“For constructing buildings, one chooses an appropriate plot (of land) and builds storeys. In film making also, one needs to develop the plot through stories.” Seeking to draw a parallel. . .
“I am typically found under highways and railway tracks; I allow water to be channeled underneath; what am I?” “Culvert,” answered Amrita students Hema Sharanya and Rini John Alappat. These. . .
A one-day national conference on Gen-X Hospital Management Mantras was organized by the Department of Hospital Administration at the Amrita School of Medicine on April 2, 2012. Titled NOVUS 2012,. . .
How much impact can one committed person make? Quite a lot, as it turns out. Varun Venkataraman, final-year student of B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) at Amrita’s Coimbatore campus initiated various programs. . .
It is said to be one of the most controversial mining projects in the world. Although India’s Supreme Court cleared Vedanta’s proposal for bauxite mining in Odisha in 2007, the. . .
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) bestowed two national awards to Amrita recently. Dr. R. G. Priyadarshini, Associate Professor, Amrita School of Business, received the Best Yi Net Teacher Award.. . .
Dr. Hardik Vachhrajani, Assistant Professor of the Department of Management, Amritapuri recently delivered a key note address at the National Seminar on Globalization: Emerging Trends in Indian Entrepreneurship. The seminar. . .
A joint project proposal for Exchange of Researchers within the frame of the Executive Programme of Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Replubic of India and the Italian Republic for. . .
When Gandhiji visited London in 1931, he sadly observed that India at that time was more illiterate than it was a hundred years ago. Indeed, extensive surveys conducted by the. . .
“Empowerment can be thought of as the totality of having access to information and resources for taking proper decisions, possessing the ability to exercise assertiveness in situations of collective decision. . .