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Admissions are open for the academic year 2024-2025 for Integrated M.Sc.Physics with minor in Scientific Computing/Data Science (5 years) at the School of Physical Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, Kerala.

The Department of Physics at Amritapuri Campus has developed a strong curriculum for undergraduate and graduate education in physics, developing skills on theoretical foundations of physics, mathematics, electronics, scientific computing, research methods, and scientific communication. Coupled with training in value-added education, life skills, and rich cultural and other extracurricular activities, our degree program will help build the needed foundation for aspiring physicists and prepare students for a career in related applied sciences.

Our department has excellent, dedicated teaching faculty with a strong focus on undergraduate and graduate education and research in physics. Thirteen of our faculty have doctorates from reputed institutions, including IISc, IIT, IIST, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Universities of Kerala and Hyderabad, Tohoku University in Japan, Northwestern University, University of Texas at Austin in the USA and Queen’s University of Belfast, Northern Ireland. Some of them have work experience in DRDO, ISRO, and BARC as well.

Well-equipped with the UG and PG physics laboratories, central library, and integrated multi-disciplinary educational environment, the department provides an ideal and conducive learning environment.

Program Highlights
  • The program offers significant skill development in the methods of scientific computing/data science, in addition to building foundations in traditional theoretical and experimental methods of physics. This makes our program unique among the various Physics UG/PG and integrated programs offered in universities across the country.
  • Meritorious students have the option to exit after 4 years to receive BSc Honors with a minor in Scientific Computing/Data Science.
  • The students get the opportunity to pursue internships at premier national laboratories and institutions, providing them exposure to cutting-edge technologies.
  • Students get the required training and get a chance to appear for placement in the industry through the Corporate and Industrial Relations (CIR) at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
  • The department, in collaboration with Amrita Center for International Programs facilitates opportunities for international exchange programs as well as options for higher studies.
  • We have alumni spread across the world, many of them pursuing either PhD or post-doctoral research opportunities in India and abroad.

Attention Please !

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach

Terms and Conditions for Award and Renewal of Scholarship Fees

Scholarship Fees, i.e. Slabs 1 to 3 is allotted for the Academic Year 2023-2024 ONLY. Renewal of Scholarship Fees for subsequent years is subject to meeting the following conditions:

  1. Consistent Academic performance by securing a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 
    1. 8.0 and above in the case of Scholarship Slab 1 at the end of each academic year
    2. 7.5 and above in the case of Scholarship Slab 2 at the end of each academic year
    3. 7.0 and above in the case of Scholarship Slab 3 at the end of each academic year
  2. No disciplinary action during the period of study in the University.
  3. Clearing each semester without any arrear

Failing to meet the aforesaid conditions 1,2 and 3, the candidate will be required to pay higher fees in the subsequent years. 

Program Overview

Minor Program in Scientific Computing

In addition to help building foundations in traditional theoretical and experimental methods of physics, the program offers significant skill development in the methods of scientific computing to meet increasing need for such skills in teaching and research in physics and applied fields. This unique 5-year integrated program, modelled after the minor programs in scientific computing at University of Texas at Austin and Vanderbilt University and supported by the Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science, offers a wide range of supporting courses in mathematics, computational techniques, programming and elective courses on scientific computing, including 2 semesters of  Programming in Python, Vectors and Geometry, Linear Algebra, Transforms and Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Methods, Computational Physics, Data Structures and Algorithms, Machine Learning, Optimization Techniques. Students learn these along with mathematicians, offered as part of the Integrated MSc Program in Mathematics with Minor Program in Datascience.

Some Institutes our students went for Internships/ Project/ Thesis Work of Students in the Previous Years
Research, Internship, Publication and Thesis

Students are encouraged to start research early on. To facilitate this, strong foundation in the fundamental aspects of physics that covers UG curriculum is laid in the first two years followed by introduction of advanced topics from 3rd year onwards. Many of them get opportunity to work along with PhD scholars and get a hands-on training to prepare themselves for more challenging MSc thesis work. The final year is almost free for students to explore internship or research projects opportunities in premiere institutions like IISc, IITs, or National Labs. Student gain experience to publish a research paper, and develop skills in scientific documentation and communication, while expanding the human knowledge. In the academic year 2019-20 more than 80% of our students have taken up internship offers from reputed institutions.

