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MoEF Research Grant Obtained

March 8, 2012

“There are many medicinal uses of plants known to various ethnic groups that remain undocumented,” stated Dr. V.S. Ramachandran, Scientist at the Amrita Centre for Environmental Studies in Coimbatore. Dr.. . .

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Helping Care Givers of Stroke Victims

March 7, 2012

“When a person suffers from a stroke, the entire family is affected. Family members have to assume a great deal of responsibility to provide care at home. It is not. . .

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Amrita Participates in Mozilla CTF Challenge

Amrita Participates in Mozilla CTF Challenge

March 7, 2012

The Amrita team that participated in Mozilla’s Capture the Flag (CTF) Challenge, was one of the few Indian teams to compete. The 24 hour online competition began on January 24th,. . .

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Classroom Cleanup

Classroom Cleanup

March 7, 2012

It would have in the mind of many who attended the ABC drives, “Why shouldn’t we clean the college first before cleaning the outside townships?” well though there were cleanup. . .

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The Amrita Sling Technique

March 5, 2012

The Department of Podiatric Surgery at the Amrita School of Medicine successfully replaced the destroyed foot and ankle bones in a 30-year-old patient with a novel prosthesis using polymethyl methacrylate. . .

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BTech EEE Students Win Honors

March 3, 2012

One has a car. Is it possible to convert it into a hybrid vehicle? What about converting a bicycle into an electric-powered cycle, so that it can truly substitute for. . .

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For Energy Conservation

March 1, 2012

Dr. P.S. Chandramohanan Nair, Professor and Chairman, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, is guiding Amrita PhD students in finding new and innovative ways to reduce power losses from the. . .

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Amrita Student at KTH, Sweden

March 1, 2012

Mr. Sreekanth K.M., PhD student in the Department of Physics at the Amritapuri campus was offered an opportunity to go abroad to do part of his research work at the. . .

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Best Paper Award for Biotech Faculty

Best Paper Award for Biotech Faculty

March 1, 2012

Ms. C. O. Sreekala, faculty at the School of Biotechnology recently received a best paper award for her paper titled Organic Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cell Based on Rosebengal:ncTiO2 and Parameter. . .

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Virtual Labs Formally Launched

Virtual Labs Formally Launched

February 29, 2012

In the past six months, 233,570 visitors have accessed the Virtual Labs website. The visitors came not just from India but also United States, Malaysia, Philippines, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada,. . .

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