The Amrita School of Engineering at Amritapuri campus was recently awarded the 2010-2011 IEEE Student Enterprise Award. Only four colleges worldwide were chosen for this prestigious award, including Budapest University. . .
September 30, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi Over 150 countries in the world administer pentavalent (five-in-one) vaccine to children. With the same injection, children receive. . .
September 27, 2011 Amritapuri Campus It’s the exchange of information and ideas facilitated by a global system of networks. All you have to do to. . .
September 27, 2011 Amritapuri Campus “The world’s problems can be solved once people truly understand their root cause,” stated Chancellor Amma, speaking to a gathering. . .
Children, youth is the bindu – the center point of life, a time when we are neither child nor adult. It is an ideal stage for training the mind. The. . .
In the days leading up to Chancellor Amma’s birthday, Amritapuri campus buzzes with activity as enthusiastic students work alongside ashram residents to transform the campus into a temple of sacred. . .
September 25, 2011 School of Business, Bangalore The cheapest road car in the world today is made in India. When it was introduced in. . .
Amrita Computational Neuroscience study on local field potentials was presented at the Italian Society of Physiology (SIF) meeting held at Sorrento near Naples in Italy from Sept 25-27, 2011. The meeting’s presentation. . .
Dr. Hardik Vachhrajani, Assistant Professor at the Amrita School of Business, Amritapuri campus recently received the prestigious Best Young Teacher Award. The award was conferred by the Indian Higher Education. . .
September 24, 2011 Center for Nanosciences, Kochi The Nanosolar division of the Amrita Center for Nanosciences continues to march ahead with cutting edge research that. . .