Amrita Centre for International Programs (ACIP)

Further, the Campus offers exchange program opportunities to our MSc students through Amrita Center for International Programs. When specific opportunity arises, we facilitate them to do their MSc projects even in universities abroad, including those in US and Europe. Recently, one of our students carried out his MSc thesis work at Colorado State University.

Internship/MSc Project or Thesis Options

A list of such institutions in which our students (5-Yr Integrated MSc Maths-Physics and 2-Yr MSc Physics of previous batches) have carried out their thesis work over many years include

  • IISc, TIFR, Saha Institute, RRI, IIA, CUSAT, NCBS
  • IITs (Madras, Delhi)
  • IISERs (Thiruvananthapuram, Kolkata, Bhopal)
  • NITs (Kozhicode)
  • National Laboratories like NPL, PRL, NCRA
  • DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organizations)
  • ISRO (VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram)
  • BARC
  • NARL Tirupati, IITM Pune (Atmospheric Physics, Meteorology)
  • Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Radiology Division
  • Amrita Center for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine
  • Amrita Center of Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Colorado State University, Boulder, USA

The curriculum has been designed to meet the needs of GATE and UGC-NET syllabus. Guidance is available for students who seek to write and excel in these exams. Many students, benefiting from the rigors of the program, have pursued in the past or are pursuing currently their higher studies in many premiere institutes in India.

Life Skills Training and Industrial Placement

The department of Corporate and Industrial Relations (CIR) has taken up the task of training students (of all integrated programs) with life skills including linguistic, comprehension (reading and listening), efficient data interpretation and inference, group discussion, leadership, competitive test taking, interviewing and other interpersonal skills. A three semester long intense training is offered to all physics students along with students of other departments of Amrita Schools Arts & Sciences and Engineering. The CIR department also helps those students seeking industrial placements through in-campus recruitment by companies.

Higher Studies and Career Options

A degree in Physics prepares students for further studies in many areas and related employment including

  • PhD in any area of Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, many areas of Applied Physics, including Materials Physics, Atmospheric Studies, Nuclear Engineering, Aerospace, Biophysics, and Medical physics
  • PhD in premiere institutions including IISc, TIFR, IITs, IISERs, NITs, and other prestigious institutions/universities in India and abroad, and all national labs, and organizations
  • Teaching/Academic careers in Schools, Colleges, Universities, and research institutes and organizations
  • MTech & PhD in Applied Physics, including optoelectronic and semiconductor devices and related industrial careers
  • Nuclear Scientist (BARC, IGCAR and other DAE centres)
  • Space Scientist (ISRO)
  • Scientist in National Labs like NCRA, PRL, NPL, NARL, IITM
  • Defence Research Scientist (in DRDO)
  • Radiation Oncologist in Hospitals (after further training)
  • Industrial Careers in Scientific Computing, Data Analytics, including Banking Services
  • Forensic Scientist for Intelligence Operations
  • Communicator of Science and Technical Journalism
  • Administrative Services of the Government
Research Areas

Many of our faculty are engaged in active research spanning many areas of physics with over 60 Scopus-indexed conference and journal papers of international repute in the last five years. Research topics are categorized into experimental and theoretical aspect and are list below.

