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On World Environment Day

June 6, 2011

        June 5, 2011 Amritapuri Campus   Hotter summers, shorter winters, erratic rainfall and monsoon timings … more frequent and ferocious hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones … extreme,. . .

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Sustainability for a Modern World

June 6, 2011

        June 13, 2011 Dept of Social Work, Amritapuri   A person once told Chancellor Amma he wanted to study sustainability and she replied, “The old way. . .

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Amrita Sanjeevani Innovations Bring Change

Amrita Sanjeevani Innovations Bring Change

June 6, 2011

Thousands of Amrita students have participated in the Amala Bharatam cleanliness drives to-date. Hundreds have helped sort and process the trash, making sure proper recycling and composting is done, wherever. . .

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A Summary Report of ICSTSD ’11

June 6, 2011

        June 5, 2011 Dept of Social Work, Amritapuri   At the conclusion of ICSTSD ’11, Ms. Yamuna Sandrine Bonin, Research Scholar at Amrita Department of Social. . .

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Food Security For Sustainable Development

June 6, 2011

        June 12, 2011 Dept of Social Work, Amritapuri   According to Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar, India is growing more food than ever before. Last year’s 4%. . .

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Disasters Caused by Nature or Poor Governance?

June 6, 2011

        June 13, 2011 Dept of Social Work, Amritapuri   Violent torrential rains hit mountain towns north of Rio, Brazil this past January, triggering massive floods and. . .

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MSW Students Present at ICSTSD ’11

June 5, 2011

        June 12, 2011 Dept of Social Work, Amritapuri   Eminent scientists, scholars and academicians presented their research at the International Conference on Society, Technology and Sustainable. . .

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Offsetting Emissions and Conserving Water Bodies

June 5, 2011

        June 5, 2011 Dept of Social Work, Amritapuri   Industrialization is blamed for a major chunk of the current environmental problems. It is heartening therefore, when. . .

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Environmental Governance – Globally and Locally

June 5, 2011

        June 12, 2011 Dept of Social Work, Amritapuri   “You all know that environment is one of the very important pillars of sustainable development,” remarked Dr.. . .

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Education is the Key

Education is the Key

June 4, 2011

        June 18, 2011 Dept of Social Work, Amritapuri   “The fast paced rate of environmental degradation has made environmental protection a priority among contemporary global issues,. . .

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