“Interfacing PV Modules and Staircase Modulation Technique with Implementation of LC Filters”, a seminar by Mr. Roland Henron Patrao, Associate Software Engineer, Embedded Division, BOSCH & alumnus of Amrita school of Engineering (ASE), Bengaluru, was organized by IEEE PES & IAS student branch joint chapter of Amrita school of Engineering (ASE), Bengaluru, on April 1, 2016. He was joined by Mr. Roy Samuel, technical lead from BOSCH, with 10 years of experience.
Mr. Roland shared valuable information with the participants on PV converters, along with the scope of future projects, and explained cascaded H-bridge, multilevel inverters, staircase modulation and LC filters. He also emphasized the importance of hardware projects. The information he gave on placement guidance and the work culture at BOSCH made a distinct impression on the 50 students attending.