Experimental Materials and Device Physics

  • Metal oxide and Semiconducting thin films, Nano materials, sensor materials, first-principles calculation of defects and impurity energy in semiconducting materials.
  • Organic thin-film sensors for radiation sensing and biosensing applications; Microfluidic biosensors.
  • Thin-film Perovskites, Dye-sensitized solar-cells; Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS); Microcontact printing of Biomolecules and Nanoelectronics.
  • Synthesis, characterization and investigation of the influences of various synthesis techniques on properties of different nano materials like metal oxides, carbon-based materials, core shell nanostructures, and Immunosensor.
  • Semiconductor thin films, nanomaterials and nanostructures, physics of light-matter interactions, optical manipulation based on nanophotonics concepts, third-generation approaches to photovoltaics, technological solutions for sustainable environment.
  • Multiferroics/ferrites bulk ceramics, Nanopowders: synthesis and characterization.
  • Design, development and testing of solid-state lasers for various applications, laser marker systems, arc lamp pumped and diode pumped Nd-YAG lasers, dye lasers, laser beam analyzer, optical testing devices etc.

Theoretical Physics, Scientific Computing, and Modelling

  • Dynamical systems: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos and Synchronization of Coupled Chaotic Systems; Computer simulations of multibody collisions, Dynamics of soft-landing, with collision contact and plastic deformation.
  • Condensed Matter Physics: Berry-phase effects, wave-packet dynamics, anomalous Hall transport; Conducting polymers, soft condensed matter physics, density functional theory and other computational methods in condensed matter theory; Mathematical modelling of photobioreactors.
  • Epistemological aspects and Foundations of Quantum Physics
  • Astrophysics: Anthropic Principle; Image/graphics and audio signal processing for astrophysical and other applications.
  • Space Physics: Solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, aeronomy, space weather and scientific computing.
  • Atmospheric and Geophysics: Numerical Weather Prediction, satellite data assimilation, extreme weather events, multi-hazards, remote sensing for disaster management; Atmospheric observations and thermodynamics, satellite meteorology, extreme weather, cloud properties, atmospheric radiative transfer; Land-slide and associated geophysical modeling and prediction of events.

Laboratories: Materials Physics Lab, Optoelectronics Lab

Research Equipment

Synthesis, Fabrication, and Characterization facilities accessible to faculty from our department, other departments and other campuses include

  • Advanced Manufacturing Workshop with CNC machines (Lathe, Milling, Laser cutting), 3D Printer (through Amrita Technology Business Incubator)
  • Fume hood for safe synthesis of complex materials
  • Spin thin-film coating unit
  • SILAR thin-film coating unit
  • Hydraulic Press for pellet fabrication
  • Muffle Furnace
  • Hot Air Ovens
  • Incubators
  • Rotavapor
  • Ultra-centrifuge
  • Mass spectrometer
  • Fluorescence Plate Reader
  • FTIR
  • UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer
  • LCR-Meter for Dielectric characterization
  • Keithly I-V meter
  • Newport Solar Simulator
  • Pneumatic vibration isolation optical table for sensitive optoelectronic and laser/optical characterization
  • Many advanced characterizations using XRD, SEM, AFM, TGA/DSC are accessible through inter-campus collaboration and protocols.

Computing and Internet Connectivity

  • Central Computing facility shared with Engineering departments with access to software like MS Office, MATLAB (with most specialized packages)
  • Campus Wi-Fi Internet both in school & hostels for staff & students

Central Library

Central library is well equipped with Reference Sections, Digital Library with access to many Online International Journals.

Alumni Achievements

Selected list of our alumni who have either taken up higher studies (currently pursuing/finished) or employed:

