The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), in a move to advance STEM inspiration among students through the virtual learning environment has recommended the use of Online Labs in all. . .
Not a day passes when several machines are compromised and infections spread rampantly in the world today. The cyber world has witnessed several dangerous attacks including the Stuxnet virus and. . .
The eighth Amrita Head and Neck Oncology Teaching Program (AHEAD) was organized during February 15 – 17, 2013 at the Health Sciences campus. The program was jointly undertaken by the. . .
The Amrita School of Arts and Sciences organized a two-day national conference on Security Monitoring during February 15-16, 2013 in collaboration with the Computer Society of India. A. Unnikrishnan, Associate. . .
Amrita alumnus Dr. Vijay Prasad Sivan along with other researchers at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) recently made a breakthrough that is expected to significantly advance research in soft. . .
By some estimates, Germany is one of the most active research partners for India in science and technology, second only to the US. In recent times, approximately 13% of all. . .
Amrita School of Pharmacy observed National Pharmacy Week from` December 16– 21, 2013 at the Health Sciences Campus. This year’s theme was The Pharmacist: A Healthcare Professional. The programs started. . .
CanServe – a cancer support group initiative of the Department of Oncology at the Amrita School of Medicine was inaugurated by Sri P. Rajiv, MP, on the occasion of World. . .
AmritaCREATE’s work with tablet computing was showcased in the NMC Horizon Report, 2013 Higher Education Edition. Last year, the Horizon Report had included AmritaCREATE’s Adaptive Learning and Multilingual Collaborative learning platform. The New Media Consortium (NMC) and. . .
A new grant has been sanctioned by the Department of Biotechnology(DBT) of the Government of India. The goal of the project is to construct a biophysically detailed model of a. . .