A half-day Wiki Academy Workshop, with special relevance for journalists, was recently organized for Amrita MA (Communication) students, at the Coimbatore campus. Participants had the opportunity to become familiar with. . .
IIT Bombay organized a workshop on Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications during December 12-22, 2011. Amrita’s A-View e-learning platform enabled participants in 35 remote centers including Amrita Schools of. . .
Dr. Anupama R., Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgical Oncology at the Amrita School of Medicine won the second prize for her research paper presented at the Annual. . .
From June, conducting a science experiment will be a different experience for Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) students. The board will introduce a virtual laboratory that will allow Class. . .
Why does one keep going back to check if a vacation photo one posted on Facebook garnered enough comments? “As individuals, we have created virtual avatars for ourselves,” stated Dr.. . .
“Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work,” once remarked. . .
The Infant and Young Child Nutrition Project – a collaborative venture of AIMS (Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences) and UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) was launched on January. . .
The Amrita IEEE Student Branch received the prestigious Outstanding Student Branch Award during the Annual General Meeting of IEEE Kerala in Trivandrum on January 14, 2012. The Amrita Student Branch. . .
AMMACHI Labs was selected as one of the 10 young social innovators across India to present the work on using technology for vocational education developed at the Action for India. . .
Hardik J. Bhate and Arjun R., students of the Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Amritapuri campus are currently studying at the University of New Mexico (UNM) in Albuquerque, United. . .