  • Aiswarya A M (2017), Post-MSc Diploma in Radiation Physics, Regional Cancer Center, Thiruvananthapuram
  • Amelia Teresa Surgy (2012), Manager, United India Insurance Co.
  • Anjali Nair, PhD at Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE), IISc
  • Anu B Sreedevi (2018), Intern, Udaipur Solar Observatory
  • Anu B. (2012), PhD in IIT Madras
  • Apurv Chaitanya (2012), PhD at PRL, PDF in Mexico
  • Arushi P.V. (2011), PhD at IISc, Bangalore
  • Dileep Sivaraman (2012), PhD Biomedical Engineering (Bangkok)
  • Govindan Namboothiri S (2018), Educator at Center for Fundamental Research and Creative Education, Bangalore
  • Harikrishnan A (2014), PhD at Indian Inst. of Geomagnetism
  • Harikrishnan V, PhD at VIT, Vellore
  • Harisankar P.C. (2016), PhD at IIITDM Kancheepuram
  • Krishnakumar M.A. (2011), PhD (NCRA, Ooty), PDF (Bielefeld)
  • Kulandai Velu R.M. (2017), PhD (Amrita Centre of Nanosciences, Kochi), Thesis (Colorado State University, Boulder)
  • Lakshmi Das (2013), PhD at University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Lakshmi K.P. (2013), PhD at IISER Thiruvananthapuram
  • Lekshmi B (2015), PhD at IISER Kolkata
  • Lekshmi M, Indian School in Abu Dhabi
  • Meenakshi S (2017), PhD at NARL, Tirupati
  • Meenu Murali (2015), PhD at University of Luxembourg
  • Pallavi Sreenath (2019), MTech in Optoelectronics at IIT Delhi
  • Prabhath P Prabhu (2011), Sr. Process Associate, TCS
  • Radhika V Kartha (2015), Radiology in BARC, Radiologist in Hospital
  • Roshima N.S. (2011), Faculty at Amritapuri
  • Silpasree S.J. (2016), PhD at Amrita Center of Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine, Kochi
  • Sitara Vinod (2012), PhD at IGCAR Kalpakkam
  • Sreedevi P.D. (2011), PhD Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
  • Sreevisakh (2011), Higher secondary school teacher, Kerala
  • Sujata Krishnan (2018), PhD at Université de Sherbrooke
  • Suraj T.S. (2012), PhD at IIT Madras
  • Vishnu Narayanan S (2018), PhD at Université de Sherbrooke



Age: Candidates born on or after 1st July 2003.

Educational Qualification:

12th or equivalent with an aggregate minimum of 60% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from CBSE/State Board/ICSE and should have a separate minimum of 60% marks in Physics.

Important Note:

It is mandatory to meet the required eligibility criteria to complete the admission process. Admission process and seat confirmation will be completed only after submission of educational documents and full fee payment including caution deposit.

