In order to ensure more efficient access to government schemes, a 12-digit unique number is being provided to every citizen of the country under the Aadhaar program. It is being. . .
“How do you see the market research industry evolving?” Dr. Swathi Bhima was asked. “The arrival of netnography where the free behavior of individuals is studied using social media like. . .
“Seeing the kind of research that Amrita Vishwa vidyapeetham does, I will say that yours is an institute with a difference. Yours is an institute devoted to very high quality. . .
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Bengaluru campus organized a two-day national workshop on Trends and Developments in Signal Processing and Applications (TDSPA-13) during April 27-28, 2013. Signal. . .
At the recently concluded Kolkata Annual Research and Medical/ Dental International Congress (KARMIC 2013), Amrita interns from the School of Dentistry, won the best scientific paper award. Organized by the. . .
Amritakalotsavam’13, the cultural youth festival that showcases the varied talents of our students was celebrated with great enthusiasm at the Amrita School of Biotechnology on 26th and 27th April. Dr. Bipin Nair,. . .
During Amma’s visit to her ashram in Kaimanam, Thiruvananthapuram, Shri Uthradam Thirunal Marthanda Varma, the Maharaja of Travancore and head of the Travancore royal family, presented Amma with the first-ever Vishwaretna Puraskar (Gem of the World Award), bestowed by newly constituted Hindu Parliament.
Extreme weather events may have a very different impact on the population exposed. While a hurricane overriding the East Coast of the United States might cause only a few casualties,. . .
Second-year B. Tech. students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Amritapuri Campus, Abhay Sengar, Abhiram C. Anil, Rahul Krishnan and Vivekanand Mishra, recently won the second prize in. . .
The M.Tech. program in Power and Energy was begun last year at the Amritapuri campus. Already students are making news, as they win best paper and poster awards at conferences.. . .