Undergraduate students of the Department of Commerce and Management at Amritapuri celebrated Diwali this year in style. They hosted Jyotirgamaya, a grand celebration for kids from the neighborhood, aged 8-18.. . .
October 25, 2011 School of Dentistry, Kochi Dr. Alice Kurian, postgraduate student at the Amrita School of Dentistry, was recently honored with the best paper. . .
October 23, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi A team of five MBBS students, Karandeep Guleria, Anoop Kumar Singh, Brijesh Kumar, Piyush Agrawal and Sumit Agrawal,. . .
October 20, 2011 Center for Nanosciences, Kochi The Amrita Center for Nanosciences in Kochi crossed a major milestone recently when a nanomedicine developed by the Center was licensed for commercial. . .
October 18, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri Pollution from various sources is increasing day by day. Global temperatures are rising at an alarming rate. Glaciers. . .
October 24, 2011 School of Arts and Sciences, Kochi Time is running out, so is fuel … Why does each metre cost you a. . .
October 21, 2011 School of Communication, Coimbatore From the bars of downtown Mumbai to its deadly underworld, Suketu Mehta saw it all. After seven years. . .
October 24, 2011 School of Engineering, Amritapuri As in years past, this year also Amrita is one of the two centers in India hosting the. . .
On the 16th of October, a workshop on Mosaic Tiling, an art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of coloured tiles was conducted exclusively for AMMACHI Labs. . .
Amrita selected for HP’s Global Social Innovation Award. The Amrita Center for Research in Analytics & Technologies for Education (AmritaCREATE) is an educational technology initiative pioneered by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham joins the. . .