Fee Structure

Scholarship Fees
Non -Scholarship Fees
Caution Deposit


Semester 1
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24MAT110 Single Variable Calculus 3 1 0 4
24MAT181 Mathematics Lab I 0 0 2 1
24PHY106 Introduction to Mechanics 3 1 0 4
24CHY103 Chemistry I 3 1 0 4
24ENG101 English I 2 0 0 2
24CHY184 Chemistry Lab 0 0 3 1
24CSA108 Hands-on Introduction to Computing I 2 0 3 3
22AVP103 Mastery Over Mind (MAOM) 1 0 2 2
22ADM101 Foundations of Indian Heritage 2 0 1 2
Semester Total 23
Semester 2
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24MAT120 Multivariable Calculus 3 1 0 4
24ENG111 English II 1 0 2 2
24MAT121 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 1 0 4
24PHY113 Electricity and Magnetism 3 1 0 4
24ENV200 Environmental Science and Sustainability 3 0 1 4
Free Elective 1 0 2 2
24PHY184 Physics Lab I 0 0 3 1
24CSA115 Hands-on Introduction to Computing II 1 0 2 2
24MAT182 Mathematics Lab II 0 0 2 1
22ADM111 Glimpses of Glorious India 2 0 1 2
Semester Total 26
Semester 3
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24PHY205 Intermediate Mechanics I 3 1 0 4
24PHY206 Waves 3 1 0 4
24MAT208 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3 1 0 4
24MAT209 Transforms & PDE 3 1 0 4
24CSA210 Programming for Scientific Computing 3 0 3 4
24PHY284 Physics Lab II 0 0 3 1
24MAT281 Mathematics Lab III 0 0 2 1
23LSK201 Life Skills I 1 0 2 2
Amrita Value Programme I 1 0 0 1
Semester Total 25
Semester 4
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24PHY214 Intermediate Mechanics II 3 1 0 4
24PHY211 Introduction to Quantum Physics 3 1 0 4
24MAT210 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3 1 0 4
24CSA230 Introduction to Data Structure andAlgorithms 3 0 2 4
24PHY391@ Open Elective/Livein Labs@(2ndSummer) 3 0 0 3
24PHY285 Physics Lab III 0 0 3 1
24CSA285 Computing using R (Lab1) 0 0 2 1
23LSK211 Life Skills II 1 0 2 2
Amrita Value Programme II 1 0 0 1
Semester Total 24
Semester 5
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24PHY303 Electrodynamics 3 1 0 4
24PHY302 Thermal Physics 3 1 0 4
24PHY307 Electronics 3 1 0 4
24PHY308 Atomic,Molecular,and Nuclear Physics 3 1 0 4
24PHY383 Physics Lab IV 0 0 3 1
24PHY384 Physics Lab V (Electronics) 0 0 3 1
23LSK301 Life Skills III 1 0 2 2
Minor Course 3 0 2 4
Semester Total 24
Semester 6
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24PHY314 Optics 3 1 0 4
24PHY304 Advanced Electronics 3 1 0 4
24PHY316 Condensed Matter PhysicsI 3 1 0 4
Free Science Course/ Elective & dagger; 3 /4
24PHY385 Physics Lab VI(Adv.Electronics) 0 0 3 1
Minor Course 3 0 2 4
Semester Total 20/21
BSc Physics with minor Exit Option TotalCredits# 143/144
Semester 7
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24PHY312 Classical Mechanics 3 1 0 4
24PHY404 Quantum MechanicsI 3 1 0 4
24PHY405 Mathematical Methods for Physics 3 1 0 4
24PHY406 Research Methodology and Seminar 1 0 1 2
24PHY483 Physics Lab VII 0 0 4 2
24PHY494#/24PHY493 UG project#/Internship(3rdsummer)** 3
Minor Course 3 0 2 4
Minor Course 4/3
Semester Total** 26/27
Semester 8 (Integrated MSc and BSc Honours)‡
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24PHY411 Quantum Mechanics II 3 1 0 4
24PHY412 Statistical Mechanics 3 1 0 4
24PHY413 Advanced Electrodynamics 3 1 0 4
24PHY313 Nuclearand ParticlePhysics 3 1 0 4
24PHY484 Physics Lab VIII 0 0 4 2
Physics Elective I 3 0 0 3
Semester Total 21
BSc(Hons)Exit Option Credits 190-192
‡ BSc Hons with Research Course Schedule of Semester 8 given below
Semester 9
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24PHY501 Condensed Matter Physics II 3 1 0 4
24PHY301 Atomic and Molecular Physics 3 1 0 4
Physics Elective II 3 0 0 3
Physics Elective III 3 0 0 3
24PHY598 Mini Project and Seminar 6
Semester Total 20
Semester 10
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24PHY599 Project 18
Semester Total 18
Toral Credits for Integrated MSc with Minor options 228-230

*Students can choose any of the minors in the 4th semester.Selection for Data Science minor is based on merit and availability.
#Exit option for BSc Physics is to be given in the 5th semester. Exit option for BSc Honours is to be given by 7th semester.
** Internship/UG-mini-project is to be carried out during the summer of 3rd year for which the official registration will be in the 7th semester.
A student may optionally register for more courses for additional credits if time permits from physics or other departments, with the written approval of all the concerned departments and instructors.Total credits mentioned are the minimum requirements.

