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Lecture Workshop on Mathematical Analysis

June 20, 2011

        July 13, 2011 School of Arts & Sciences, Amritapuri   Mathematical Analysis aka Advanced Calculus is a branch of pure mathematics wherein students learn theories of. . .

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Amrita Doctors Conduct CME in Muscat

June 18, 2011

        June 18, 2011 School of Medicine, Kochi   At BADR CARDIOCON 2011, the interventional cardiology CME recently organized in Muscat, Oman, senior faculty from the Amrita. . .

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Transforming Education

June 14, 2011

        July 16, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore   In June 2011, a fuel cell-powered electric nose wheel aircraft taxied around a Hamburg airport, signifying yet another. . .

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Donate Blood … Save Lives

June 14, 2011

        June 24, 2011 Health Sciences Campus, Kochi   World Blood Donors Day is observed globally on June 14 every year. This is observed in honor of. . .

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Amrita Team at the ICPC World Finals

Amrita Team at the ICPC World Finals

June 11, 2011

        June 11, 2011 Amritapuri Campus   Dr. Vallath Nandakumar filed the following report of Amrita’s visit to the World Finals of the ACM-ICPC in the US,. . .

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For International Collaborations in Nursing

For International Collaborations in Nursing

June 11, 2011

Over a thousand nurses from all over the world gathered recently at the 38th Annual Convention of the Infusion Nurses Society (INS) in Louisville, KY. Amrita was represented by its. . .

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Ayurveda Doctors Graduate

June 9, 2011

        June 22, 2011 School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri   “We have witnessed a rapid growth in the field of Ayurveda,” stated Shri. A. P. Anil Kumar, Minister. . .

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The Barrel is Almost Empty

June 7, 2011

        June 7, 2011 School of Engineering, Coimbatore   Our fossil fuel dependency is about to go up in smoke. A stark reality for a world that. . .

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On World Environment Day

June 6, 2011

        June 5, 2011 Amritapuri Campus   Hotter summers, shorter winters, erratic rainfall and monsoon timings … more frequent and ferocious hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones … extreme,. . .

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Sustainability for a Modern World

June 6, 2011

        June 13, 2011 Dept of Social Work, Amritapuri   A person once told Chancellor Amma he wanted to study sustainability and she replied, “The old way. . .

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