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Recent Publications by Faculty of School of Pharmacy

May 28, 2009 - 4:33


May 28, 2009

School of Pharmacy, Kochi

1. Deepa T. Vasudevan, Kavita R. Dinesh, S. Gopalakrishnan, Occurrence of Toxic Microbial Load in Herbal Drugs, International Journal of Pharmacology and Biological Sciences, 3(1):111-115, 2009.

2. Jiny Varghese K., Sonal Sekhar M., Asha Jose, Revikumar K. G., Journal Club as an Effective Teaching-Learning Process in Pharmacy Education, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Apr-Jun, 2009, 43(2):192-198.

3. Subin Mary Zachariah, Sonal Sekhar M., Roshni P. R., Dinesh Chandra Joshi, Genetic Engineering Techniques in Biotechnology Based Pharmaceuticals, Indian Pharmacist, April 2009.

4. Aneesh T. P., Mohamed Hisham, Sonal Sekhar M., Shenoy P. O., Secrets of Anti-Aging Science, Journal of Pharmacy Research, April 2009, 2(4):723-728.


5. Sonal Sekhar M., Aneesh T. P., Shenoy P. O., Sabitha M., Subin Mary Zachariah, Radio Frequency Identification: An Effective Tool to Prevent Drug Counterfeiting, Journal of Pharmacy Research, April 2009, 2(4):678-679.

6. Sonal Sekhar, Asha Jose, Liya Elizabeth Bose, Aneesh TP, Dennis Thomas, Medication Errors Better Safe than Sorry!, Pharma Bio World, Jan 2009, pp. 26-32.


7. Della Grace, Suja Abraham, Alexyena Varghese, S. Sathianarayanan, Absorption and Metabolism of Xenobiotics: An Overview, The Internet Journal of Nutrition and Wellness, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2009.


8. S. M. Zachariah, P. Muthumani and K. Ramaseshu, Phytochemistry and Antimicrobial Screening of Stem Bark of Murraya Koenigii(Linn) Spreng, The Internet Journal of Pharmacology, Vol 6 No. 2, 2009.

9. S. Sathianaraynan, D. Thomas, K. Fasmi, A. Jose, Suja Abraham and Sonal Sekhar, Holistic Way To Green Life, The Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2009.


10. Jesto J. Muttikkal, Della Grace Thomas Prambi, K. G. Revikumar, Molly Mathew, WHO Guidelines on Good Collection Practices for Medicinal Plants, Indian Journal of Natural Products, Dec 2008, 24(4):3.

11. Sonal Sekhar, Suja Abraham, Revikumar KG, Emerging Trends in Practice of Patient Counselling The Indian Scenario, Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Oct-Dec 2008, Vol 1 No. 1.

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