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Yoga Summer Camp for Amrita Students

May 8, 2009 - 3:25
Yoga Summer Camp for Amrita Students

June 5, 2009
Coimbatore Campus

Yoga CampThe yoga camp for Amrita students that commenced at the Coimbatore Campus on the evening of May 8, 2009 concluded in the early hours of May 19, 2009. Sessions on meditation, yogasanas and pranayama were conducted by Swami Samarpananand Saraswati. Br. Nandan introduced participants to the teachings of Amma, who is also the Chancellor of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

Tremendous feedback was received from all participants.

“Awesome! I enjoyed a lot. Asanas and Pranayama were really good. Flexibility of the body increased. Mind is clearer than earlier.”
– Divya R

“Initially I had to overcome my physical pains, yet as the camp neared the end, I was full of confidence in myself. Now my mind is very clear. No one must miss camps like this. I would like to see this camp being conducted as often as possible.”
– Deepa KC

“Early morning sessions — Rocking! Surya Namaskara with Chanting — Incredible! I gained determination, will power, knowledge of yogic sciences, better quality of thoughts. This was something that cannot be explained; has to be experienced. Camp was well organized; I liked the structure of the program.”
– Raghavendra R

Yoga CampThe program also included Shatkarmas (Tratak, Kunjal, Laghu Shankhaprakshalana), Mudras and Bandhas. There were talks on sadhana based on Amma’s “Awaken Children!” books. Other talks provided an introduction to the mind, chakras, pitfalls for practitioners, Swara Yoga (Science of Brain Breathing) and yogic diet. Participants were served diet that was simple, light and easy to digest. They had seventy-five minutes of Yoga Nidra everyday.

Some more feedback received –

“Gained step-by-step improvement in concentration; sessions were very well planned and executed. Camps such as this need to be organized regularly for the benefit of students.”
– Saranya M

“I feel that the camp was very rewarding as it helped me to improve a lot. I gained more determination and concentration to perform an action with perfection. It can bring a big change in life and lifestyle. Control over feelings and activities can be achieved by controlling the mind; something that I really experienced.”
– Sweta

“Initial days were tough. But I gained confidence and a way to improve my personality. It helped me a lot in focusing my mind. Confidence gained shall help me to mature better. Experiences gained cannot be explained, must be experienced by everyone.”
– Priyadarshini G

Led by Br Nandan, the participants also participated in the chanting of Lalita Sahasranam regularly.

Yoga Camp

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