In these modern times, chemists remain busy synthesizing and characterizing novel compounds that can be used for many beneficial purposes. For instance, Dr. R. Yamuna, Assistant Professor in the Department. . .
The ACM-W India Council provides support for women undergraduate and graduate students in India in the fields of computer science and engineering and other related disciplines. In 2010, the Coimbatore. . .
What can city dwellers do to mitigate some of the environmental issues that confront the world today? “Where most people think of complex solutions, we want to begin with simple. . .
An International Workshop on Nanotechnology in Solar and Energy Storage Applications was organized by the Amrita Center for Nanosciences in Kochi on February 24, 2012. The inaugural ceremony warmly welcomed. . .
“There is a strong disconnect between research, development and delivery in our country. Academic institutions focus on research, but not on development or deployment. Industry focuses more on development and. . .
Chancellor Amma’s message to delegates of NanoBio and NanoSolar stressed the complementary nature of scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom. The message is reproduced below. The goal of science has always. . .
The Union Minister for Human Resource Development and Communications and Information Technology, Shri Kapil Sibal using the APTAH Haptic device (vocational tools training simulator)developed by AMMACHI Labs , during the. . .
The Second International Conference on Nanotechnology at the Bio-Medical Interfaces, NANOBIO2012, was recently organized by the Amrita Centre for Nanosciences in Kochi. The First International Conference was also organized at. . .
Close on the heels of two successful international conferences organized at the Amritapuri campus of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, comes another high-profile international conference; this one at the Health Sciences campus. . .
“How can devotion for God help mankind in a practical way?” “The answer is inherent in the question itself. Devotion or love for God is the purest of all love. . .