Free Science Course/ Physics Courses for Semester 6
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
24PHY351 Introduction to Nanophysics 3 0 0 3
24PHY352 Introduction to Astrophysics 3 0 0 3
24PHY353 Introduction to Laser Physics and Applications 3 0 0 3
24CHY354 Chemistry II 3 0 0 3
Any suitable PG physics electives listed below or a suitable elective from mathematics or chemistry departments offered in the sixth semester could be considered with the approval of the department and the consent of the instructor and meeting anyother requirements. 3 0 0 3
Semester 8 Courses– Exit Option for BSc(Hons with Research)
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr ES
Elective I 3
24PHY495 Project 18
Semester Total 21
General Rules on Various Options
  • Students can chooseany of the minor streams in the 3rd/4th
  • Selection for Data Science minor is based on merit and availability.
  • Exit option for BSc Physics with minor in Scientific Computing or Data Science is to be given in the 5th Students must ensure they meet the respective minor requirements up to sixth semester for the award of the degree with respective minors.
  • Exit option for BSc (Hons/Hons with Research) with minor in Scientific Computing or Data Science is to be given in the 7th
  • Selection for BSc Honours with Research requires a minimum CGPA of 7.5 after six semesters.
  • Any one of Internship or Live-in-Labs or a mini-project must be carried out during the 3rd year summer, after 6thsemester end-semester examination. Registration will be done in the following semester.
  • A student may optionally register for more courses for additional credits if time permits from physics or other departments, with the written approval of all the concerned departments and instructors. Total credits mentioned are the minimum requirements.

Minor Requirements

  • Students can choose any of the minor streams in the 3rd/4th
  • Selection for Data Science minor is based on merit and availability.
  • Minimum of 24 credits of minor courses for BSc exit and 32 credits for MSc Honours or Integrated MSc is required of which a few are mandatory, and others are soft-core option courses.
  • List of mandatory courses and soft-core options for each minor is give below.
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
Common minor courses in the first two years (19 Credits)
24CSA108 Hands-on Introduction to Computing-I 2 0 3 3
24CSA115 Hands-on Introduction to Computing-II 1 0 2 2
24CSA210 Programming for Scientific Computing 3 0 3 4
24CSA230 Introduction to Data Structures andAlgorithms 3 0 2 4
24MAT210 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3 1 0 4
24MAT281 Mathematics Lab III 0 0 2 1
24CSA285 Computing using R (Lab1) 0 0 2 1
Further minor course requirements for BSc Exit Option (7-8Credits)
3rdyear courses for Scientific Computing minor for BSc exit option (2 courses in the year 3)
24MAT230 Numerical Methods 3 0 2 4
Anyone of thes oft-core options mentioned below for Int MSc/BSc (Hons)‡ 3/4
Courses for Data Science Minor BSc exit option
24CSA307 Introduction to DataScience 3 0 2 4
24CSA343 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 0 2 4
Total Minor Credits for BSc Exit Option 26-27
Further minor course requirements for Int MSc/ BSc (Hons/ Hons with Research) for years 3 and 4
Mandatory Scientific Computing minor courses (for years 3 and 4) (8 Credits)
24MAT230 Numerical Methods 3 0 2 4
24PHY230 Computational Methods in Physics 3 0 2 4
Scientific Computing soft-core courses ‡ (any two)(3/4 credits each)(7-8Credits)
24CSA343 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 0 2 4
24CSA344 Advanced Machine Learning 3 0 2 4
24MAT347 Optimization Techniques 3 0 2 4
24PHY331 Principles of Remote Sensing § 2 0 2 3
24PHY332 Advanced Remote Sensing §(Prereq:Principles of Remote Sensing) 3 0 2 4
24PHY333 Satellite Meteorology § 3 0 2 4
24PHY334 Numerical Weather Prediction § 3 0 2 4
Total Minor Credits for Integrate MSc/ BSc (Hons & Hons with Research) 34-35
Mandatory Data Science minor courses (for years 3 and 4)
24CSA307 Introduction to Data Science 3 0 2 4
24CSA343 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 0 2 4
24CSA344 Advanced Machine Learning 3 0 2 4
Data Science Soft Core Options ‡ (any one)(3/4 credits)
24CSC331 Advanced Topics in Deep Learning 3 0 0 3
24CSC332 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning 3 0 0 3
24CSC333 Data Base Management for Big Data 3 0 0 3
24CSC334 Data Visualization 3 0 0 3
24PHY230 Computational Methods in Physics 3 0 2 4
Total Minor Credits for Integrate MSc/ BSc (Hons & Hons with Research) 34-35

‡Depends on availability and demand. Certain courses are either only in odd or even semesters.
§May be offered once in two years depending on availability and demand and subject to other constraints. Certain courses are either only in odd or even semesters. 22PHY519 Principles of Remote Sensing may be registered as a physics elective either in the eighth or ninth semester.

