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Amrita School of Pharmacy students win prizes in the state level cultural festival Pharmolsavam 2014

Amrita School of Pharmacy students win prizes in the state level cultural festival Pharmolsavam 2014

February 3, 2014

Amrita School of Pharmacy students won several prizes in the recently concluded inter-collegiate state level cultural fest, Pharmolsavam 2014, conducted by the Kerala State Self Financing Pharmacy College Management Association. . .

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Department of Social Work hosts training program on Corporate Social Responsibility

Department of Social Work hosts training program on Corporate Social Responsibility

February 2, 2014

A training workshop on Planning, Executing and Managing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Projects was hosted by Department of Social Work at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s Coimbatore campus from January 29 – 31, 2014 in association with the Shanti Ashram, a. . .

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AmritaCREATE Launches Amrita RITE in Uttarkashi

AmritaCREATE Launches Amrita RITE in Uttarkashi

February 2, 2014

Amrita RITE- Rural India Tablet Education was launched in Uttarkashi, a district of Uttarakhand state in northern India on 2 February 2014. AmritaCREATE developed this project with the aim of. . .

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Center for Cyber Security Systems and Networks Showcases IoT and Big Data Projects at the 26th Kerala Science Congress

Center for Cyber Security Systems and Networks Showcases IoT and Big Data Projects at the 26th Kerala Science Congress

February 1, 2014

Amrita Center for Cyber Security Systems and Networks, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, exhibited their latest research initiatives and achievements in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytics at the 26th edition of. . .

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InCTF 2014

InCTF 2014

February 1, 2014

Not a day passes when several machines are compromised and infections spread rampantly in the world today. The cyber world has witnessed several dangerous attacks including the Stuxnet virus and. . .

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Tailoring Curriculum Workshop at Ammachi Labs

Tailoring Curriculum Workshop at Ammachi Labs

February 1, 2014

February 3, 2014 A Curriculum Finalization workshop was held on 1-Feb-2014 at AMMACHI Labs, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam for the development of computerized learning material forMES based course – GAR105:. . .

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Amrita Wins Third Prize at the IMTEX Forming 2014’s Exhibition of Academia Project

Amrita Wins Third Prize at the IMTEX Forming 2014’s Exhibition of Academia Project

February 1, 2014

Amrita won the Exhibition of Academia Project award at the IMTEX Forming 2014, 16th Indian Metal-cutting Machine Tool Exhibition, held at Bangalore International Exhibition Centre, Bangalore. The exhibit showcased Amrita’s novel patented technology on the manufacturing of Anti-Bourdon. . .

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AmritaCREATE Wins First Prize at the 26th Kerala Science Congress

AmritaCREATE Wins First Prize at the 26th Kerala Science Congress

January 31, 2014

AmritaCREATE (Amrita Center for Research in Analytics & Technologies for Education) won the first prize at the 26th Kerala Science Congress held at Wayanad, Kerala. The exhibit showcased the project, Online Labs (OLabs). . .

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International Award from the Asian Collaboration for Excellence in Non-communicable Disease

International Award from the Asian Collaboration for Excellence in Non-communicable Disease

January 30, 2014

Dr.Aswathy S., Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Amrita School of Medicine, won an International Award from the Asian Collaboration for Excellence in Non-communicable Disease (ASCEND) group for her editorial on. . .

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Amrita SeRVe project launched in Attapadi

Amrita SeRVe project launched in Attapadi

January 29, 2014

During Amma’s 60th birthday celebrations the adoption project of 101 villages throughout India was launched. The village of Mulli in the Attappady region of Kerala was one among those chosen. . .

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