Personality Development 300 3
24OEL284 Introduction to Sci-Fi Studies 300 3
24OEL285 Campus Novels 300 3
24OEL286 Technical Communication 300 3
24OEL287 English for Academic Writing 300 3
24OEL288 English for Informal Communication 201 3
24OEL289 Orientation in Creative Writing 201 3
24OEL290 English for Competitive Exams and Interviews 300 3
24OEL291 Introduction to Comic Studies 300 3
24OEL292 Introduction to Food Studies 300 3
24OEL293 Film and Literature 300 3
24OEL294 Computer Aided Language Learning 300 3
24OEL295 Theatre and Communication 300 3
24OEL296 Women’s Writing in India 300 3

Why Amrita

The top reasons to choose Amrita for your career


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS Rankings 2020


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS University Rankings 2020


India University Rankings 2024


Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
Amrita Ranked No.1 in India Top 100 in The World
‘A++’ Grade


+91 830 4004400, +91 484 280 2000

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