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AMMACHI Labs recognized in Stakeholders Consultative Meet with Jan Shikshan Sansthans

AMMACHI Labs recognized in Stakeholders Consultative Meet with Jan Shikshan Sansthans

June 21, 2012

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham/ AMMACHI Labs was recognized as key stakeholder to JSS in providing computerized vocational training software & services to JSS centers (272 centres) throughout India in the ‘Consultative. . .

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Saving Small Island Developing States

Saving Small Island Developing States

June 18, 2012

Mauritius was the first country in the world to ratify the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). As a small island development state (SIDS), it well knew of. . .

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Meeting At Meppadi

Meeting At Meppadi

June 17, 2012

Meppadi is a village situated in the rural District of Wayanad, Kerala. Selected as one of the sites for the CVET and LEE training, Ammachi Labs made a visit to. . .

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Award for New Google-Style Search Engine

Award for New Google-Style Search Engine

June 13, 2012

Amrita alumnus Santhosh Kumar Balakrishnan recently won an award from Google for building a Google-style search engine from scratch. Santhosh graduated from Amrita’s Coimbatore campus in 2007, with a BTech. . .

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2006 Batch Ayurveda Students Graduate

June 12, 2012

In ancient times, when students left their guru’s abode or the gurukula, after completing their studies, they underwent a sacred ritual known as Samavarthanam. In these modern times, the ancient. . .

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An Invigorating Start for Amrita Racing

An Invigorating Start for Amrita Racing

June 9, 2012

“Ours was the first Indian team ever to endure and complete the four-hour race on the 2.2 mile track at the inter-collegiate SAE International Baja Auburn,” proudly stated Dr. Thirumalini,. . .

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National Seminar on Rasayanam

June 8, 2012

Maintaining youthfulness for as long as possible, by rejuvenating body and mind is the primary objective of Rasayanam, one of the eight classical clinical specialties of Ayurveda. “It is not. . .

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Google Summer of Code Stipend for Amrita Student

Google Summer of Code Stipend for Amrita Student

June 5, 2012

The American inventor Thomas Alva Edison once remarked, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Bithin A., final-year student of M.Sc. (Computer Science) at the School of Arts. . .

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2nd Anniversary at Amrita Advanced Centre for Epilepsy

2nd Anniversary at Amrita Advanced Centre for Epilepsy

June 2, 2012

Amrita Advanced Centre for Epilepsy (AACE), providing comprehensive epilepsy care at the Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences successfully completed two years of service in June 2012. The Centre was inaugurated. . .

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Tobacco and Cancer – Made for Each Other

Tobacco and Cancer – Made for Each Other

June 1, 2012

“The year 2012 has been a great year for tobacco control programs. The government of Kerala has taken a unique decision to ban all panmasala products throughout the state of. . .

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