Physics Electives
Code Course LTP Cr
24PHY531 Epistemological Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 3 0 0 3
24PHY448 Introduction to Quantum Computing (Physics) 3 0 0 3
24PHY532 Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics 3 0 0 3
24PHY352 Introduction to Astrophysics 3 0 0 3
24PHY533 Introduction to Gravitation and Cosmology 3 0 0 3
24PHY534 Fluid Dynamics 3 0 0 3
24PHY535 Plasma Physics 3 0 0 3
24PHY442 Space Physics 3 0 0 3
24PHY444 Physics of the Atmosphere 3 0 0 3
24PHY445 Elementary Meteorological Theory 3 0 0 3
24PHY536 Introduction to Earth System 2 0 2 3
24PHY331 Principles of Remote Sensing 2 0 2 3
24PHY452 FOSS in PhysicalSciences 2 0 2 3
24PHY458 Methods of Experimental Physics 3 0 0 3
24PHY537 Thin Film Physics 3 0 0 3
24PHY538 Physics at Nanoscale 3 0 0 3
24PHY539 Solid State Electronic Devices 3 0 0 3
24PHY540 Optoelectronics 3 0 0 3
24PHY433 Nanophotonics 3 0 0 3
24PHY541 Lasers and Applications 3 0 0 3
24PHY432 Biophotonics 3 0 0 3
24PHY542 Mesoscopic Physics and Quantum Conductors 3 0 0 3
24PHY543 Topics in Computational Condensed Matter Physics 3 0 0 3
24PHY544 Advanced Optics 3 0 0 3
24PHY545 Fourier Optics 3 0 0 3
24PHY436 Nonlinear Optics 3 0 0 3
24PHY439 Fibre Optic Sensors and Applications 3 0 0 3
24PHY440 Fibre Optics and Technology 3 0 0 3
24PHY546 Advanced Mathematical Methods in Physics 3 0 0 3
24PHY353 Introduction to Laser Physics and Applications 3 0 0 3
Open Elective
24OEL333 History andPhilosophyofScience 3 0 0 3

Depends on availability and demand and subject to other constraints. Certain courses are either only in odd or even semesters.

Free Electives (Languages)
Course Code Course Title L T P Cr
Paper I
24MAL101 Malayalam I 2 0 0 2
24HIN101 Hindi I 2 0 0 2
24KAN101 Kannada I 2 0 0 2
24SAN101 Sankrit I 2 0 0 2
24TAM101 Tamil I 2 0 0 2
24ENG100 Additional English – I 2 0 0 2
Paper II
24MAL111 Malayalam II 2 0 0 2
24HIN111 Hindi II 2 0 0 2
24KAN111 Kannada II 2 0 0 2
24SAN111 Sanskrit II 2 0 0 2
24TAM111 Tamil II 2 0 0 2
24ENG110 Additional English – II 2 0 0 2
Amrita Value Programme

New names for Amrita ValueProgrammes for UG- Amrita Value Programme I&II

Course Code Title L-T-P Credits
22ADM201 Strategic Lessons from Mahabharatha 1-0-0 1
22ADM211 Leadership from Ramayana 1-0-0 1
22AVP210 Kerala Mural Art and Painting 1-0-0 1
22AVP218 Yoga Therapy and Lessons 1-0-0 1
22AVP212 Introduction to Traditional Indian Systems of Medicine 1-0-0 1
22AVP201 Amma’s Life and Message to the modern world 1-0-0 1
22AVP204 Lessons from the Upanishads 1-0-0 1
22AVP205 Message of the Bhagavad Gita 1-0-0 1
22AVP206 Life and Message of Swami Vivekananda 1-0-0 1
22AVP207 Life and Teachings of Spiritual Masters of India 1-0-0 1
22AVP208 Insights into Indian Arts and Literature 1-0-0 1
22AVP213 Traditional Fine Arts of India 1-0-0 1
22AVP214 Principles of Worship in India 1-0-0 1
22AVP215 Temple Mural Arts in Kerala 1-0-0 1
22AVP218 Insights into Indian Classical Music 1-0-0 1
22AVP219 Insights into Traditional Indian Painting 1-0-0 1
22AVP220 Insights into Indian Classical Dance 1-0-0 1
22AVP221 Indian Martial Arts and Self Defense 1-0-0 1
22AVP209 Yoga and Meditation 1-0-0 1


Selection ( Amritapuri)
  • Based on +2 marks
Admission Procedure
  • Apply Online
  • Online Entrance Exam
  • Get Provisional Admission
  • Update +2 Marks
  • Verification of Marks
  • Confirmation of Admission
  • Accept
  • Pay Fee
  • Or Exit, the seat goes to the next person on the waiting list
Programme Duration
  • 5 years (10 Semesters) for Integrated MSc with a minor
  • 4 years (8 semesters) for BSc Honours in Physics with a minor

Fee Structure

Scholarship Fees Non -Scholarship Fees Caution Deposit
55000 78500 5000
Hostel Fee / Mess Fee: 2024
Hostel Fees Annual INR 25,600/-
Mess Fees Annual INR 45,000/-
Caution Deposit One Time INR 5,000/-



Course/ Branch: BCA


Course/ Branch: BCA


Course/ Branch: BCA


Course/ Branch: BCA
Company: WIPRO


Course/ Branch: BCA


Course/ Branch: BCA
Company: Sieva Network Solutions


Course/ Branch: BCA
Company: Wipro


Course/ Branch: BCA


Course/ Branch: BCA
Company: Sieva Network Solutions


Course/ Branch: BCA


Course/ Branch: BCA
Company: Sieva Network Solutions


Course/ Branch: BCA
Company: TCS


Course/ Branch: BCA
Company: Experion


Course/ Branch: BCA


Course/ Branch: BCA


Course/ Branch: Int. Chemistry
Company: BYJUS


Course/ Branch: Int. Chemistry


Course/ Branch: Int. Maths
Company: BYJUS


Course/ Branch: Int. Maths
Company: Straive solutions


Course/ Branch: Int. Maths


Course/ Branch: Int. Maths


Course/ Branch: Int. Physics
Company: Federal Bank


Course/ Branch: Int. Physics


Course/ Branch: Int. Physics
Company: INFOSYS


Course/ Branch: Int. Physics
Company: FEDERAL


Course/ Branch: Int. Physics
Company: INFOSYS


Course/ Branch: Int. Physics


Course/ Branch: Int. Physics


Course/ Branch: Int. Physics
Company: Akash Educational Service Ltd


Course/ Branch: MA. English


Course/ Branch: MA. English
Company: TCS


Course/ Branch: MA. English


Course/ Branch: MA. English


Course/ Branch: MA. English

Facilities at a glance

  • Central Library
  • Hostel Accomodation
  • Sports Facilites
  • Banking Facilities
  • Transport
  • Medical Services
  • Canteen
  • General Store
  • ICTS
  • Reprographic Facility
Amrita First in India & Top 100 in THE Impact Rankings 2021

Why Amrita

The top reasons to choose Amrita for your career


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS Rankings 2020


World University Rankings 2020


BRICS University Rankings 2020


India University Rankings 2024


Overall Rankings 2024
7th Ranked
University in India
Amrita Ranked No.1 in India Top 100 in The World
‘A++’ Grade

Contact Us

Amritapuri Campus

Admission Coordinator

Toll-free Number:

Placement Enquiries

Ph: 0476 -280 5108

Departmental Contact

Dr. Dhanya M.
Asst. Professor (Sr. Gr.)
Department of Physics
Ph: +91 9495013845

Admissions Apply Now